Dental Caries Management by Risk Assessment: Identification and Treatment of Risk Factors Among...
Dental CariesOur study is designed as an interventional prospective longitudinal study which examines the Israeli defense force personnel. The population of our study is composed out of the IDF personnel which will be randomly be subdivided into 2 different groups - one will be noted as the intervention group and the other will function as a control group. Each participant will be monitored for a period of 18 months.

Effect of Water Rinsing After Topical Fluoride Application on Dental Plaque pH
Dental CariesThe aim of this study was to determine whether rinsing with water or cleansing teeth after topical fluoride therapy affect the dental plaque pH.

Fluoride Availability in Saliva After Use of Sodium Fluoride or Monofluorophosphate Toothpastes...
Dental CariesConsidering the widespread use of sodium fluoride (NaF) and monofluorophosphate (MFP) based toothpastes, the present study aim to evaluate F availability in saliva after use of the top-selling Brazilian toothpastes. In a blind, crossover clinical trial study, volunteers will brush their teeth with one of the following toothpastes: 1) non-fluoride toothpaste (negative control group); 2) NaF/silica based toothpaste 3)MFP/calcium carbonate based toothpaste. After brushing, a rinse with purified water will be performed. Unstimulated saliva will be collected before and up to 60 min after brushing. Ionic fluoride and total soluble fluoride (corresponding to the sum of fluoride as ion and as MFP) will be determined after acid treatment of salivary samples to hydrolyze MFP. Fluoride will be determined using an ion selective electrode.

Optimised Fluoride Prevention by Double Rinse With Fluoride and Calcium
Dental CariesAim: to determine the optimal Ca2+ concentration with 905 ppm F as NaF. Study design: Experimental study in 10 volunteers. Single blind mouth rinse with calcium lactate solution (150; 75; 0 mM Ca-lactate) is immediately followed by a standard fluoride rinse. Procedure: Rinses are performed in the evening. The rinse combinations are given in a random order, and the subjects are unaware of the sequence. At least 3 days separates the use of each rinse. Dosage: 20 mL and 1 minute rinse with each solution. Saliva samples: Twelve hours after rinsing, unstimulated saliva samples are collected by expectoration. Analysis: The fluoride concentration in saliva samples are analysed Statistics and data handling: Fluoride in saliva 12 hours after rinsing are examined by one-way ANOVA, repeated measures design.

Development and Dissemination of Oral Health Risk Assessment and Referral Guidelines
Early Childhood Dental CariesPurpose: Revise the existing oral health risk assessment tool (known as the Encounter Form in the IRB-approved project DENT-1527) and develop accompanying guidelines for its use and distribution. Evaluate the education intervention to accompany the distribution of the new risk assessment tool - the Priority Oral Health Risk Assessment and Referral Tool - PORRT and guidelines. Evaluate the extent to which the education intervention affects physicians' screening and referral performance (use of guidelines, appropriateness and quality of referrals). Participants: Primary care medical and dental providers in North Carolina. Procedures (methods): UNC will engage in a systematic literature review of dental caries risk and a simulation analysis in order to finalize the design of the PORRT referral tool and its accompanying guidelines. Medical providers will be surveyed statewide regarding their oral health screening practices with children under three years of age, and a randomized controlled trial will be implemented in 75 of these practices to evaluate guideline dissemination and effectiveness. Referral behavior will be evaluated through an analysis of the completed PORRT forms and a record review in dental practices serving as referral sites. Medicaid claims analysis will determine referral effectiveness for the RCT sites compared to the state as a whole.

Near Infrared Technology for the Detection of Proximal Caries
Caries,DentalThis study aims to determine the effectiveness of an intraoral scanner with near-infrared imaging (NIRI) for the diagnosis of proximal caries.

Cinnamon and Ginger in Comparison to Chlorhexidine Gluconate 0.2% on Oral Streptococcus Mutans
Dental CariesChlorhexidine is the most potent chemotherapeutic agent against mutans streptococci and dental caries, however, the incidence of side effects such as teeth discoloration, staining of restorations, undesirable taste, discoloration of tongue, dryness and burning sensation in the mouth discourage patients to use this mouth wash. Natural products are now preferred by a large proportion of the population and have been reported to possess antimicrobial activity.These products have recently been shown to be a good alternative to synthetic chemical substances for caries prevention like Cinnamon and Ginger. The aim of this study is to compare the antimicrobial effects of aqueous extracts of cinnamon 20% and ginger 20% in comparison to chlorhexidine gluconate 0.2% on oral streptococcus mutans

Impact of Two Recall Intervals on Dental Caries Incidence and Other Outcomes of Preschool Children...
Dental CariesQuality of Life1 moreObjectives: To assess the beneficial and harmful effects of two recall intervals on caries incidence (primary outcome) in preschool children with high caries risk. The level of anxiety, oral health related quality of life (OHRQoL), time and cost (secondary outcomes) according to each interval will also be assessed. Methods: The sample will consist of 224 children between 3-5 years of age, of both genders, with high caries risk according to the clinical criteria adapted from the Municipal Health Secretary of São Paulo. Children will be randomly allocated into two study groups: Group 1 (G1) - oral clinical examination + orientation for oral health and diet in return for 4 months; and Group 2 (G2) - oral clinical examination + orientation for oral health and diet in return for 8 months. An examiner calibrated and blinded to the study groups and the secondary outcomes will perform the clinical examinations, which consist of: gingival bleeding index, dental plaque index, detection of caries and its activity according to the ICDAS (International Caries Detection and Assessment System) and the clinical features of active and inactive caries lesions will be associated with the criteria discribed in ICDAS Commitee manual. An external dentist will conduct the assessment of the anxiety levels assessed by the Facial Image Scale, the OHRQoL measured by B-ECOHIS, the time and costs. All groups will be followed for an initial period of 16 months, totaling four follow-up visits for G1 and two follow-up visits to the G2. All analyzes will be performed by intention to treat (ITT) and considering the sensitivity analysis to assess the differences between the ITT analyzes and analyzes of complete cases.

Silver Diamine Fluoride for Caries Prevention in Removable Partial Dentures Wearers
Dental CariesDental Caries of Root SurfaceThis study measures and compares the effect of silver diamine fluoride (SDF) on caries increment in removable partial denture wearers. Half of the participants will SDF and while the other half will receive placebo.

Effect of a Sugar-Free Chewing Gum Containing Magnolia Bark Extract on Caries Lesions in Healthy...
Dental CariesThe effect of chewing gums containing MBE and xylitol on different variables related to caries and gingivitis in a sample of adult volunteers with a high risk for caries will be evaluated. The main result of that double-blind randomized controlled interventional trial will be that chewing gum containing MBE was more effective in reducing plaque acidogenicity, salivary mutans streptococci concentration and gingival bleeding compared to a xylitol and sugar-free chewing gum.