Post Marketing Surveillance Study of Biphasic Insulin Aspart 30
DiabetesDiabetes Mellitus3 moreThis study is conducted in Asia. The aim of this study is to review the safety and efficacy of biphasic insulin aspart 30 in post-marketing use.

Validation of the Artificial Pancreas Diabeloop Algorithm in the Hospital
Type 1 DiabetesTo assess whether the DIABELOOP algorithm provides better glycemic control than the usual algorithm of T1D patients on pump therapy: at meals, with CHO roughly assessed by the patient. during and after physical activity sessions qualified as moderate by the patient. Primary endpoint : time within the glycemic reference range. The study will be conduct with 15 patients at the following investigation centers : Corbeil Hospital, CHU of Grenoble, and CHU of Montpellier.

Text Message for Adolescents With Poorly Controlled Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1 DiabetesThe purpose of this study is to assess HbA1c reduction after supportive care by SMS among adolescents with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes.

Magnetic Resonance Diagnostics of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
Diabetes MellitusType 18 moreThis project aims to develop high field MR techniques to detect nerve lesions in diabetic patients. The MRI findings will be compared to results from conventional evaluations and nerve conduction studies to determine the validity as part of a clinical practice.

An International Non-interventional Cohort Study to Evaluate the Safety of Treatment With Insulin...
Diabetes MellitusDiabetes Mellitus3 moreThis study is conducted in Europe and Asia. The purpose of the study (Diabetes Pregnancy Registry) is to evaluate the safety of treatment with insulin detemir in pregnant women with diabetes mellitus.

Effect of Acute Exercise on Endothelial Function in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes.
Type 1 Diabetes MellitusThe aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of a single session of aerobic plus resistance exercises on the vascular function of patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. The investigators hypothesize that a single aerobic exercise session would promote greater benefit in vascular function of patients with type 1 diabetes, as compared with the resistive exercise session.

Crossover Feasibility Study of Portable AP Device With Zone-MPC and HMS and Adapted I:C and Basal...
Type 1 Diabetes MellitusThe purpose of this trial is to assess the performance of an Artificial Pancreas (AP) device using the Portable Artificial Pancreas System (pAPS) platform for subjects with type 1 diabetes using an insulin pump and rapid acting insulin. This proposed study is designed to compare closed-loop control with or without optimization of initialization parameters related to basal insulin infusion rates and insulin to carbohydrate (I:C) ratios for meals and snacks.

French Observational Survey to Assess Hypoglycaemia in Insulin-treated Diabetic Patients
DiabetesDiabetes Mellitus3 moreThis non-interventional study is conducted in Europe. The study is both retrospective and prospective. The purpose of the study is to assess the frequency of hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose) in insulin-treated patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

United Kingdom User Evaluation, MiniMed Paradigm® X54 System
Diabetes MellitusType 1The user evaluation is to assess user acceptance and the quality of training materials for the MiniMed Paradigm® X54 System (X54 System) in preparation for commercial distribution of the new system.

The Role of FTO Gene Polymorphism and Insulin Preparation in Obesity in Children With Type 1 Diabetes...
Type 1 Diabetes MellitusThe project aims at assessment of the effect of the FTO gene polymorphism and the type of treatment on the development of overweight/obesity and features of metabolic syndrome in children with type 1 diabetes. Gene polymorphism including some genetic variants may predispose to the development of cardiovascular diseases and their complications. The A allele of the FTO gene predisposing to obesity occurs in approximately 40% of the European population and each copy of this allele can increase BMI by 0.1 Z-score i.e. by 0.4 kg/m2. Insulin therapy in diabetic patients may result in excess body weight gain. Therefore we need studies involving large groups of children and assessing cardiovascular risk factors in type 1 diabetes along with their genetic associations. Patients: The study will include 1500 children with type 1 diabetes, aged 6-18 years. Reference group will be made of 1500 children in whom type 1 diabetes was excluded. The following variables will be assessed in the treatment group: 1) Anthropometric data and questionnaire data: age, sex, body height and weight, body mass index (BMI), waist and hip circumferences, arm and thigh circumferences, family history of overweight/obesity, type 1 or 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease, 2) Primary disease characteristics: age of the disease onset, treatment regimen, mean daily insulin consumption per kg body weight, brands of insulin products, glycated haemoglobin, BMI from the first 3-6 months following diabetes onset, diet, conversion of these data into actual and ideal calorie intake 3) Laboratory data - lipid profile and blood pressure (average of three measurements). Methodology: Gene polymorphism analysis in the extracted DNA will be made with the real-time PCR method using TaqMan 7900 HT by Applied Biosystems. Correlations between the FTO gene polymorphism and clinical variables such as BMI (including BMI increase since the disease onset), body weight and height, waist and hip circumferences, arm and thigh circumferences, and blood pressure will be assessed by a professional statistician with a specially dedicated software. Moreover parameters such as diet and metabolic control will be assessed. As regards insulin therapy the following variables will be analysed: insulin injection device, therapy regimen (intensive versus functional; brands and types of insulin products: human insulin versus insulin analogue), consumption of insulin. All of the above listed variables will be correlated with the genotypes found in the gene polymorphism analysis. The study has been approved by Bioethics Committee of the Medical University in Białystok. Results: The authors of the project expect that the effect of the FTO gene polymorphism on overweight/obesity and features of metabolic syndrome in children with type 1 diabetes will be shown. Moreover the project will enable assessment of the effect of the therapeutic regimen, including the type of insulin product, on body weight increase in the course of type 1 diabetes treatment in the context of the FTO gene polymorphism. Confirmation of the above associations and identification of a group at risk of excess body weight increase in the course of insulin therapy may help physicians, parents and patients to avoid this complication. Therefore clinical benefit of this project will include identification - based on the genetic assays results - of a group of type 1 diabetic children particularly likely to develop overweight, obesity and other cardiovascular risk factors.