Comparison of IDD Therapy and Non-surgical Treatment for Low Back Pain Caused by Degenerative Disc...
Degenerative Disc DiseaseThis study is looking at a new machine called the Accu-Spina which administers internal disc decompression by following a computer program. This non-surgical treatment (similar to traction) is being compared to a rigorous physical therapy program.

Intra-discal Injection of Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) Enriched With Exosomes in Chronic Low Back...
Chronic Low Back PainDegenerative Disc DiseaseIntervertebral disc pathology accounts for 40% or more cases of chronic LBP. Available treatment options do not improve the underlying degenerative condition hence This indicates the need for new therapies. intradiscal injection of PRP with exosomes derived from blood may potentially transmit some of the unique stem cell properties to other stem cells, facilitating stemness maintenance, differentiation, self-renewal, and repair. controlled, randomized, double-blind placebo clinical trial to compare the safety and efficacy of PRP with exosomes in discogenic LBP adminstartion of PRP with exosomes at the centre of the nucleus pulposus or equal amount of placebo paradiscal patients wil be elvaluated for primary Outcome measures viz: Visual analog scale (VAS), Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire (RDQ), SF 36 health questionnaire, Functional rating index and Secondary: MRI - disc degeneration grading, T2 quantification, and for any Adverse events including of discitis

Comparison of Artificial Disc Implants in Cervical Disc Arthroplasty
Cervical Spondylosis With MyelopathyCervical Radiculopathy2 moreThis study will comprehensively evaluate the outcomes and endpoints of these two different FDA-approved artificial disc implants used to treat cervical spondylotic myelopathy and/or radiculopathy today: Biomet Zimmer Mobi-C and Nuvasive Simplify. Both implants are structurally different with the Nuvasive Simplify implementing a three-piece design with two endplates and a semi-constrained mobile core while the Biomet Zimmer Mobi-C implements an unconstrained three piece design. Subjects will be age-matched and randomly assigned to either implant with informed consent. All subjects will undergo a variety of assessments that evaluate neck disability, quality of life, pain, physiological outcome (radiographic assessments), and neck range-of motion before and after their procedure. One baseline testing will be conducted along with three post-operation visits (three months, six months, and one year) in accordance to standard follow-up procedure. Thus, the duration of participation in the study will be approximately one and a half years.

Retrospective Study With Patients Treated With STALIF® C or M and Ti or FLX Implants for 1 and 2...
Degenerative Disc DiseaseGrade 1 Spondylolisthesis2 moreThis is a Retrospective, Observational Multi-Center study, utilizing patients diagnosed with up to a Grade1 spondylolisthesis or retrolisthesis or symptomatic degenerative disc disease and treated with STALIF® C, or M, Ti and/or FLX implants at one or two levels.

Post-Market Surveillance Study of the TM Ardis Interbody Fusion System
Degenerative Disc DiseaseThis study is a post-market clinical follow-up study to fulfill the post-market surveillance obligations according to Medical Device Directive and MEDDEV 2.12-2_Rev2_January 2012. The data collected from this study will serve the purpose of confirming safety and performance of the TM Ardis implant. The goal of this study is to demonstrate that implant is effective in reducing patient disability.

Prospective, Multi-Center Clinical Outcomes Study Evaluating the chronOS Strip Combined With Bone...
Degeneration of Lumbar Intervertebral DiscThe chronOS Strip is a synthetic bone void filler manufactured from chronOS beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) granules and a resorbable polymer [poly(lactide co-ε-caprolactone)]. The chronOS Strip, combined with autogenous bone and/or bone marrow or autograft, is intended to be used in the spine for posterolateral fusion. The purpose of this prospective, multi-center clinical case series was to evaluate posterolateral fusion rates in a prospective series of patients with degenerative disc disease. The surgical procedure consisted of instrumented posterolateral fusion with interbody support. The chronOS Strip, combined with bone marrow aspirate and local bone, was applied to the posterolateral gutters.

Performance of Inductigraft in Spinal Fusion
Degenerative Disk DiseaseSpinal Stenosis of Lumbar RegionThis is an open-label non-randomised, prospective, post market study to evaluate the performance of Inductigraft (osteoinductive synthetic bone graft) in patients receiving posterolateral lumbar spine fusion through assessment of successful fusion at 12 months post operation using x-rays and CT scans. Quality of life questionnaires also used to assess clinical outcome measures such as pain and quality of life. Patients followed up for 24 months after surgery.

A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo Controlled, Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Safety,...
Degenerative Disc DiseaseStudy to show the safety and tolerability of Intradiscal rhGDF-5 in subjects with early lumbar disc degeneration

Activ-L™ Artificial Disc Treatment of Degenerative Disc Disease in the Treatment of Degenerative...
Degenerative Disc DiseaseThe purpose of this study is to learn whether an investigational device called the Activ-L Artificial Disc is safe and effective in the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the lower (lumbar) spine.

PRESTIGE® Cervical Disc Study
Degenerative Cervical Disc DiseaseThe purpose of this clinical investigation is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the ACD in the single level surgical treatment of patients with symptomatic cervical degenerative disc disease. The primary follow-up information obtained from this clinical investigation are used to support a PMA application for the ACD.