Calculating the Volume of the Paravertebral Space
Vertebral Disc Degenerative DiseaseVolume of the paravertebral spaces of the tharic and lumbar regions will be measured.

Study Using the CervicalStim Device Following Cervical Fusion
Vertebral Cervical Fusion SyndromeDegenerative Disc DiseaseThis study examines the effect of adjunctive use of the CervicalStim bone growth stimulator on cervical fusion rate in high risk subjects who have undergone cervical fusion surgery. All participants will wear the bone growth stimulator every day for 4 hours/day for 6 months.

A Study Comparing Fusion Rates of Two Lumbar Fusion Procedures
PseudoarthrosisSpinal Stenosis2 moreThe purpose of this study is to demonstrate the relative efficacy of two lumbar fusion procedures: transacral lumbar interbody fusion when used in conjunction with unilateral or bilateral posterior pedicle screw fixation as an adjunct to fusion, in comparison to transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) when used in conjunction with unilateral or bilateral supplemental screw fixation as an adjunct to fusion. Subject candidates are those who had previously required and received fusion at L4-L5-S1 where these were the only lumbar levels treated for pseudoarthrosis, spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, or degenerative disc disease (DDD).

Retrospective/Prospective Data Collection on the LDR ROIA Interbody Fusion Device With VerteBRIDGE...
Degenerative Disc DiseaseThe purpose of this combination retrospective and prospective post market study is to examine the short term safety and efficacy of the ROI-A® interbody fusion device with VerteBRIDGE® plates to treat single and two-level degenerative disc disease between L2 and S1, with a focus on fusion rates and patient outcomes.

A Prospective Non-concurrent Controlled Evaluation of Open and MAS® PLIF
Lumbar Degenerative Disc DiseaseThe study is a prospective non-concurrent controlled observational evaluation of short-term operative results. As such, study sites will capture perioperative (through 6-week postoperative follow-up) case data associated with 10 standard open PLIF (posterior lumbar interbody fusion) procedures. After this open experience, these same sites will capture the corresponding data from 10 subsequent cases where the MAS (Maximum Access Surgery) PLIF variant was performed. The data from both series of cases will be compiled to identify similarities and differences between the techniques.

Facet Wedge Post Market Study
Chronic Low Back PainDegenerative Disc Disease2 moreA Multi-centre, Prospective, single-arm post market clinical follow up study (PMCF) of the FACET WEDGETM spinal system to assess outcomes in subjects with chronic low back pain due to Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD), facet joint disease and/or pseudo arthrosis post anterior instrumentation. The objective of this study is to assess outcomes following implantation of the FACET WEDGE spinal system when used to provide fixation of lumbar motion segments. The primary objective of this study is to determine the rate of re-operations at the index level(s). The secondary objectives of this study are to confirm the safety and performance of the device and to collect patient reported outcome data.

An ACDF Multi-Center Study Using ViviGen Cellular Bone Matrix
Cervical SpondylosisDegenerative Intervertebral Discs1 moreThe purpose of this post-market study is to collect data on ViviGen and how its use affects fusion rates in the cervical spine when used as additional grafting material to fill the cervical spacer. The patient population of interest is patients who have already elected to undergo a 2-3 level ACDF surgical procedure using ViviGen, per standard of care.

Osteocel® Plus in Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (ALIF)
Degenerative Disc DiseaseLumbarThis study is being conducted to determine the percentage of patients with solid spinal fusions after being treated with Osteocel Plus in an ALIF procedure. Due to the unique processing conditions, Osteocel Plus retains a high concentration of stem cells in conjunction with the allograft bone matrix, so it is hypothesized that the fusion rate with Osteocel Plus will be comparable to published data for autograft. The Osteocel product family has already been used in approximately 15,000 cases worldwide.

CARES Lumbar Artificial Disc Registry
Lumbar Degenerative Disc DiseaseThe purpose of the registry is to assess outcomes following treatment with lumbar total disc replacement (TDR) in patients outside the clinical trial setting.

A Clinical Trial Evaluating a Total Disc Replacement in Patients With Cervical Disc Disease
Cervical Disc DiseaseThis study will be a non-randomized trial consisting of patients with single level (C3 to C7) symptomatic cervical disc disease who have not previously received fusion surgery at the same level, and have failed to improve with conservative treatment for at least 6 weeks prior to enrollment, or who present with progressive neurological symptoms or signs in the face of conservative treatment.