
Active clinical trials for "Substance-Related Disorders"

Results 1221-1230 of 1798

HIV & Drug Abuse Prevention for South African Men

Substance-Related DisordersHuman Immunodeficiency Virus1 more

The purpose of this study is to test the efficacy of randomizing all young men in a neighborhood to receive: 1) soccer training; 2) soccer and vocational training; or 3) a control condition, as a means to engage young men in HIV prevention. The investigators hypothesize that the intervention will reduce young men's substance use and increase HIV testing.

Completed6 enrollment criteria

Testing a Multilevel Preventive Intervention in Youth Courts

Drug Abuse

The proposed research is designed to adapt and test an evidence-based drug abuse prevention approach for use in youth courts among first-time, non-violent, adolescent offenders. The ultimate goal is to reduce the adverse health, legal, and social consequences of youth drug abuse, violence, and delinquency. Planned project activities include conducting: 1) key informant interviews of youth court directors regarding logistical and intervention features of effective youth court programming; and, 2) a randomized controlled efficacy trial of an adapted version of Life Skills Training, an evidence-based drug and violence prevention program. It is anticipated that the findings will provide critical information on implementing evidence-based prevention programs for new populations and settings and will support preparations for a large-scale effectiveness trial in youth peer courts.

Completed1 enrollment criteria

Enhancing the Role of Commune Health Workers in HIV and Drug Control: A Randomized Controlled Trial...

Drug Dependence

This proposed study is an initiative for HIV prevention and care that integrates intervention efforts at multiple strata: Community Health Workers (CHWs), Injecting Drug Users (IDUs), and their Family Members (FMs). The proposed study will demonstrate the process of development, implementation, and evaluation of an intervention for CHWs, IDUs, and their FMs. One aim is to increase the CHWs' capacities to effectively interact with IDUs and FMs for HIV and drug use prevention and treatment. Using a combination of participatory action research and a randomized controlled trial design, this study has the potential to maximize PEPFAR impact in Vietnam and other PEPFAR-funded countries by identifying a sustainable mix of interventions and their implementation in different settings. The findings may benefit not only Vietnam but also a global audience by investigating enhanced methods for controlling the HIV epidemic.

Completed24 enrollment criteria

Protect and Connect: Couple HIV Prevention for Drug Involved Male Offenders

Sexually Transmitted DiseasesUnsafe Sex1 more

This study is a randomized controlled trial (RCT) that will rigorously evaluate the implementation, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a couple-based integrated human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and drug abuse prevention intervention (Connect II) with drug-involved male offenders charged with misdemeanors and their primary female sexual partners, implemented by frontline providers in Criminal Court, Community Court or probation (CCP) sites in NYC, compared to CCP standard treatment of care services (TAU). The primary outcomes are to reduce sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and increase condom use.

Completed13 enrollment criteria

Cradling Our Future Through Family Strengthening Study

Substance AbusePost-partum Depression1 more

The purpose of this study is to determine whether an in-home, paraprofessional-delivered family strengthening curriculum entitled Family Spirit is effective at increasing parental competence, improving maternal outcomes and improving childhood outcomes in a sample of at-risk teen mothers living in four Native American reservation communities. The effectiveness of the Family Spirit curriculum will be determined by comparing outcomes of mothers who receive the intervention plus assisted transportation to prenatal and well baby visits (called Optimal Standardized Care) to mothers who receive only Optimal Standardized Care. Outcomes will be assessed at multiple intervals over the course of a 39-month study period.

Completed6 enrollment criteria

Personality-targeted Interventions for Adolescent Alcohol Misuse

Alcohol AbuseDrug Abuse3 more

Personality targeted cognitive behavioural interventions have been shown to be effective in reducing alcohol and drug misuse in adult substance abusers (Conrod et al., 2000) and adolescent drinkers (Conrod et al, in press). As these interventions target personality traits linked to risk for addictive and non-addictive mental disorders, the aim of this study is to examine the extent to which this approach can prevent and/or reduce alcohol and drug misuse as well as have an impact on the onset or severity of emotional and behavioural problems in young people.

Completed4 enrollment criteria

A Randomized Trial of Vaccine Adherence in Young Injection Drug Users

Medication AdherenceSubstance Abuse5 more

The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of (a) immunization setting and (b) outreach worker support on young injection drug users' (IDU) adherence to a multiple dose immunization schedule with a combined hepatitis A virus (HAV) inactivated and hepatitis B virus (HBV) recombinant vaccine.

Completed7 enrollment criteria

Family Spirit Study

Substance Abuse

The goals of this study are to evaluate the effects of an in-home parenting education program, called Family Spirit, on parenting knowledge and skills and decreasing alcohol and substance use compared to a breast-feeding education. In addition, we will assess aspects of mother/child interaction.

Completed9 enrollment criteria

Middle School to High School Transition Project: Depression and Substance Abuse Prevention

DepressionSubstance-Related Disorders

This study will implement a school-based program to prevent depression, academic failure, and substance use in at-risk adolescents transitioning from middle school to high school.

Completed4 enrollment criteria

Construction of Early Warning Model for the New Psychoactive Substances Using in Adolescents

Drug Addiction

Based on the biological-psychology-sociological medicine pattern, this study aims to construction an early warning model of the New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) using for adolescents aged 14-35 years old. This study intends to obtain the data related to the behavioral expression of addiction susceptibility genes, adverse childhood experience, cognition, resistance and the use of NPS in adolescents by questionnaire survey (sample size: 200), and then use logistic regression and machine learning to construct an early warning model.

Not yet recruiting5 enrollment criteria

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