The Effect of Energy Drink Consumption on Alcohol-Substance Use and It's Relationship With Impulsivity...
Energy DrinksAlcohol Drinking2 moreThe objective of this study is to investigate the prevalence of energy drink, alcohol and substance use among university students; to explore whether there is a relationship between energy drink consumption and alcohol-substance use in university students or not and to evaluate effect of impulsiveness and sensation seeking on this relationship.
Young People's Health Assessment as Treatment and Health Guide
Adolescent BehaviorSubstance UseBackground: Excessive alcohol and other substance use in adolescence is prevalent and has developmental consequences that extend into adulthood. In parallel with other public health and clinical measures, early identification in primary care represents an important step to address this problem. Screening and brief intervention by primary care physicians is recommended but often fails to be implemented due to time constraints and other barriers. Working hypothesis: Recent evidence suggests that simply asking individuals about their substance use may in itself encourage behaviour change, regardless of the clinical intervention that may follow. This hypothesis has not as yet been tested in a population of young people consulting in primary care. The investigators hypothesise that inviting young people to complete a brief substance use screening questionnaire in the waiting room before their primary care consultation has the potential to lead to a decrease in substance use in the months following this consultation. Specific aims: The aim of this pilot project is to develop and test the methods for a future randomized trial. The future trial will assess the effectiveness of pre-consultation substance use screening, compared to screening for other behaviors, on subsequent substance use in young people between the ages of 15 and 24 years consulting primary care physicians. Expected value of the proposed project: The clinical context of primary care has the potential to trigger behavior change in young people, thus favoring improved adult outcomes in this population. If effective, pre-consultation substance use screening could contribute to a reduction in excessive substance use among young people in a simple and cost-effective way. This pilot study will provide precious feasibility data for the design of the related cluster randomised trial.
Substance Use and Sexual Risk Reduction Intervention for Homeless Youth
Substance UseSexual Risk BehaviorThe goal of this study is to evaluate a group-based motivational interviewing (MI)-delivered risk reduction program for homeless young adults. It is hypothesized that youth who participate in the program will show greater reductions in substance use intentions, behavior and consequences, as well as sexual activity intentions and risk behavior, over a 3-month period compared to a usual care control sample of youth who do not participate in the program.
Culturally Grounded Early Substance Use Prevention for American Indian Families
Substance UseThis study involves adaptation, implementation, and rigorous evaluation of a family-based program designed to prevent early initiation of substance use on a Northern Plains Indian reservation. The program, Thiwáhe Gluwáš'akapi, is a cultural adaptation of the Iowa Strengthening Families Program for Parents and Youth 10-14. Youth and their parents/caregivers will participate in weekly group sessions for 7 weeks and complete pre- and post-intervention surveys assessing a variety of risk and protective factors and youth outcomes. The evaluation design will allow the assessment of the effectiveness of different components within the program.
PURPOSE: A Social Media Intervention for Parent Support
Substance Use DisordersParentingThe purpose of this study is to develop and test a social media-based (Facebook) intervention that provides support and skills to parents with adolescent children in treatment for substance abuse. The Facebook intervention, PURPOSE, will be 8 weeks long and led by other parents (peer leaders). Peer leaders will go through 2 2-3-hour training sessions and be assessed at the end to confirm their understanding of study protocol and procedures. The study PI will lead 2 short (2-weeks) trial tests of various segments of the intervention to test out content and procedures. Then, a pilot trial with 80 parents, 40 randomized to PURPOSE and 40 randomized to treatment as usual (TAU), will be done to test how useful PURPOSE can be in promoting parents' engagement in their child's treatment and recovery while reducing their own distress and feelings of shame/stigma. Parents will do a phone interview at the start of PURPOSE and again at the end of the 8 weeks.
Automated Telephone Follow-up in the Swedish Prison and Probation Services
AffectAlcohol Consumption1 moreThe purpose of this study is to investigate whether automated telephony may be used for daily assessments of paroled offenders, and whether a brief intervention based on these daily assessments may result in a more positive development compared to daily assessments only.
Computerized Brief Intervention vs. Delayed Computerized Brief Intervention
Drug AbuseThe purpose of the study is to determine whether a computerized brief intervention for moderate risk drug use among adult primary care patients is more effective than providing such patients with a substance abuse assessment alone.
Indirect Assessment and Intervention for Perinatal Drug Use
Drug AbuseThe purpose of this study is to assess the validity of an indirect computer-delivered screener for drug use and assess the efficacy of a computer-delivered brief intervention with urban post-partum women at-risk for substance abuse and HIV during the post-partum period.
The Therapeutic Workplace Intervention in Community Settings
Drug AbuseAlcohol AbuseMethadone is effective for heroin addiction, but many methadone patients continue to use cocaine. High magnitude and long-duration voucher-based abstinence reinforcement, in which participants receive vouchers exchangeable for goods and services contingent on providing drug-free biological samples, is one of the most effective treatments for drug addiction and can maintain cocaine abstinence over extended periods of time. Our research on a model Therapeutic Workplace has shown that employment-based abstinence reinforcement, in which participants must provide drug-free urine samples to access the workplace and maintain maximum pay, can maintain cocaine abstinence and reduce drug-related HIV risk behaviors over extended time periods. Our next challenge is to disseminate employment-based reinforcement for the treatment of drug addiction. The investigators propose to develop, manualize, and pilot test a community-friendly Therapeutic Workplace intervention that can be implemented widely throughout the US and elsewhere. Methadone patients who use injection or crack cocaine during methadone treatment will be invited to participate (N = 58) and randomly assigned to one of two groups: Usual Care (control) group or Community Therapeutic Workplace group. As in our prior implementations of the Therapeutic Workplace intervention, Community Therapeutic Workplace participants will enroll in Phase 1 to initiate drug abstinence and acquire job skills. Participants who initiate abstinence and acquire job skills in Phase 1 will be hired into community workplaces with collaborating employers in Phase 2. During Phase 2, employment-based abstinence reinforcement contingencies will be implemented using procedures for workplace drug and alcohol testing overseen by the US Department of Transportation. Using this system, a national provider of Drug-Free Workplace Services will arrange random drug testing and employment-based abstinence reinforcement contingencies in which employees will be required to remain drug-free to maintain employment. The investigators hypothesize that participants in the Community Therapeutic Workplace group will provide more drug-free samples, and engage in fewer HIV-risk behaviors than participants in the Usual Care group. The study will provide vital information on the acceptability of the intervention to participants and employers, and provide preliminary data on the effectiveness of the investigators procedures to maintain abstinence and promote employment.
Hispanic Men Building Respect Education and Safety/ HoMBRES Manteniendo Respeto, Educacion y Seguridad....
Substance AbuseDomestic Violence1 moreThe overall objective of this project is to adapt and enhance HoMBReS (Hispanic Men Building Respect, Education, and Safety within Families /Hombres Manteniendo Respeto, Educacion y Seguridad de Familia), a Center for Disease Control (CDC)-identified best-evidence HIV behavioral intervention designed to reduce substance abuse, family violence, and HIV/AIDS (SAVA) among sexually active heterosexual Latino seasonal farmworkers (LSFWs) in rural areas.