Attitudes Towards Receiving Mental Health Care Using Telehealth During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Psychiatric DisorderMental Health Disorder2 moreThe purpose of this study is to collect patients' experiences and feedback to better understand and improve mental health care using telehealth services. This is critically important as telehealth appointments, including both phone and video calls, continue to be offered for regular appointments to reduce in-person interaction as a preventive measure to help control the spread of COVID-19. Studying patients' perceived benefits and challenges of using telehealth services for mental health care will allow us to prioritize improvements to the telehealth experience and potentially, patient adoption of and comfort with remote appointments. This study's results would also inform policy makers and insurance companies about the potential utility of delivering mental health care through telehealth, even beyond the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Erectile Dysfunction, Psychological Disorders, and Sexual Performance Among Men Seeking Medical...
Erectile DysfunctionSexual Dysfunction4 moreAccording to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS), sexual health is directly related to everyone's mental health and quality of life. Sexuality is innate to humans and is closely linked to their reproduction. Thus, a correlation between unmet fertility desires and sexual disorders can be observed in infertile couples. In fact, sexual intercourse itself will not be as natural in most cases and will preferentially occur during the "reproductive window". Thus, sexuality will be deprived of recreational and erotic activities, and sexuality will be used only for reproduction. For many men, sexual intercourse will become coercive, repetitive and mechanical, offering little emotion. The interactions between infertility and wife recurrent miscarriage in sexuality are numerous and complex. Many men will perceive their infertility as a loss of masculinity and virility and may feel low self-esteem and depression, in addition, Decreased sperm quality may lead to anxiety in men, which may eventually lead to temporary Sexual Dysfunction (SD).Therefore, the need to identify SD and its severity is crucial for infertile men before receiving individualized male treatment.

National Stigma Survey About Mental Illness, Intellectual Disability and Homelessness in Spain
General PopulationThis project is framed within the "Complutense University of Madrid (UCM)-Group 5 Against Stigma Chair", of the Faculty of Psychology. The main objective of the Chair is to fight the stigma that affects people with mental disorders, disabilities, vulnerability or extreme social exclusion. For this purpose, the Chair is developing research studies, training programs, cultural activities and awareness campaigns, proof of this is the recent publication of the Guide to good practices against stigma, which, although it takes as a reference to the people with a diagnosis of mental disorder, it is expected to be generalizable to other groups. Stigma is associated with the condition of being different, and affects any person belonging to a minority or vulnerable group, being one of the main obstacles to full participation in different social, political and cultural institutions. The fight against stigma is included in important international treaties, such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities or the European recommendations regarding the fight against social exclusion of people with mental health problems. This study will focus on three groups of special social sensitivity, with clear stigmatizing conditions: people with mental health problems, people in a homeless situation and people with intellectual disabilities.

Cohort of Patients With Covid-19 Presenting Neurological or Psychiatric Disorders (CoCo-Neurosciences)...
Neurologic ManifestationsPsychiatric Disorders1 moreCovid-19 pandemic now affects more than two million people worldwide. The neurotropism of the virus is assumed by its frequent association with neurological symptoms (anosmia, ageusia, headaches) but the extent of the central or peripheral nervous system involvement and the associated symptomatology remain poorly known for now. The main objective of this study is to describe the neurological and psychiatric manifestations occurring in the context of Covid-19 infection in patients hospitalized or followed-up in the APHP.SU hospital group. A better understanding of the neuropsychiatric impairment related to Covid-19 would improve the management of these patients in the acute phase, and knowledge of subsequent complications would allow adapting their rehabilitation and follow-up. The precise phenomenological description of these manifestations and the imaging, biology and neuropathology data will be compiled from the data collected by the physicians in charge of these patients as part of their inpatient or outpatient care. This study will also allow collecting unusual clinical manifestations from patients followed for neurological or psychiatric pathology in hospital departments and presenting a Covid-19 infection, in order to optimize the reorganization of their management, follow-up and rehabilitation in the epidemic context.

Military Service Identification Tool
Mental Health DisorderEstimates of the UK's military veteran population, defined by the British Government as those who have served in the military for at least one day, is approximately 2.5 million, equivalent to around 5% of household residents aged 16 years or over in the UK. UK military veterans receive healthcare provision from the National Health Service (NHS), with care recorded in local, regional and national EHRs. EHRs - structured and unstructured (i.e. free text) - can be used to evaluate disease prevalence, surveillance, to perform epidemiological analyses and investigate quality of care and to improve clinical decision-making. There is no national marker in UK EHRs to identify veterans, nor is there a requirement for healthcare professionals to record it, making it difficult to evaluate the unique healthcare needs of those who have served in the UK Armed Forces. This study, funded by Forces in Mind Trust, seeks to validate the Military Service Identification Tool, an open-source computer program that searches through free-text clinical notes to make a prediction on a person's military status. It is in the public interest to know the health of our Armed Forces. The Tool has been validated using manually annotated datasets, but we now need to valid an individual's military status by contacting them via post or telephone and asking, "Have you ever served in the Armed Forces". The research team will work closely with the CRIS Patient Advisory Group and local healthcare professionals.

The Epidemiological Study on Psychiatric Disorders and Psychotropic Drugs
Psychiatric DisordersDuring the past decade, the dramatic change in patterns of both psychiatric diagnoses and prescription of psychotropic agents has been noted since the introduction of newer antidepressant drugs. In the meantime, suicide has been recognized as a major public health problem all over the world. Research efforts have hence been spent in exploring the interrelationships between suicide rates and prescription of antidepressant drugs (as a proxy for the treatment of depression). However, most available studies came from developed countries despite that the majority of countries with rising suicide rates during the past decade were developing countries. Both suicide rates and prescription of antidepressant agents have been rising in Taiwan during the past decade; with a reliable mortality registrar and nationwide health insurance covering 99% of its population, Taiwan is distinctive in realizing a large-scale analysis on these interrelationships between suicide and prescription of antidepressant drugs. However, there has been no study in Taiwan exploring these potential associations up to now. This study aims at examining the interrelationships between suicide rates and prescription of antidepressant agents based on the health insurance data from persons who had diagnoses of ICD: 290-319 or were prescribed with antidepressant agents during the period from 1998 to 2006. The investigators plan to first perform correlation analyses between the trends of suicide rates and prescription of antidepressants during the study period after taking into accounts potential confounding factors; analyses by age, gender groups and by administrative regions will also be performed. Besides, the investigators plan to analyze the change in the prescription pattern of psychotropic agents in Taiwan during the study period, with the particular focus on that of newer antidepressant drugs. The prescription of psychotropic agents in both psychiatric and non-psychiatric diagnoses will be explored.