REtinal Detachment Outcomes Study
Retinal DetachmentBackground: Few large randomized controlled trials provide strong evidence to guide surgical repair of primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) repair. The purpose of this factorial, single-blind, randomized controlled trial is to analyze and compare the surgical outcomes, functional visual outcomes, complications, and quality of life associated with RRD repair using (A) pars plana vitrectomy only (PPV) or PPV with scleral buckle (PPV-SB) and (B) sulfur hexafluoride gas (SF6) or perfluoropropane gas (C3F8) tamponade. Methods: Eligible patients with moderately complex RRD will be randomized 1:1 to PPV or PPV-SB and 1:1 to SF6 or C3F8 gas tamponade. Approximately 560 patients will be recruited to be able to detect a difference of around 10% in SSAS rate between groups. Patients will be followed using multimodal imaging and quality of life questionnaires before and after the surgical repair until 1 year postoperative. The primary outcome will be single surgery anatomic success (SSAS), defined as absence of reoperation for recurrent RRD in the operating room. Secondary outcomes will be pinhole visual acuity (PHVA) at 3 months and 6 months, final best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), final retina status (i.e., attached or detached), time to onset of RRD recurrence, severity and number of complications, and questionnaire results. Discussion: This will be the first 2 × 2 factorial randomized controlled trial examining repair techniques in primary RRD. It will also be the first randomized controlled trial to compare gas tamponade between the two most common agents. Notably, it will be adequately powered to detect a clinically significant effect size. The use of multimodal imaging will also be a novel aspect of this study, allowing us to compare head-to-head the impact of adding an SB to the retina's recovery after RRD repair and of differing gas tamponades. Until now, the treatment of RRD has been largely guided by pragmatic retrospective cohort studies. There is a lack of strong evidence guiding therapeutic decisions and this trial will address (1) whether supplemental SB is justified and (2) whether longer duration gas tamponade with C3F8 is necessary.

Comparison of the Results of Arthroscopic Suturing of the Medial Meniscus Using the Fast Fix and...
Meniscus; DetachmentCurrent Injury3 moreClinical and comparative evaluation of the treatment results of arthroscopic reconstruction of the medial meniscus of the knee joint using the Fast Fix and FiberStitch systems.

Low Dose Ketamine Infusion for Analgesia in the Emergency Department to Reduce Side Effects
PainAcute1 moreThis will be an intent to treat prospective, double blind, double-dummy, randomized trial. Our primary objective is the reduction of side effects of sub dissociative dose ketamine given by slow intravenous (IV) infusion over 30 minutes vs. 15 minutes in the treatment of acute, severe pain in Emergency Department (ED) patients. The secondary objective will be to maintain adequate pain control (as defined by a Visual Analog Scale (VAS) score of ≤ 5cm) at 30 minutes for both groups.

Metacognitive Therapy and Neuro-physiotherapy as a Treatment for Functional Movement Disorders
Conversion DisorderPatients with functional movement disorders (FMD) present with abnormal movements incompatible with symptoms of well-defined neurological disorders and are not associated with structural abnormality of the nervous system. FMD are very common. However, the pattern of care of these patients is highly inconsistent and most patients feel dissatisfied with the treatment they receive. One reason for this unsatisfactory scenario is that there are no generally accepted therapeutic guidelines for FMD. Therefore, treatment strategies are urgently needed. Recent neurophysiological studies suggest common underlying disease mechanism across FMD patients, particularly abnormal allocation of attentional resources. Conceptually, this calls for therapeutic approaches, in which attention re-focusing is trained. In this respect, neuro-physiotherapy (NPT) is based on the physical movement retraining by demonstrating that normal movement is possible, to facilitate patients' confidence into the own movement capacity. Based on the current literature, the investigators suggest that NPT is a feasible and effective treatment options in FMD population. However, the proportion of patients fully accepting and improving from NPT was limited. FMD patients might be more receptive to NPT if additional specialized psychotherapy approaches, e.g., metacognitive therapy (MCT) is offered. MCT focusses on patients believes about their own mind and cognition (metacognition). It explains how dysfunctional patterns of thinking and self-awareness can lead to and maintain FMD and in particular trains patients to consciously (re-)focus their attention away from unpleasant or disturbing mental processes. Thus, the investigators aim to analyze, in addition to NPT only, the feasibility and treatment efficacy of a combination of NPT and MCT. The investigators will apply therapy frequently (2 times 1 hour sessions per week over 10 weeks) and patients will be instructed for an additional home-based training. Effectiveness will be analyzed up to 12 month after the intervention by validated, FMD-specific, blinded video ratings. Importantly, FMD patients have been shown to have the potential for a full recovery if sufficient treatment is applied. Therefore, the therapeutic approaches of the clinical feasibility trial, if successful, are expected to have immediate and strong impact on the care of FMD patients including an improvement in quality of life, and to reduce health care system burdens.

DEXTENZA in Pediatric Patients Following Retinal Surgery or Laser Treatment Under Anesthesia
VitreoretinopathyCoats' Disease7 moreThe Tender Study is a prospective, open-label, single-center, randomized, investigator-initiated clinical study seeks to investigate the safety and efficacy of the DEXTENZA insert in pediatric patients following retinal surgery or laser treatment under anesthesia.

Effectiveness of an Online Psychoeducation Program for Improving Coping in People With a High Level...
DissociationSubject Population Our study's target population is people with pathological dissociation in the community. Research Design A pilot randomized waitlist-controlled trial will investigate the effects of an online psychoeducation program on coping, symptom management, and self-efficacy of people with pathological dissociation immediately (posttest-1) and 2-month (posttest-2) post-intervention. Supplementary semi-structured interviews will be conducted for process evaluation. The analysis and reporting of the trial will strictly follow the CONSORT guidelines. Instrument The primary outcome of our study is the coping ability of individuals with pathological dissociation, which will be assessed by the Brief Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced Inventory (Brief-COPE). The secondary outcome measures are dissociative symptoms, emotional regulation, and self-efficacy, which would be assessed by the Dissociative Experiences Scale-Taxon (DES-T), the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ), and the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES) accordingly. Procedure The online psychoeducation program is developed based on an integrative theoretical framework that integrates the Stress and Coping model, Cognitive-Behavioural Theory, Bandura's self-efficacy theory, and findings of our previous feasibility studies on this psychoeducational program. Participants will be recruited via posting on social media and online forums. A 16-session online psychoeducation program will be delivered to the participants in eight weeks.

Suprachoroidal Visco-buckling for the Treatment of Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment
Retinal Detachment With BreakThe study compares standard surgery for retinal detachment (RD) (vitrectomy, cryotherapy and gas) with a surgical variation that replaces the intraocular gas tamponade with suprachoroidal injection of viscoelastic underneath the break that caused the retinal detachment.

Efficacy of Dorso-lateral Prefrontal Cortex Stimulation by tDCS in Motor Conversion Disorder Patients...
Conversion DisorderConversion disorder refers to impaired voluntary motor or sensory functions that are not compatible with a well-known neurological condition. This disorder affects up to 30% of hospitalized patients in neurology departments and symptoms persist in 35% of patients after 12 years of evolution. Despite a poor prognosis, no treatments have been validated to date. The development of non-invasive brain stimulation techniques has allowed the creation of treatments focused on dysfunctional brain regions associated with motor conversion disorder. Hypoactivation of prefrontal dorso-lateral cortex underlies the course of functional motor symptoms. Results of the HYCORE study conducted at Nîmes University Hospital (including 20 patients, clinicaltrial.gov NCT02329626) confirmed these results and related hypoactivation of PFDLC to persistent motor disability at 3 months and 6 months follow-up. Activation of the PFDLC could restore executive control and thus promote the recovery of motor symptoms. However, in most repeated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) the primary motor areas were targeted and the clinical improvement was related to self-suggestion induced by the motor response produced. Among the different techniques, transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) is a medical neuromodulation device that delivers a direct, low-intensity electric current to cortical areas, facilitating neuronal activity. Recently, PFDLC stimulation via tDCS has been used to treat several neuropsychiatric disorders and shown to be effective in depression. In addition, this technique has several advantages compared to rTMS: its use is simpler and costs 5 to 8 times less, the device is portable and there is no titration procedure. The tolerance of the tDCS is also better with no risk of epileptic seizure, neuronal depolarization being absent.

Mechanistic Interventions and Neuroscience of Dissociation
DissociationThe purpose of this study is to test the neurophysiological mechanisms of an intervention to reduce symptoms of dissociation in traumatized people. The intervention will be tested in dissociative traumatized people at two sites: Emory University and University of Pittsburgh. The researchers are interested in whether neural networks associated with attentional control and interoceptive awareness can be enhanced in this population. The researchers propose to evaluate whether different body-focused and non-body focused interventions can change these mechanisms.

Intravitreal Topotecan in the Repair of Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment With Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy...
Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy in Rhegmatogenous Retinal DetachmentIntravitreal topotecan has anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative and anti-fibrotic activity that we hypothesize may exhibit high efficacy for the treatment of proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) in patients with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD). A high efficacy for intravitreal topotecan has been exhibited in cell cultures of PVR. At the same time, intravitreal topotecan has been routinely used in the treatment of vitreous seeds from retinoblastoma. At doses of 5-30 micrograms per injection, no adverse events have been reported with the use of intravitreal topotecan. Therefore, the current prospective matched phase II trial aims to investigate the efficacy and safety of intravitreal topotecan for severe PVR in patients with RRD.