Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Spa Treatment in Swieradow Zdroj With Special Regard to the Action...
OsteoarthritisDegenerative Disc DiseaseObservation conducted during the 21 days of treatment in the health resort of Swieradow-Zdroj. In a treatment of applied therapy: radon therapeutic baths and inhalations, kinesiotherapy. Study group with degenerative joints and disc disease participating in therapy. The control group was selected by the spa workers, also suffering from a degenerative disease of the movement organs not using the spa's treatment base. In both of these groups, appropriate pre- and post-treatment studies were performed.

Effects of Mechanical Versus Manual Traction in the Management of Low Back Pain.
Low Back PainLow Back Pain5 moreThis study compared the effects of mechanical and manual traction on pain, disability and lumbar spinal curvature in patients with discogenic low back pain

Evaluation of Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of CordSTEM-DD in Patients With Chronic Low Back...
Chronic Low-back PainDisc DegenerationThe purpose of this clinical study is to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of CordSTEM-DD, an allogeneic umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cell, as a cell-therapeutic drug in patients with chronic low back pain due to lumbar intervertebral disc degeneration.

Clinical Trial Based on the Use of Mesenchymal Stem Cells From Autologous Bone Marrow in Patients...
Intervertebral Disc DiseaseThe purpose of this trial is to test the effectiveness of the use of a new therapeutic strategy in treating patients with degenerative disc disease lumbar intervertebral fusion with instrumented posterolateral autologous mesenchymal stem cells and arranged in a calcium phosphate ceramic (Conduit TM).

Safety and Efficacy Study of NeoFuse in Subjects Undergoing Multi-Level Anterior Cervical Discectomy...
Cervical Degenerative Disc DiseaseDegenerative Spondylolisthesis1 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and preliminary efficacy of NeoFuse in subjects with a diagnosis of degenerative disc disease (DDD) at 2 or more adjacent cervical vertebral levels between C3-C4 to C7-T1. All subjects in this study will undergo 2 or 3 level anterior cervical discectomy and fusion with Anterior Cervical Plate Fixation.

A Pilot Study to Evaluate an Osteogenic Protein 1 (OP-1) Putty Spinal System and an Autograft Spinal...
Degenerative Disc DiseaseThis study will explore the use of recombinant OP-1 in conjunction with surgical treatment of single-level TLIF of the lumbar spine.

CHARITÉ™ Artificial Disc Compared to Anterior Interbody Fusion for Treatment of Degenerative Disc...
Degenerative Disc DiseaseThe study is designed to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the CHARITE Artificial Disc compared to anterior lumbar interbody fusion for treatment of degenerative disc disease at one level of the lumbar spine (either L4/L5 or L5/S1).

Study of 3 Doses of NeoFuse Combined With MasterGraft Granules in Subjects Requiring Posterolateral...
Degenerative Disc DiseaseSpondylolisthesis1 moreThis is a first-in-human, dose escalation clinical study to evaluate the feasibility, safety, and tolerability of 3 different doses of immunoselected, culture-expanded, nucleated, allogeneic MPCs (NeoFuse) when combined with MasterGraft Resorbable Ceramic Granules (Medtronic Sofamor Danek USA, Inc.) compared to autograft in patients requiring posterior lumbar interbody fusion with NuVasive's radiolucent PEEK OPTIMA cage (to be used with autologous bone graft material) and 1 or 2 level posterolateral lumbar fusion surgery with instrumentation. The instrumentation used for this study will be the Monarch® 5.50 mm Spine System (DePuy).

Evaluating The Safety and Effectiveness of The NeoDisc™ Versus ACDF in Subjects With Single-Level...
Cervical Disc Degenerative DisorderThe purpose of the study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the NeoDisc compared to anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) for the treatment of single-level cervical disc disease, by demonstrating non-inferior comparative results at the 24 month follow-up period pertaining to (1) improvement in the Neck Disability Index (NDI) score, (2) revision/reoperation/removal rate, (3) complication rate, and (4) maintenance or improvement in neurologic status.

Post Market Observational Trial for the PerQdisc Nucleus Replacement Device
Degenerative Disc DiseaseChronic Low-back PainPerQdisc PMCF1 is a post-market clinical follow-up observational trial to follow subjects receiving a PerQdisc spinal implant for a duration of 5 years.