Clinical Evaluation of Posterior Indirect Adhesive Restorations
Dental CariesEndodontically Treated Teeth4 moreClinical performance of indirect adhesive restorations - onlays, overlays- luted with light-cured composite resin will be evaluated over three years.

Morphological Root Canal Variation in C-shaped Canal Will be Assessed for Age by Using Cone Beam...
Decayed TeethCBCT Data Of C-Shaped Canal In Mandibular Second Molar Will Be Assessed For Age.

Stepwise and One Step Techniques In Deep Dentin Lesion
Dental CariesDental Pulp ExposureThis double blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial aimed to observe the success of stepwise (SW) and one step (OneS) excavation techniques in the management of deep dentin caries. Additionally, evaluation of glass ionomer cement (GIC) as temporary restorative was also performed. For this purpose, forty participants were selected among the routine patients coming to university clinic. A permanent tooth having caries lesions penetrating to 75 percentage or more of dentin of patient were included. Randomization to SW and OneS groups were organized by coin method. The periphery of the cavities including enamel-dentin junction was cleaned until reach to hard dentin. Afterwards, selective removal to soft dentin on the pulpal side of the cavities was applied manually excavation and covered with pure calcium hydroxide and zinc oxide eugenol cement. GIC was used for temporary filling. This process was implemented both the first stage excavation of SW and OneS groups. Clinical and radiographic evaluations were performed at 6 months according to clinical signs and symptoms and radiographic sings using Periapical Index (PAI). Besides, temporary restorations were evaluated according to the of Ryge/Modified USPHS criteria. Following this evaluation, on the SW group, the cavities was re-entered and selective removal was applied up to firm dentin and pulp-capping were applied as mentioned above. In OneS group, temporary restoration was reduced as a base. All of the cavities were permanently restored with resin composite. Whole procedure was completed at one centre by a specialist, and control sessions was performed two experienced experts. Participants and experts were blinded in this study.

Validation of PUFA Index in Assessing Untreated Dental Caries Among Malaysian Adult Subpopulation...
PulpitisApical PeriodontitisPUFA Index was introduced to detect the clinical consequences of untreated dental caries. To date, there are no studies on the reliability and accuracy of the PUFA index as a screening tool. Other than indices, radiographs were sometimes used as a screening tool using the validated Periapical Index (PAI). The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability and accuracy of PUFA and PAI in screening for clinical outcomes of untreated caries, specifically pulpal and periapical diseases. The reference standard is the clinical diagnosis, as categorized by the American Association of Endodontists. Intra- and inter-examiner reliability will be determined using Cohen's kappa. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value will be calculated. Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) contrast estimation will be computed to compare the two index tests.

Nobio Clinical Study - Demineralization Prevention With a New Antibacterial Restorative Composite...
Dental CariesDenture2 moreNobio has developed dental restorative materials with long term antibacterial properties in order to fight recurrent decay/caries around restorations. These composites with incorporated non-leaching antibacterial agents might overcome the vicious circle of newly developed cavities around freshly placed fillings. The investigators will ask lower partial denture wearers to allow them to place a "gap model" with the Nobio-composite and enamel slab in one denture flange. In the other denture flange a gap model with a standard composite will be placed as control. In the laboratory the investigators will test with established methods for demineralization/caries prevention in the test and control enamel slabs, respectively.

Immediate Implant Placement in the Esthetic Zone With and Without Using Autogenous Mixed With Xenograft...
Badly Decayed TeethXenografts are graft materials derived from the inorganic portion of animal bones; the most common source is bovine the removal of the organic component are processed to remove their antigenicity, while the remaining inorganic components provide a natural matrix as well as an excellent source of calcium. The disadvantage of xenografts is that they are only osteoconductive and the resorption rate of bovine cortical bone is slow. However leaving the jumping gap empty has been the gold standard for immediate implantation as the formed blood clot will allow bone fill in that area.

The Effect of Casein Phosphopeptide Amorphous Calcium Phosphate on Affected Dentine
Caries,DentalTeeth selected for intervention with Atraumatic Restorative Treatment will receive Glass Ionomer restorations (control) or MI varnish (test) before receiving the Glass Ionomer restoration

the Antibacterial Effect of Zinc ,Silver and Fluoride
Dental Cariesnatural teeth will be filled with the 3 different material then the dentin sample will be collected ,bacterial culture and elementary analysis will be done

Remineralization Efficacy of Gum Arabic Varnish.
Caries,DentalRemineralization1 moreThe aim of this study is to evaluate the remineralizing capacity of Gum Arabic varnish and its implementation into clinical practice.

Evaluation of Reliability of the Near-infrared Imaging System (VistaCam iX Proxi) in Comparison...
Proximal Dental CariesThe aim of this study is to evaluate the Clinical performance of the near-infrared imaging system VistaCam iX Proxi in comparison with digital radiographic findings and ICDAS-II in detection of approximal carious lesions.