Influence of Glycaemic Balance on the Ability of Apolipoprotein C1 to Inhibit Cholesteryl Ester...
diabète de Type 1In type-1 diabetes patients, bad cholesterol tends to accumulate because apoC1 function is slowed down. ApoC1 is a protein whose role is to diminish the activity of CETP, another protein that regulates cholesterol transfer in the body. The aim of this study is to determine whether it is possible to correct apoC1 function by improving glycaemic balance. 240 persons will be recruited in this study and allocated to one of two groups: 160 Type-1 diabetes patients with uncontrolled diabetes: 4 additional blood samples will be taken at the time of the systematic biological examination at inclusion and then again 3 months later. 80 control subjects with normal lipids and normal glycaemia balance will be included in the study following the results of the biological assays. 4 blood samples will be taken at the time of inclusion.

Observational Study of NovoPen Echo® on Safety and Treatment Satisfaction in Children and Adolescents...
DiabetesDiabetes Mellitus2 moreThis study is conducted in Asia, Europe and North America. The aim of this observational study is to evaluate the safety of NovoPen Echo® by collecting safety information (incidence of technical complaints related to adverse reactions). Study duration: 12-18 weeks.

Observational Study With InnoLet® in Daily Clinical Practice
DiabetesDiabetes Mellitus3 moreThis study is conducted in Asia. The aim of this study is to review the efficacy and safety of insulin treatment with InnoLet® in daily clinical practice.

The Impact of Initiating/Switching to Insulin Detemir on Emotional Well-being and Treatment Satisfaction...
DiabetesDiabetes Mellitus3 moreThis study is conducted in Europe. The aim of this study is to assess the well-being of patients following treatment with insulin detemir (Levemir®) in subjects with type 1 or type 2 diabetes in whom either initiation of or a switch to insulin treatment with a long-acting basal insulin analogue is needed.

Observational Study of the Predictability of Levemir® in Terms of Metabolic Control, Change of Body...
DiabetesDiabetes Mellitus3 moreThis trial is conducted in Europe. The aim of this trial is to evaluate the effect of Levemir® (insulin detemir) on glycaemic control, weight and incidence of hypoglycaemic events in insulin treated subjects with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Beta Cell Function in (Pre)Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1 DiabetesIncreased glycemic variability has been proposed as an independent predictor of hypoglycemia in diabetic patients. Likewise, episodes of dysglycemia have been found to be predictive of diabetes in antibodypositive nondiabetic individuals. We hypothesise that an in-depth observational study comparing state-of-the-art measures of functional beta cell mass and glycemic variability will specify the relationship between both variables over a broad range of residual function and will identify treatment goals for functional beta cell mass to be reached in future beta cell therapy trials in order to avoid frequent hypoglycemia in patients and dysglycemia in risk groups. The available expertise and infrastructure (see background and (inter)national context) place the promoters of the present project in a unique position to carry out the planned experiments and support their feasibility.

INTERPRET - International Report on Routine Practice of Sensor-enabled Pump Therapy
Diabetes MellitusType 1The aim of the project is to document the international routine practice in sensor usage in patients treated with sensor-augmented pump therapy and to assess which variables (e.g. training of patients, frequency of sensor usage etc) are associated with an improvement in clinical outcome(s) from the start of the sensor use to the end of the follow-up period.

Measurement of Glucose Metabolism in Humans Using Magnetic Resonance at 4 Tesla. Substudy: Hypoglycemia...
Type 1 DiabetesHypoglycemia UnawarenessThe purpose of this study is to determine whether islet transplantation alters brain glucose concentrations in patients with type 1 diabetes, recurrent hypoglycemia, and hypoglycemia unawareness when compared to that measured prior to transplant in the same subjects.

Signaling Mechanisms and Vascular Function in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus
Type 1 Diabetes MellitusType 2 Diabetes MellitusThe purpose of the study is to learn how blood vessel function is altered by diabetes. We are studying an investigational drug, Ebselen, to see if it can improve the ability of blood vessels to relax (widen).

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Imaging of Pancreatic Beta-Cell Mass in Healthy and Type 1 Diabetic...
Diabetes MellitusType 1Pancreatic Islet beta-cells are responsible for synthesizing and secreting appropriate amounts of insulin to regulate blood glucose levels. One factor in the development of diabetes is the loss of beta-cells. Developing treatments to prevent or restore islet beta-cell mass (BCM) in diabetic patients is hampered by a lack of methods for the non-invasive imaging of these cells. This study is designed to evaluate a radiolabeled compound that binds to the pancreatic islet. The investigators will test the ability of one promising imaging compound, 18F-9-fluoropropyl-(+)-dihydrotetrabenazine (18F-FP-DTBZ), to measure the amount of pancreatic islet beta-cells in patients with long-standing type-1 diabetes and in age-weight-matched healthy control subjects.