Safety and Performance of the Hexanium TLIF System in the Treatment of Degenerative Disc Disease...
Intervertebral Disc DegenerationThe goal of this observational study is to confirm the safety and efficacy of the Hexanium TLIF system in the treatment of skeletally mature patients suffering from degenerative disc disease (disease that occurs when the spinal disk break down). Part of their standard of care, participants will be questioned on their back and leg pains, their disability and if they have encountered any adverse effects since the Hexanium TLIF system implant surgery. Those data will be collected up to twenty four (24) months after the Hexanium TLIF system implant surgery.

A Multi-center Prospective Randomized Controlled Study on Clinical and Radiographic Analysis of...
Disk DegenerationCervical Disc DiseaseThe object of this study is to assess the long-term safety and efficacy of cervical disc replacement with the ProDisc-C vivo Cervical Disc in a prospective, randomized, multi-center trial with 7 years of follow-up.

Evaluation of Outcomes With Umbilical Cord Allograft for Musculoskeletal Conditions Musculoskeletal...
OsteoarthritisTendinitis6 moreThe aim of the study is to determine the efficacy of an Amniotic Fluid Tissue Product for pain relief and functional improvements for all types of musculoskeletal conditions. The study is prospective, with outcome measures being obtained at numerous time points after the regenerative procedure.

HYDRAFIL-D: HYDRogel Augmentation For Intervertebral Lumbar Discs
Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD)A multi-center, prospective, dual arm, randomized, controlled pivotal study to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the ReGelTec HYDRAFIL™ System.

Effect of Pre-existing Adjacent Segment Degeneration on Long-term Effectiveness After Lumbar Fusion...
Degenerative Lumbar Spinal StenosisDegenerative Disc Disease1 moreThis is a prospective single-center study. Patients requiring posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) for lumbar degenerative disease are prospectively enrolled and followed. Important adjacent pre-existing degeneration factors include discs degenerated, facets and ligamentum flavum tropism which could lead to spinal canal stenosis (SCS). This study will focus on the effects of pre- existing adjacent degeneration (disc factors and spinal canal stenosis factors) on long-term postoperative outcomes.

Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of TLIF w/3D Printed Cellular Implant
Foraminal StenosisDegenerative Disc Disease2 moreThis study is designed to evaluate clinical outcomes and spine fusion rates for patients undergoing transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion using the CONDUIT 3D printed titanium TLIF cage.

ACDF Using Structural Allograft vs. Tritanium C
Degenerative Disc DiseaseThis is an observational, descriptive, prospective and retrospective data collection study. The purpose of this study is to observe radiographic outcomes of patients who will undergo anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) utilizing Tritanium C (Stryker Spine). The rate of fusion success and adverse events will be compared retrospectively to patients who underwent instrumented ACDF utilizing structural allograft bone with plates.

Pilot Study of ZetaFuse™ Bone Graft for the Treatment of Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease
RadiculopathyCervical4 moreThe goal of this pilot clinical trial is to test the safety and preliminary performance of the ZetaFuse Bone Graft in patient requiring fusion of the C3-C7 vertebral bones due to pain or loss of neurological function. Participants will be treated with ZetaFuse during surgical intervention to reduce pain and the loss of neurological function.

Personalized Spine Study Group (PSSG) Registry
Scoliosis; AdolescenceDegenerative Disc Disease6 moreThe primary objective of the study is a data collection initiative. The study will collect clinical and radiographic outcomes of patients implanted with patient specific rods. The secondary objective is to collect clinical and radiographic outcomes of patients with hardware as a control cohort to the patient-specific rods.

OssiMend BA in Posterolateral Instrumented Lumbar Fusion
Spinal DiseaseDegenerative Disc DiseaseThe primary objective of this study is to measure the success rate of lumbar fusion in subjects at 12 months when instrumented lumbar arthrodesis is performed using OssiMend Bioactive Moldable as the bone grafting material