Evaluation of the Gestational Diabetes Self-Management Education Program and Quality Improvement...
Gestational DiabetesThe broad, long-term objectives are to generate and test hypotheses leading to theories that guide improved care of patients with gestational diabetes. The purpose of this chart review study is to evaluate the Vanderbilt Gestational Diabetes Self-Management Education Program and Quality Improvement Plan in optimizing metabolic control and improving health outcomes during pregnancy with gestational diabetes.

The Use of the CPR to Predict Adverse Outcomes in GDM Pregnancies
Gestational DiabetesThe cerebro-placental ratio (CPR) is a tool for assessment of fetal wellbeing in the management of the growth restricted fetus. CPR is the ratio of the fetal middle cerebral artery pulsatility index (PI) to the umbilical artery PI. In Gestational Diabetes (GDM), the common finding is of accelerated and asymmetric fetal growth. Pregnancies complicated by GDM have an increased risk of certain complications such as preeclampsia, intrauterine demise, CS due to fetal distress. These complications have a well known association with fetal growth restriction leading to the hypothesis that there exists a subset of diabetic fetuses that exhibit a growth restriction phenotype despite not being small for gestational age (<10%).The objective of this study is to examine whether the CPR can identify GDM fetuses that are not growth restricted but are at increased risk of certain adverse neonatal outcomes. Women with singleton pregnancies and a diagnosis of GDM at 24 weeks of gestation and beyond will be included. Exclusion criteria are Pre-gestational diabetes, hypertensive disease of pregnancy at time of recruitment, fetus with a known major anomaly, fetal EFW < 10%(IUGR). Women who consent to the study will have a blinded Doppler assessment of CPR. Clinicians will be blinded to these Doppler measurements (unless they are indicated clinically for another reason (suspected fetal anemia or IUGR development- and the results will be unblinded and reported to the clinicians). Obstetric and neonatal outcomes will be collected prospctively via the local BORN database and the patient chart. Local BORN is needed for the registered outcomes. Newborns will be divided post-hoc into two groups: A) last CPR <10% B) Last CPR > 10%. The primary outcome will be a composite outcome consisting of one or more of the following: Caesarean section due to suspected fetal distress, 5 minute Apgar <7, Cord arterial PH < 7, HIE, NICU admission >24 hours.

Environmental Factors and Embryonic Development Project
Spontaneous AbortionFetal Death7 moreThe Environmental Factors and Embryonic Development Project was set up to investigate environmental exposures and behavioral factors responsible for embryonic dysplasia and gestational complications in pregnant women.

Association Between Dietary Habits and Gestational Diabetes
Gestational Diabetes MellitusGestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as carbohydrate intolerance of varying severity with onset or first recognition during pregnancy. The diagnosis of gestational diabetes is important, because of the increased risk of adverse maternal and feto-neonatal outcomes. In addition, GDM also confers a future risk of type 2 diabetes to mothers and their fetus. Dietary components associated with GDM risk include macronutrients, micronutrients, and individual foods, such as refined carbohydrates, saturated fats, soft drinks and processed meats. The Pre-pregnancy dietary patterns may affect women risk of developing GDM. A diet high in red and processed meat was associated with a significantly elevated risk.

Weight Gain Recommendations for Chinese Women With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Gestational DiabetesGestational Weight GainThe 2009 IOM recommendation value for weight gain during pregnancy is widely used. Due to the unclear relationship between gestational diabetes mellitus and weight gain during pregnancy when formulating this recommendation value, pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus were excluded from the study population. Control of appropriate weight gain and control of blood glucose stability is an important part of GDM management in pregnant women. The incidence of GDM in China is about 15%-20%, and the number of pregnant women with GDM ranks first in the world. For the sake of the current and long-term health of maternal and infant, it is of great significance to explore the appropriate weight gain range and formulate the recommended value for GDM pregnant women as an independent population. This project intends to use prospective cohort study of combining the observation of pregnant women with gestational diabetes blood sugar and weight changes, through the comparison of normal pregnant women suitable scope of weight gain, analyzes its influence on adverse pregnancy outcomes, increased the weight of gestational diabetes women recommended value is put forward, and combined with the Delphi expert consultation method for evaluation.

Fetal Cardiac Function Parameters and HbA1c as Screening for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Gestational DiabetesThis is a prospective cohort study to assess the predictive value of fetal cardiac parameters, the change in fetal cardiac parameters (CFP), HbA1c, and/or the change in HbA1c (ΔHbA1c) for gestational diabetes.

Metabolic Syndrome and Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver During Pregnancy
Fatty LiverGestational DiabetesThe aim of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome, liver function abnormality and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in early pregnancy patients, and the risk of pregnancy complications.

Possible Epigenetic Changes in Offspring of Women With Pregestational and Gestational Diabetes
Gestational DiabetesPregestational Diabetes3 morePregestational diabetes (PGD) during pregnancy may be associated with an increased rate of spontaneous abortions, intrauterine death and congenital anomalies among the offspring. Although the prevalence of congenital anomalies among the offspring of diabetic mothers is reduced as a result of the improvement of the glycemic control in the early pregnancy, the rate of congenital anomalies is increased and there seems to be an increased rate of neurodevelopmental disorders including some fine and gross motor deficits as well as increased rate of inattention and/or hyperactivity. In gestational diabetes, that develops in the second half of pregnancy (past the period of major organogenesis), there seems to be no increase in the rate of major congenital anomalies but there are some developmental disorders in the offspring. The exposure of the developing embryo and fetus to diabetic environment (i.e. hyperglycemia, hyperketonemia ext), is known to cause increased oxidative stress and significant changes in gene expression as observed in several experimental diabetic models. We hypothesize that diabetic environment may also cause long lasting epigenetic changes. It is therefore our purpose to evaluate these possible epigenetic changes and correlate their presence with the degree and time of onset of diabetes, (i.e. whether from the beginning as in PGD or in the second half of pregnancy as in GD), the degree of oxidative stress and with the neurodevelopmental outcome of the offspring. Diabetic pregnancies will be compared to a similar number of normal pregnancies in all parameters studied.

Genetic Causes of Gestational Diabetes in the Emirati Population
Gestational DiabetesGDM2 moreThe study aims to identify the number of MODY patients to be found among Emirati women with GDM as the incidence and prevalence of monogenic diabetes among this group of patients is unknown. This will enable improvements in diagnostics, treatment and the counselling of these women.

Social Deprivation and Pregnancy
Gestational DiabetesHigh Blood Pressure2 moreSocial deprivation during pregnancy is associated to adverse perinatal outcomes. However, prenatal screening of social deprivation by reliable measurement is not performed. Prevalence of social deprivation is yet underestimated during pregnancy and vulnerable women are not being provided optimal prenatal care. Our aim is to validate EPICES score during pregnancy.