Combination of Curcumin and Berberine Therapy in the Treatment of Post Acute Diverticulitis (AD)...
DiverticulitisCurcumin (Cur), an active ingredient of the Indian herb Rhizoma Curcuma Longa, has been extensively studied in the context of inflammatory diseases. Studies have demonstrated its efficacy in reducing chemically induced colitis in animal models and in humans. Berberine is a phytochemical derived from plants such as coptis chinensis, goldenseal and scutellaria. These herbal remedies have been used in both Chinese and European medicine for centuries to treat digestive inflammation and infectious diseases. Therefore the investigator see a possible dual mechanism of curcumin-Berberine (Coptis) treatment in SUDD patients through both direct anti-inflammatory action and modulation of intestinal microbiome. This data provides basis for investigating an integrative approach to optimize and offer treatment to patients suffering from post AD SUDD. The investigator speculate that using a combined gut-directed formulation of curcumin-Berberine could benefit this subgroup of patients and improve their clinical symptoms.

Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Treatment of Zenker's Diverticulum Comparing LigaSureTM vs SB-Knife....
Zenker DiverticulumMinimally Invasive Surgical Procedures1 moreThe main purpose of this trial is to evaluate two devices used in the treatment of Zenker Diverticulum using flexible endoscopy (LigaSure and SB-knife). Analyze the technical success, clinical success, relapses, complications, and the mean procedure time with each device prospectively in order to transfer objective and uniform results to routine clinical practice.

Indocyanine Green Fluorescence Imaging in Prevention of Colorectal Anastomotic Leakage
Colorectal CancerColorectal Neoplasms5 moreThis is a randomized, controlled, parallel, multicenter trial to determine the difference in post-operative anastomotic leakages in colorectal surgery, where anastomosis perfusion is evaluated using indocyanine green fluorescence imaging as an addition to standard surgical practice compared to surgical practice alone.

InTRaoperative Imaging DEvice Based on endogeNous opTical Properties to Evaluate Bowel Oxygenation...
Left-sided Colorectal Resection : Diverticular DiseasesLeft-sided Colorectal Resection : Colonic Neoplasms1 moreThe objective of the study is to assess the safety and technical feasibility of a new imaging system, used during colorectal resection surgery, named Trident in version 1.0, which could be used by the surgeon during colorectal procedures to obtain information on intestinal tissue oxygenation.

LASER Trial. LAparoscopic Elective Sigmoid Resection Following divERticulitis - a Multicenter, Prospective,...
DiverticulumColon1 moreThe purpose of this study is to find out whether elective sigmoid resection will improve quality of life compared to conservative treatment with lifestyle guidance and fiber supplement in patients with a recurrent or complicated diverticulitis.

Cesarean Section Defect Mechanism and Transvaginal Repair
Cesarean Scar Defect; Transvaginal Diverticulum ResectionBackground and aims: Cesarean section defect (CSD) can cause abnormal uterine bleeding or impaired fertility, which severely impaire the quality of life in women of pregnant age. For women with moderate or severe CSD, surgery can be performed. The objectives of this study is to compare the efficacy and safety of different suture methods in the treatment of transvaginal diverticulum resection, and the underlying mechanism of CSD occurrence. Methods: The patients diagnosed with CSD will be enrolled and randomizely assigned into suture method A and suture method. The fresh isolated tissue and swab of different sites in genital tract will be collected for NGS, microbiome, metabonomics and proteomics analysis. Hypothesis: The menstruation will be analyzed at different following time. The other clinical information will be also collected, including age at surgery, skin-to skin operative time, estimated blood loss (EBL). The perioperative complications, postoperative hopitalization, cost for hospital stay, blasser/intestinal function recovery will also be compared between two gorup. The outcome of fertility will be compared, such as the premature birth, premature rupture of membranes, and rupture of uterus. The clinical manifestation related to CSD and recurrence will be followed. Besides, the underlying mechanism will be analyzed.

Prospective Evaluation of the Clinical Utility of Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy for Gastrointestinal...
AchalasiaEsophageal Spasm4 moreThis is prospective data recording study. All patients will receive standard medical care and no experimental interventions will be performed.

Cricopharyngeal Dysfunction and Esophageal Diverticulum
Zenker DiverticulumProgressive Dysphagia1 morePatients undergoing open transcervical or endoscopic approach in which a laser or stapler is used to divide the common wall between the diverticulum and esophagus, or who are not surgical candidates but agree to follow-up.

Advanced Endo-therapeutic Procedure : Registry-based Observational Study
Zenker DiverticulumPolyp of Colon1 moreAdvanced therapeutic endoscopy procedures are of increasing importance to provide minimal invasive treatment for GI diseases. The Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal as tertiary university center is dedicated to increase the availability of therapeutic endoscopy procedures for our population in Montreal and Quebec.

FMT in Uncomplicated Diverticulitis
DiverticulitisUncomplicated Diverticular DiseaseFecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) is an established treatment for Clostridium difficile (C. diff) infection refractory to medical management. As C. diff infection usually arises due to significant disturbances in the gut microbiome, FMT is typically performed to restore a healthy microbiome among affected patients who have failed other treatments. Diverticulitis is a major, and often recurrent, source of morbidity in the U.S for which antibiotics and surgical resection constitute the only treatment options to date. Although alterations of the intestinal microbiome have also been shown among patients with diverticular disease, research on FMT in diverticulitis is sparse. The intended goal of this project is to determine the feasibility, effectiveness and safety of FMT in the treatment of uncomplicated diverticulitis, using clinical outcomes and microbiome analyses.