Exploring the Effects of Corticosteroids on the Human Hippocampus
HydrocortisoneDepression1 moreChronic corticosteroid (CS) exposure is associated with changes in memory and the hippocampus in both humans and in animal models. The hippocampus has a high concentration of glucocorticoid receptors (GCRs), and the pre-clinical literature demonstrates shortening of apical dendrites in the CA3 region of the hippocampus and decreased neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus (DG) following CS administration. In humans, both stress and CS exposure are associated with a decline in declarative memory performance (a process mediated by the hippocampus). Impairment in declarative memory and hippocampal atrophy are reported in patients with excessive CS release due to Cushing's disease, and, by our group, in patients receiving prescription CS therapy. These findings have important implications for patients with mood disorders, as a large subset of people with major depressive disorder (MDD) show evidence of HPA axis activation, elevated cortisol and, importantly, resistance to the effects of CSs on both the HPA axis and on declarative memory. Thus, resistance to corticosteroids appears to be a consequence of MDD. this study will examine changes in declarative memory, as well as use state-of-the-art high-resolution multimodal neuroimaging, including structural and functional (i.e., task-based and resting state) MRI, in both men and women healthy controls, and, as an exploratory aim, a depressed group, given 3-day exposures to hydrocortisone (160 mg/day) or placebo. The study will translate preclinical findings to humans, provide valuable data on possible sex differences in the response to cortisol and, for the first time, identify specific hippocampal subfields (e.g., CA3/DG) in humans that are most sensitive to acute CS effects. Using resting state fMRI data and whole brain connectomics using graph theoretical approaches, we will determine the effects of cortisol exposure on functional brain networks. Furthermore, this will be the first study to use neuroimaging to compare the brain's response to CSs in people with depression vs. controls, and determine whether depressed people demonstrate glucocorticoid resistance within the hippocampus. We hypothesize that hippocampal response to acute CSs will be greatest in the CA3/DG subfield, greater in women than in men, and that depressed people will show a blunted hippocampal response to CSs compared to controls. A multidisciplinary research team with extensive experience in CS effects on the brain and hippocampal subfield neuroimaging, and a prior history of research collaboration, will conduct the project.

Affective Touching on Poststroke Depression
Post-stroke DepressionThis mixed-method study includes a randomised controlled trial and an exploratory qualitative study, and aims to examine the effects of caregiver-delivered affective touch on depressive symptoms, state of attachment security, self-esteem, and perceived family harmony among stroke survivors, and to explore the mediating effect of attachment security and how an intervention may affect depressive symptoms from stroke survivor's perspective. A total of 184 survivor-caregiver dyads will be recruited from various non-governmental organisations. The dyads will be randomly allocated to intervention (IG) and control (CG) groups, stratified by the survivor's attachment style. IG caregivers will be taught to deliver a 15-minute affective touch intervention to stroke survivors. To address the attention effect, CG caregivers will be asked to sit with the survivors during a 15-minute fine motor coordination exercise. Both activities, affective touching and fine motor exercise, will be performed for 12 weeks (3 times/week), and the outcomes mentioned earlier will be measured at baseline, 12 and 36 weeks after study entry.

Neuroimaging Sleep and Mood in Depression
Major DepressionThis study will investigate how sleep and mood are related in patients with depression and in healthy controls. It will use MRI-based measures of brain function to determine how neural systems are modulated by sleep and sleep deprivation, and its links to mood in depression.

Is Brain Insulin Resistance a Feature of the Biology of Depression in Adolescents
Major Depressive DisorderDepressionThis study will examine if brain insulin resistance is a feature of depression in humans using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measures sensitive to brain insulin action. This study will examine adolescents, as depression onset commonly occurs during this age, and the impacts of cumulative medication exposure and other lifestyle-related confounds are also lower in this age group, improving our ability to understand the underlying biology.

Transcranial Pulse Stimulation for Depression
Major DepressionTranscranial pulse stimulation (TPS) is a newly developed brain stimulation therapy from Austria & Germany with highly promising applicability in neuropsychiatric disorders. Major depressive disorder (MDD) is the world's leading cause of disability. Novel treatment approaches are urgently needed given that a significant fraction of patients does not sufficiently respond to standard antidepressant treatments. Our open-label pilot study using TPS in MDD indicates preliminary efficacy. However, experimental control is necessary to infer reliable scientific evidence for the efficacy of TPS. Here, we propose a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled clinical trial to probe the utility of TPS as a modern antidepressant treatment.

Prucalopride and Cognition in Recovered Depression
Depression in RemissionThe current study has two aims: To test the effect of 5-HT4 receptor agonism on cognition (including memory, attention and cognitive control) in individuals with previous history of depression. To explore if prucalopride has an effect on emotional processing biases consistent with its effects on serotonin.

Disentangling Pharmacological and Expectation Effects in Antidepressant Discontinuation
Depressive SymptomsExpectations1 moreAntidepressant medication is established as an evidence-based, guideline-recommended treatment for Major Depressive Disorders. In the past decades, prescriptions of antidepressant medication have markedly increased, with a specific surge in maintenance prescriptions and therefore, long-term intake, despite guideline recommendations to discontinue antidepressant medication after maintenance therapy has been completed. Over half of fully remitted patients who attempt to discontinue their antidepressant medication report adverse discontinuation symptoms. For many patients, discontinuation symptoms are so severe, that they do not manage to complete their discontinuation attempt. While discontinuation symptoms, deterioration of depressive symptoms, and recurrence can result from pharmacological effects of antidepressant discontinuation, patients' expectations towards discontinuation are likely to play an essential role in occurrence, too. The aim of the present study is to explore the interplay of expectations and pharmacological effects in antidepressant discontinuation. Participants who fulfill German national S3 guideline recommendations will receive a 1:1 chance to either discontinue their antidepressant medication or remain on their antidepressant medication. In addition, participants' expectations are intended to be manipulated by varying verbal instructions using the open-hidden paradigm. Within the open trial arms, participants will receive full information about their treatment (i.e., high expectation). Within the hidden trial arms, participants will be informed about a 50% chance of discontinuing versus remaining on their antidepressant medication (i.e., moderate expectation). Participants will have a 1:1:1:1 chance of being allocated to 1 of the 4 experimental groups: open discontinuation (OD), hidden discontinuation (HD), open continuation (OC), or hidden continuation (HC) of their antidepressant medication. This preregistration is part of the collaborative research center (CRC) SFB/TRR289 which aims to characterize the psychological and neurobiological effects of treatment expectations on health outcome (https://treatment-expectation.de) and is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).

Life Experiences in Adolescents and the Development of Skills
Depression in AdolescenceAdverse Childhood ExperiencesThe primary objective of this study is to assess acquisition and retention of a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)-based "cognitive restructuring" skill, among young adolescents (12-15 years of age) with elevated depression symptoms and with population-level variability in lifetime exposure to adverse childhood experiences. This study uses a repeated-measures, longitudinal design to investigate associations between adversity exposure and learning-related cognitive control processes in the context of elevated depression (Aim 1). Adversity exposure and cognitive control will be examined as direct predictors of cognitive restructuring skill acquisition and skill retention over six-months; an indirect pathway from adversity to skill acquisition through cognitive control will also be examined (Aim 2). The study also includes exploration of key characteristics of adversity, namely the type (threat of harm versus deprivation of resources) and developmental timing of exposure, as distinct predictors of skill acquisition (exploratory Aim 3).

Efficacy of Gamified Cognitive Control Training Using de:)Press on Depression Severity add-on to...
DepressionCognitive Impairment2 moreDepression is one of the most frequent and devastating psychiatric diseases with a substantial bur-den for patients and society. It is specifically associated with dysfunctional activity in brain networks subserving cognitive control of emotional information processing. Normalization of this activity is a hallmark of various treatment approaches. Computerized training of cognitive control has shown antidepressant effects in experimental lab settings and small clinical pilot trials. However, motiva-tion, treatment adherence, and access for patients are major challenges that limit its broader use. To address these challenges, we developed a software application (de:)press®) that integrates gamification elements in a standard cognitive control task to support motivation, usage time, usabil-ity, and therefore symptom reduction. In a previous pilot trial, we were able to document that de:)press® is superior to a non-gamified standard cognitive control training in reducing depression symptomatology. Based on these data, we now designed a full-size confirmatory trial for the pur-pose of testing the hypothesis that de:)press® provides a positive healthcare effect by means of reduction in depression severity compared to treatment as usual (TAU). In this randomized, con-trolled, clinical trial 112 patients will be randomized to the intervention group (IG) with de:)press® additional to TAU, or the control group (CG) receiving only TAU. For a period of 6 weeks, the IG is provided with de:)press®. To prove a stable efficacy of de:)press®, the primary endpoint is the dif-ference in the Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Scale (MADRS) change 4 weeks after the end of training between IG and CG.

One Talk at a Time: A Racial-ethnic Socialization Intervention for Diverse Families
Depressive SymptomsAnxiety Disorders and Symptoms2 moreThis study is a randomized effectiveness trial that tests the online delivery of a video-based intervention (One Talk at a Time (OTAAT)) relative to a control group over a one-year span. Hypotheses include: 1.) The OTAAT intervention will increase parental motivation to engage in racial-ethnic socialization (RES) conversations, their skills and confidence in having these conversations, and the frequency and quality of these conservations; 2.) The OTAAT intervention will increase youth reports of their coping with discrimination, perceived efficacy in coping with discrimination in the future, ethnic-racial identity, and youth mental and academic outcomes; 3.) Greater parental discrimination and youth discrimination will moderate links between OTAAT intervention and parental ethnic-racial motivation + competency as well as youth ethnic-racial identity, coping, and psychosocial outcomes.