NanoFUSE® PL Gutter PMCF
Degenerative Disc DiseaseThis study is a Post Market Follow Up Study to compare the fusion rates between the NanoFUSE® Bioactive Matrix (75%) w/autograft (25%) and autogenous bone in posterolateral gutter spinal fusion.

SPIRA™-A 3D and HCT/p DBM vs. Medtronic Divergent™-L/Perimeter™ and Recombinant BMP-2
Degenerative Disc DiseaseSpinal Stenosis2 moreA prospective, randomized, controlled clinical evaluation utilizing the SPIRA™ ALIF 3-D printed titanium interbody device with DBM vs a Medtronic PEEK ALIF interbody device with BMP

Study of Bioactive Glass-ceramic Intervertebral Spacer (Bonglass-SS) in Posterior Lumbar Interbody...
Degenerative Disk DiseaseThe goal of this study is to compare Bonglass-SS with titanum cage.

FLXfit Post Market Outcome Study Protocol
Degenerative Disc Disease LumbarThis investigation will provide safety and effectiveness information on the use of the FLXfit™ Cage. Data will be used for Post Market follow-up of the FLXfit™ system by evaluating: Safety as measured by the rate of serious operative and post-operative complications. Patients' quality of life, measured by health-related quality of life questionnaires up to 24 months following the procedure, as compared to patient's baseline.

Retrospective Review of Integrity Implants FlareHawk® for Lumbar Fusion
Degenerative Disc DiseaseThis is a retrospective clinical study (chart review) of patients who have previously undergone Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion or Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion surgery with the FlareHawk expandable interbody fusion cage at one or two contiguous levels.

Comparisons Therapeutic Effects of Different PELD Procedure on LSS.
Degeneration DiscLumbar Spinal StenosisDifferent procedure of percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy (PELD) was with ventral decompression of dural sac on the lumbar spinal stenosis remains unkonwn.The traditional transforaminal endoscopic spine system (TESSYS) of PELD has been used in clnical for many years, but cannot achieve dorsal decompression. A newly developed modified TESSYS procedure, "U" route PELD combining ventral and dorsal decompression was introduced. Nevertheless, the superior between TESSYS and "U" route PELD procedures on treating LSS remains unknown. This study is desinged to recruit degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis patients who underwent TESSYS or "U" rout PELD, recruited from January 2014 to December 2017. These patients will be followed up for 2 years, and assessed the minimum dura sac cross sectional area (mDCSA) by MRI, and visual analogue scale (VAS) and Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) at pre- and post-operation. The global clinical outcomes were evaluated using modified MacNab criteria postoperatively. Thus, comprehensively evaluate the safety and therapeutic effects of the two PELD procedures on LSS treatments.

FLXfitTM 15 TLIF Interbody Fusion Device
Degenerative Disc DiseaseThe purpose of this study is post-market, patient outcome research to evaluate medical device safety and effectiveness. The data collected will assess the safety of the FLXfit 15TM (studydevice) system.

The SPINUS I Study: Spinal Fusion for a Single Level SPECT/CT Positive Lumbar Degenerative Disc...
Degenerative Disc DiseaseBack Pain1 moreThe aim of the present study is to find out whether fusion of a sinlge level SPECT/CT positive degenerative disc disease leads to a significant improvement of pain and disability.

Percutaneous Minimal Invasive Pedicular Screw and Rod Insertion in Circumferential Lumbar Fusion...
Degenerative Disc DiseaseConvalescence after lumbar surgery is dependent on the extensiveness of the surgical procedure. Minimal invasive techniques in lumbar spine surgery are reported to achieve excellent clinical results with less pain, morbidity and disability.

Comparison of Cage Versus Plate in One Level Cervical Disc Disease
Cervical Disc DiseaseThere are largely 2 surgical methods for one-level cervical disc disease; cage only and plate/graft. Even there are many reports about the efficacy of either cage only or plate/graft, prospective comparative study is few. The object of the present study is to present design of prospective study and to demonstrate preliminary result.