CSII in Type 1 Diabetes: Diet, Quality of Life & Cardiometabolic Risks - A Longitudinal Study
Type 1 DiabetesGlycaemic control is an important aspect of Type 1 diabetes (T1D) management for diabetologists and patients alike. Evidence suggests continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) is an effective method of achieving this. Among the advantages of CSII is the opportunity for patients to potentially discard relatively inflexible mealtimes and carbohydrate requirements imposed by other regimes such as multiple daily injections (MDI). There are also reported improvements in quality of life. Furthermore, in patients with good glycaemic control, such as those often assisted by CSII, various qualitative atherogenic lipid abnormalities may exist, despite the presence of a normal quantitative lipid profile; potentially leading to increased cardiometabolic risks. Literature examining the eating behaviours, quality of life and cardiometabolic risks of CSII patients over time after commencement of the therapy is sparse, frequently dated and worthy of further research.

Impact of a Diabetes Camp on Glycemic Control Among Children and Adolescents Living With Type 1...
Type 1 DiabetesTherapeutic education is central to the management of diabetes, especially in children and adolescents. Camps represent an ideal environment for education. During camps, the campers receive both theoretical and practical information intended to improve their understanding and self-management of diabetes. The metabolic impact of diabetes camp is little known among children and adolescents living with type 1 diabetes in sub-Saharan Africa. The aimed of this study was to assess the changes in glycemic control and insulin doses in a group of children and adolescents living with type 1 diabetes in Cameroon during and after camp.

Diameter Changes of Retinal Vessels During Hypoxia
Diabetes Mellitus Type 1Diabetic MaculopathyThe primary objective is to study if an inhibition of nitric oxide and/or prostaglandins affect the diameter changes of retinal vessels observed during hypoxia. Diameter changes are studied using the Dynamic Vessel Analyzer.

A Study of Insulin Peglispro and Glargine on Fats in Participants With Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes MellitusType 1This study has two parts. Each participant will receive a daily injection of insulin peglispro during one treatment period and a daily injection of insulin glargine during the other treatment period. Each treatment period is 3 to 4 weeks and is followed by procedures to look at how the body uses or stores fats while taking each study drug.

Trial to Compare the Relative Pharmacodynamic Properties of Different Glucagon Dosages
Diabetes Mellitus Type 1The ultimate goal of the PCDIAB project is to develop a bi-hormonal pump (insulin and glucagon) substituting for the pancreas and facilitating tight euglycemic control in patients with T1DM.

Pharmacokinetics Study of Gamma-aminobutyric Acid
Diabetes MellitusDiabetes Mellitus6 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine upon administering GABA orally to a person how it is absorbed, distributed, as well as the drug's pharmacological effects on the body such as glucose levels, serum C-peptide and/or insulin levels (referred to as pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics). We will conduct experiments in normal subjects to address these questions.

A Study of How Insulin Peglispro (LY2605541) and Insulin Glargine Affect the Breakdown of Fat and...
Type 1 Diabetes MellitusThis is a two-period study of participants with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). In each period, participants will receive once daily injections of stable dose LY2605541 or insulin glargine for 28 to 35 days followed by procedures to look at how the body uses or stores fats and sugars. Participants will continue to use meal time insulin throughout the study. Healthy participants will also enroll in the study. They will not receive any study medication.

A Study of LY2605541 (Insulin Peglispro) and Human Insulin Concentrations in Fat Tissue
Diabetes MellitusType 1LY2605541 is an investigational drug being developed for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. This study is designed to understand how the body handles the investigational drug, and to measure the quantity of LY2605541 in fat tissue. The study has two parts. It involves intravenous (IV) infusion of the investigational drug and a procedure to measure concentrations in the fat tissue. Both parts of the study will be conducted in participants with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Part A and B of the study might take up to 7 weeks to complete.

Edmonton Automated Sugar Intelligence - Intelligent Diabetes Management, EASI-IDM, App Program to...
DiabetesType 1A closed loop system for diabetes care utilizing an insulin pump, continuous glucose sensing and appropriate mathematical modelling to guide insulin dosing is a goal for those with Type 1 diabetes. Yet the cost of the associated hardware will be prohibitive for many people with diabetes or their health care payers. Carbohydrate counting, insulin dose correction systems, basal bolus regimens with or without an insulin pump all facilitate glucose control but frequent adjustment to a diabetes regimen is a necessary cornerstone to successful diabetes management; if all that is used is the regimen suggested by the health care provider at a visit and this regimen is left unchanged until the next visit or contact then success will be limited. A readily available user friendly program suitable for a smart phone or tablet would have widespread applicability and benefit. The investigators hypothesize that such an app linked into a web site that facilitated review of glucose records will be acceptable to people with diabetes and improve glucose control. Our long term goal is to create an app that can advise on diabetes management.

Skin Blood Flow in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Compared to Normal Controls
Type 1 Diabetes,BoneThe effects of high serum glucose on bone could be direct or could be indirect through its effects on the microvasculature. Previous studies by Rendell et al and Brugler et al have found significant differences in skin blood flow between diabetics and control. The investigators are proposing that blood flow measurements of the skin may be correlated with bone remodeling rates in iliac bone biopsies.