Clinical Evaluation of a Self-etch Adhesive Using a Selective Etch Technique
Dental CariesStudy hypothesis: Etching the enamel followed by use of a self-etching adhesive on enamel and dentin is as effective as a one-step etch and rinse approach.

Study of Factors of Genetic Susceptibility Associated to Severe Caries Phenotype
Dental CariesAlteration of the post- eruptive enamel microstructure due to a mutation of a gene coding for a matrix protein could increase the susceptibility of the enamel to caries after tooth eruption. To identify in young patients with severe caries incidence, the occurrence of mutations in several candidate genes which result in an alteration of the enamel microstructure that could explain the high caries susceptibility of the patient.

Periodontal and Periapical Inflammation and Pregnancy
Periodontal DiseasePeriapical Disease4 moreThis is a retrospective chart review of patient records at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. We are not actively recruiting patients for this study. Recent animal studies we conducted showed that periapical abscesses during pregnancy cause a systemic inflammatory response in the mother. Also due to the increase in TNF-alpha (an inflammatory cytokine) the mother also become insulin resistant and thus developed gestational diabetes. Periodontal inflammation has been shown in the research to lead to low-birth weight and pre-term birth. We are looking retrospectively to see if an association exists in charted data between periapical and periodontal inflammation and adverse pregnancy outcomes.

Effect of Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG and Bifidobacterium Longum in Children Aged 3 to 5 Years of...
CariesDentalThe objective of this pilot study is to determine if the presence of bacteria with probiotic characteristics (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Bifidobacterium longum) in a commercial milk, control some measures that indicate cariogenic processes.

Efficacy of Fluor Protector S in the Prevention in Adolescents
Dental CariesFluorPurpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of Fluor Protector S in preventing tooth decay in adolescents and to isolate factors that reduce its effectiveness. In this study, half of the randomly assigned participants will received fluoride varnish (Fluor Protector S) and will be considered an intervention group. The other half will undergo placebo application.

Maternal Vitamin D Levels in Pregnancy and Dental Caries in Children
Vitamin D DeficiencyDental Caries1 moreThe main aim of this study is to investigate potential associations between maternal pre- and postnatal vitamin D level and oral health outcomes (caries and developmental defects of enamel) in their children at 7-9 years of age.

Evaluation of the Antibacterial Effect of Laser Diode and Zinc Oxide Nano Particles in Cavity Disinfection...
Dental Cariesthis is a randomized controlled clinical trial, evaluating the antibacterial effect of laser diode and zinc oxide nano-particles when used as cavity disinfectants.Two groups, including 15 patients each, will be randomly allocated so that each group receives one of either interventions (15 patients will undergo cavity disinfection by laser diode, while the other 15 patients will undergo cavity disinfection by zinc oxide nano-particles). For each patient, a dentin sample will be taken before and after cavity disinfection. The dentin samples will be microbiologically analyzed to assess the difference in the bacterial count (out come assessment). The results will be statistically analyzed.

Efficacy of Three Toothpastes Using an in Situ Caries Model
Dental CariesThis will be a single-centre, randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled, 6-treatment, 4-period crossover, incomplete block design, in situ caries study in healthy adults who wear a removable bilateral mandibular partial denture. The denture will be modified to accommodate 4 gauze-covered specimens of human dental enamel (4x3mm) that have been previously demineralized in vitro to form either S or low-R lesions (2 specimens of each lesion type will be used with each participant). After 14 days of twice daily product use off-site, the 2 S lesion specimens will be removed at the study site, with the remaining 2 low-R lesion specimens removed at the study site after a further 14 days of product use. To determine the remineralization ability of the treatments, all specimens will be analyzed by transverse microradiography (TMR) and enamel fluoride uptake (EFU), with the S lesions additionally analyzed by surface micro hardness (SMH) and the low-R lesions additionally analyzed by quantitative light fluorescence (QLF).

Oral Hygiene Intervention Pilot Study
Dental CariesGingivitisThe main goals of this pilot study are to develop a nursing home-customized oral hygiene protocol, intended to be delivered primarily by dental hygienists and primary care providers, and to identify potential obstacles and barriers to overcome in designing a subsequent definitive study on the same topic.

Incidence of Caries in Smoking and Smokeless Tobacco
DENTAL CARIESThe following observational study evaluates incidence of caries in smoking and smokeless tobacco based on habit history by clinical examination and DMFT index.