Does Soluble Fiber Supplementation Result in Lower Postprandial Blood Glucose in Women With Gestational...
Gestational DiabetesThe objective of this study is to investigate the effect of supplementation of 10g soluble fiber from guar on postprandial blood glucose levels in women with gestational diabetes after consumption of a standardized meal compared with no supplementation. Null Hypothesis H0: Soluble fiber supplementation will not result in a lower postprandial blood glucose increase in women with gestational diabetes compared to no supplementation after consumption of a standardized meal. Alternative hypothesis H1: Soluble fiber supplementation will result in a lower postprandial blood glucose increase in women with gestational diabetes compared to no supplementation after consumption of a standardized meal. Study participants are randomly assigned to the intervention (consumption of a standardized meal and 10g soluble fibre) or control group (consumption of a standardized meal without soluble fibre). After a 2-day wash-out phase, the two groups are switched (the intervention group becomes the control group and vice versa) with the same standardized procedure.

Myo-inositol for Reduction of Insulin Therapy in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Gestational Diabetes MellitusGestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as hyperglycemia first-diagnosed during pregnancy. Glycemic control reduces GDM-related complications. With the new diagnostic criteria of GDM, up to 25% of pregnant women have GDM, whereas it was previously 6-10% in France. Therefore caring for women with GDM is very time-consuming. Therapeutic strategy includes dietary and lifestyle measures and additional insulin therapy for 15 to 40% of the women with GDM if the glycemic targets are not achieved after a period of 1 to 2 weeks of diet. Insulin therapy is imperfect for the following main reasons: need for education (i.e. subcutaneous administration, dose titration), hypoglycemia and weight gain, limited acceptance and high cost. Psychosocial deprivation is associated with more cases of GDM and health accessibility may be unequal. MYO-INOSITOL (MI) is an oral dietary supplement, which reduces insulin resistance. Women with GDM are deficient in MI. MI supplementation safely prevents GDM by 65 to 87% in high-risk women. A pilot study has shown a 75% reduction of the need for insulin during GDM not controlled by diet. The coordinator investigator propose here, for the first time, a randomized controlled study evaluating MI versus placebo in women with newly diagnosed GDM.

Gestational Diabetes and Pharmacotherapy (GAP)
Gestational DiabetesThe goal of this study is to compare two different thresholds for initiation of medical treatment for GDM. Pregnant women diagnosed with GDM will be randomized to either start pharmacotherapy when they have reached at least 20% or at least 40% of capillary blood glucose (CBG) values above the target goal. The investigators hypothesize that a lower threshold of 20% elevated CBG levels, compared to 40%, will lead to lower rates of obstetric and medical complications.

Randomized Controlled Trial Intervention With New Nordic DIet in Women With GestatiOnal Diabetes...
Gestational Diabetes MellitusThe study evaluates whether the New Nordic Diet, compared to routine care, will improve glucose control, among women developing gestational diabetes mellitus during pregnancy. Originally, a 10 wk intervention with qualified counseling on New Nordic Diet was planned, and effects on glycosylated haemoglobin A (HbA1c) at gestational age 37 weeks was planned as main outcome. Recruitment started in spring 2020 but had to be halted due to covid-19. Instead, we now conduct a more comprehensive version of the study, with a more intensive intervention consisting of distributed food bags plus dietary counselling for two weeks, and with continuous glucose monitoring during these two weeks to measure main outcome. This is more sensitive to small changes than is HbA1c. With this shorter and more intensive intervention we believe we can address our original hypothesis yet adjust to impacts of the covid-19 situation on the population and health care system.

Heterogeneity Informed Nutrition Therapy for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Gestational DiabetesThe hypothesis for this study is that women with different physiologic subtypes of gestational diabetes (GDM) (insulin secretion deficit vs. insulin sensitivity deficit) will differ in their glycemic responses to meals with different portions of dietary macronutrients. Investigators will determine GDM subtype based on glucose and insulin levels taken at multiple time points during an oral glucose tolerance test. Participants will consume two meals with different macronutrient content while wearing a continuous glucose monitor which will allow investigators to assess the glycemic response to the meals.

Utility of Real Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring in the Care of Gestational Diabetes Versus Standard...
Gestational DiabetesOnce a pregnant mother is diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), she will be treated with either diet, medication (i.e., insulin), or both. The most important factor in GDM management is glycemic control to reduce adverse outcomes. Blood glucose levels have become the "key player" for monitoring and directing treatment during pregnancy. Large trials have confirmed that treatment of GDM to optimize glycemic control can decrease the incidence of many of these associated adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes. Up to now, SMBG (self-monitoring of blood glucose) is recommended for women with gestational diabetes that involves finger pricking up to six times daily. However, SMBG provides an incomplete picture of the daily glucose profile due to long intervals between finger pricking, and inaccurate self-reported measurements, which heavily rely on patients' compliance.

Exenatide Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics in Gestational Diabetes
Gestational DiabetesThis study is being done to study how exenatide, an FDA-approved drug that lowers blood sugar in non-pregnant patients with type II diabetes, works in pregnant women. To do this, the investigators will study the drug's pharmacokinetics (what the body does to the drug; specifically, how quickly your body breaks down and excretes exenatide) and pharmacodynamics (what the drug does to the body; specifically, how effectively exenatide helps the participants' pancreas secrete insulin and how well it controls blood sugar after a meal). There are only two main drug therapies (insulin injections and glyburide pills) currently used for gestational diabetes and not all women achieve good enough blood sugar control without side effects. Therefore, the investigators hope to find out if exenatide might also be helpful in gestational diabetes.

The Effectiveness of Rt-CGM to Improve Glycemic Control and Pregnancy Outcome in Patients With GDM...
CgmGestational Diabetes3 moreReal-time continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems provide users with information about current glucose levels and alert the patient before the upper or lower glucose threshold is reached or when glucose levels change rapidly. Hence, glycaemic excursions can be early identified and accordingly adapted by behavioural change or pharmacologic intervention. Randomized controlled studies adequately powered to evaluate the impact of long-term application of real-time CGM systems on the risk reduction of adverse obstetric outcomes are missing.

Choline Supplementation on Fetal Growth in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Gestational DiabetesGestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), characterized by maternal high blood sugar, affects up to 15% of pregnancies worldwide. GDM doubles the risk of fetal growth (i.e. macrosomia, large fetus,) which further predisposes the affected fetus to elevated risks of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease later in life. The placenta mediates macrosomia by increasing fat and glucose transport to the fetus during GDM. Effective methods to normalize placental nutrient transport and prevent macrosomia are lacking. Choline is a semi-essential nutrient found in egg yolks, meat, fish and cruciferous vegetables. The demand for this nutrient increases substantially during pregnancy. Previous research demonstrated that maternal choline supplementation (MCS) normalized placental fat and glucose transport as well as fetal growth and fat mass in GDM mice. In this study, the investigators will recruit pregnant women with GDM and randomized them to receive a choline supplement (470mg/day, a dose with demonstrated safety), or a placebo for 8 weeks, starting after gestational week 28. The investigators will determine the effects of choline on fetal growth as well as the influence of choline on placental transport and epigenetic modifications in growth-related genes in the placenta and umbilical cord. Successful completion of this study will provide valuable insights into the use of choline supplement as a modifier of placental macronutrient homeostasis in GDM to improve fetal growth outcomes.

A Study on the Use of Real -Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring (RT-CGM) in Gestational Diabetes...
Gestational DiabetesThe purpose of this study is to examine whether RT-CGM (real time continuous glucose monitoring) use improves glucose control, maternal outcomes, and fetal outcomes in patients diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Currently, there is very limited data on whether RT-CGM use helps patients diagnosed with gestational diabetes. By conducting this study, the investigator hopes to develop a deeper understanding of how use of a RT-CGM may affect glucose control in the gestational diabetes population.