
Active clinical trials for "Substance-Related Disorders"

Results 351-360 of 1798

Connection, Navigation, Engagement in Care and Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder

Opioid-use Disorder

The overarching goal of the study is to develop, pilot, and evaluate an intervention that aims to retain patients who initiate buprenorphine at Denver Health in ongoing treatment for opioid use disorder.

Active7 enrollment criteria

Feasibility of Pediatric Emergency Department-Initiated Treatment for Adolescents With Opioid Use...

Opioid-use Disorder

ED-initiated buprenorphine with brief intervention and facilitated referral to treatment has been shown to be highly successful in increasing treatment engagement rates and reducing opioid use among adults. It is unknown whether this intervention is similarly effective for adolescents with OUD. To rigorously examine this important clinical research question, it is first necessary to optimize this intervention for the adolescent population. In this R34 proposal, we will use the Assessment-Decision-Administration-Production-Topic Experts-Integration-Training-Testing (ADAPT-ITT) framework-a systematic method for intervention adaptation- to adapt (Aim 1) and test the feasibility (Aim 2) of a treatment strategy for adolescents that has been shown to effectively link adults with OUD to ongoing addiction treatment.

Not yet recruiting12 enrollment criteria

AlcoTail - Implementation of Tailored Interventions

Alcohol ConsumptionPsychoactive Substance Use

This study aims to investigate the implementation and real-world effects of an intervention for harmful use of alcohol and psychoactive medicinal drugs among hospital inpatients. Due to the negative impact of alcohol consumption on health outcomes, a call for action has been made by the Norwegian Ministry of Health, with focus on screening patients for alcohol consumption and evidence-based tailored interventions for those with medium or high consumption. In addition, non-prescribed use of psychoactive medicinal drugs, or concomitant use with alcohol, can also have negative health effects, therefore improved monitoring of the use of these are warranted. Interventions will be introduced as routine procedures at Norwegian hospitals in the upcoming year, and 2500 patients receiving acute medical care will be included in the control group before the intervention is implemented, and 2500 patients in the case group after the implementation is effectuated. This study will evaluate the implementation process using baseline data on self-reported alcohol- and psychoactive medicine use, motivation to reduce consumption and mental distress. In addition, left-over blood samples used for diagnostic purposes will be collected and analyzed for alcohol, psychoactive medicinal and illicit drugs. After 12 months baseline data will be coupled to patient journal data and relevant registry data in order to evaluate the effects of the intervention.

Recruiting4 enrollment criteria

Validation of the Dutch Translation of the Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription Medication and Other Substances...

Substance UseSevere Mental Disorder2 more

The aim of the study is to investigate the reliability and validity of the Dutch version of the TAPS-tool. This will be investigated in 2 groups: patients without intellectual disabilities treated in Flexible Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) teams and patients with intellectual disabilities. For the later group, an adjusted version of the TAPS-tool will be developed. For both groups the TAPS outcome will be compared to a golden standard.

Recruiting2 enrollment criteria

Prevention of Opioid Use Disorder After Surgery

Opioid-use DisorderOpioid Dependence1 more

The objective of this study is to design, implement, and pilot test a multi-faceted intervention to support safer opioid prescribing, self-administration, and monitoring and reduce persistent opioid use and opioid use disorder for patients transitioning to the community setting after major orthopedic surgery. The multi-faceted intervention includes: 1) communication with outpatient providers and counseling of patients and caregivers at hospital discharge; 2) standardized opioid prescribing discharge order sets for each type of surgery; 3) an outpatient pain management follow-up visit embedded within routine post-operative care for managing pain and opioid use, and 4) a mobile patient-reported outcomes application for assessing pain, function, and possible development of opioid use disorder (OUD). The primary outcome will be persistent opioid use (in the 6 months after surgery) based on state-wide prescription data. Secondary outcomes will include the total morphine-equivalent dose of opioids prescribed at discharge; total post-operative opioids dispensed in the 6 months after surgery; and self-reported opioid misuse, pain and function 90 and 180 days after surgery.

Active12 enrollment criteria

Integrated Care and Treatment for Severe Infectious Diseases and Substance Use Disorders Among Hospitalized...

Injection Site InfectionSubstance Use Disorders

The goal of this clinical trial is to test the effectiveness of an integrated infectious disease/substance use disorder (SUD) clinical team intervention approach in patients hospitalized with severe injection-related infections (SIRI) who use drugs. The main question this study aims to answer is whether this intervention approach will be associated with lower mortality and fewer hospital readmissions. Participants will participate in the integrated SUD/ID care team intervention (SIRI Team). Researchers will compare this intervention to treatment as usual (TUA) to see if there are any differences in health outcomes.

Not yet recruiting14 enrollment criteria

Brain Dopaminergic Signaling in Opioid Use Disorders

Normal PhysiologyOpioid Use Disorders

Background: The chemical messenger dopamine carries signals between brain cells. It may affect addiction. Heavy use of pain medicines called opioids may decrease the amount of dopamine available to the brain. Researchers want to study if decreased dopamine decreases self-control and increases impulsiveness. Objective: To learn more about how opiate use disorder affects dopamine in the brain. Eligibility: Adults 18-80 years old who are moderate or severe opiate users Healthy volunteers the same age Design: Participants will first be screened under another protocol. They will: Have a physical exam Answer questions about their medical, psychiatric, and alcohol and drug use history Take an MRI screening questionnaire Give blood and urine samples Have their breath tested for alcohol Participants will have up to 3 study visits. They will have 2-3 positron emission tomography (PET) scans. A radioactive chemical will be injected for the scans. Participants will lie on a bed that slides in and out of the donut-shaped scanner. A cap or plastic mask may be placed on the head. Vital signs will be taken before and after the PET scans. Participants will get capsules of placebo or the study drug. They will rate how they feel before, during and after. Participants will have their breath and urine tested each day. Participants will have magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. They will lie on a table that slides into a cylinder in a strong magnetic field. They may do tasks on a computer screen while inside the scanner. Participants will have tests of memory, attention, and thinking. Participants will wear an activity monitor for one week....

Recruiting69 enrollment criteria

Screening for Youth Alcohol and Drug Use: A Study of Primary Care Providers

Substance Related Disorders

This study evaluates the implementation and effectiveness of two modalities of Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) to reduce adolescent alcohol and other drug (AOD) use in a large pediatrics clinic.

Active5 enrollment criteria

Characterization of Phenotypic and Genotypic Regressors for Imaging

Healthy VolunteersSubstance Use Disorders

The influence of genes on addictive and neuropsychiatric disorders is complex, especially given that multiple genes likely influence certain behaviors that are correlated with addiction. Researchers are interested in looking at the genetic information of individuals who are enrolled on National Institute for Drug Abuse studies to investigate specific genetic variants that may be related to substance abuse. Researchers will study the effects of genes on several aspects of thinking such as attention, memory, decision making, problem solving, learning, and emotional feelings, and investigate the ways in which genetic information affects addictive behaviors and substance abuse. In addition, researchers will study how genes may explain differences in imaging data in substance users. Objectives: - To collect genetic information for research on genetic aspects of addiction and substance abuse. Eligibility: Adults age 18 or older (1) healthy, non-drug-using nonsmokers, (2) healthy smokers, (3) healthy individuals dependent on other commonly abused drugs, and (4) individuals with other psychiatric disorders. Participants must be enrolled in another National Institute on Drug Abuse, Intramural Research Program imaging protocol. Design: This study involves one to two visits to National Institute on Drug Abuse, Intramural Research Program that may be separate from the participant's current research protocol study visits or on the same day as those visits. Participants will provide a blood sample and complete questionnaires about mood, memory, and learning. Participants may also be asked to do a few tasks, such as playing computer games involving coin tosses and money management, or responding to questions on a computer screen.

Recruiting21 enrollment criteria

The Community Youth Development Study: A Test of Communities That Care

Substance AbuseJuvenile Delinquency8 more

The Community Youth Development Study is an experimental test of the Communities That Care (CTC) prevention planning system. It has been designed to find out if communities that were trained to use the CTC system improved public health by reducing rates of adolescent drug use, delinquency, violence, and risky sexual behavior when compared to communities that did not use this approach. The primary purpose of the current continuation study is to investigate whether CTC has long-term effects on substance use, antisocial behavior, and violence, as well as secondary effects on educational attainment, mental health, and sexual risk behavior in young adults at ages 26 and 28. The continuation study also examines (a) how the interaction of social, normative, and legal marijuana contexts creates variation in the permissiveness of individuals' marijuana environments from late childhood to young adulthood and (b) whether, when, and for whom permissive marijuana environments increase marijuana and ATOD use and misuse from age 11 to 28 and interfere with the adoption of adult roles.

Active4 enrollment criteria

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