
Active clinical trials for "Substance-Related Disorders"

Results 341-350 of 1798

Together in Recovery With Veterans Through Employment

Veterans With Opioid Use Disorder

The purpose of this study is to help Veterans who have opioid use problems with gaining and maintaining meaningful employment. The investigators also want to know employment helps with other aspects of the Veteran's life including starting and staying on necessary medications, mental health needs, and feeling a part of society.

Recruiting11 enrollment criteria

Microdose Buprenorphine Initiation for Opioid Use Disorder

Opioid Use Disorder

The purpose of this study is to test whether low-dose buprenorphine initiation for treatment of opioid use disorder is safe and effective.

Not yet recruiting15 enrollment criteria

Peer Approaches to Substances in Early Psychosis Programs: A Pilot Study of a Peer-Led Intervention...

Psychotic DisordersSubstance Use

The aim of the study is to pilot a peer-provided, manualized intervention to increase the proportion of young people with first episode psychosis who reduce or stop substance use and improve psychiatric and functional outcomes. Coordinated specialty care teams will be randomly assigned to implement the intervention, Peer Approaches to Substances in Early Psychosis Programs (PAS-EPP), or usual care. The pilot study aims to: (a) determine if peer providers can implement PAS-EPP with adequate fidelity; (b) determine if youth and young adults engage in the intervention with peer providers and find it acceptable; (c) estimate the rates of drop-out for each of the two study arms; (d) estimate both between-participant (within-provider team) and between-team variability on key outcome measures; and (e) identify any changes needed to the intervention approach, manual, or training materials. The pilot study will set the stage for a future comparative cluster randomized trial of the intervention;

Not yet recruiting4 enrollment criteria

Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics of Patients Admitted to the Addiction Management Unit...

Substance Use Disorders

Substance use disorder (SUD) is a dynamic process that changes constantly over time with new trends of drug dependence emerge every now and then, thus timely information about trends in psychoactive substance use could yield tailored interventions and reduce potential harms. Identifying personal, social, and demographic characteristics of patients with this disorder at the local, regional, and national levels helps physicians, health authorities, and policy-makers detect early emerging trends and enable them better plan and implement prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation programs. This study aims to identify sociodemographic, personal characteristics, as well as patterns of illicit drug abuse in patients admitted for addiction treatment.

Recruiting3 enrollment criteria

Neurobiological Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Treatment in Alcohol Use Disorder...

Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)Alcohol Abuse5 more

Background: Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) is a complex psychiatric disorder, involving several brain areas and neurocircuits. Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) allows to stimulate superficial areas of brain using a weak electrical current. Preliminary data suggest that tDCS may reduce alcohol craving and consumption. Objectives: The main outcome is to test if tDCS can reduce alcohol craving and use and to assess the changes in BDNF and pro-BDNF levels. Secondary outcomes are the assessment of other psychiatric dimensions (mood, behavioral and cognitive alterations) associated with prolonged alcohol use. Eligibility: Healthy, right-handed adults ages 18-65 who do have AUD (moderate to severe). Design: This is a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled study with three phases: 1) a tDCS intensive treatment phase; 2) follow-up with weekly tDCS stimulation; 3) follow-up without tDCS stimulation. Participants will be screened with: Psychometric Scales Medical history Physical exam Urine tests and breathalyzer After being enrolled, baseline behavioral and laboratory data will be collected. In particular, participants will undergo: Psychometric Scales Venous blood sample (BDNF/proBDNF levels) Participants will be randomized to real or sham tDCS arm. The stimulation will be delivered daily for five days during the first week (intensive treatment phase) and then weekly for 3 months (follow-up with stimulation). During this period patient will be tested with a behavioral and psychometric evaluation.Therefore, participants will receive 3 follow-up monthly visits without tDCS stimulation, in which behavioral and psychometric data will be collected. Treatment includes: tDCS: The tDCS will be delivered with a stimulator connected to two sponge electrodes, soaked in a saline solution. The stimulation will be administered at a current intensity of approximately 1 mA, for the duration of 20 minutes. The anode will be placed on the right DLPFC, the cathode on the contralateral cortical area. BDNF/proBDNF levels: A venous blood sample will be collected before the first stimulation and after the last stimulation of the intensive-stimulation period (first week). The blood sample will be centrifuged within 20 minutes of sampling at 1000 × g for 15 minutes. Then, the serum will be aliquoted and stored at -80 ° C until analysis. Repeat of screening tests and questionnaires Urine toxicological screen and breathalyzer

Not yet recruiting7 enrollment criteria

Testing a Brief Substance Misuse Preventative Intervention for Parents/Guardians of 5th-7th Grade...

Substance-Related DisordersUnderage Drinking1 more

The current study aims to test the efficacy of a family communication-based, novel, adaptable, and resource-efficient substance misuse preventive intervention for parents/guardians of pre/early adolescents (grades 5-7). The short-term goal of this study is to increase the quality time that parents spend with their children through eating meals together, and in so doing, talking about the harms associated with substance use (intermediate endpoint), which will in turn, lead to the long-term goal of preventing the initiation and misuse of substances among their children as they enter adolescence.

Active5 enrollment criteria

Treatment Outcomes Under a Standardized Treatment Protocol in Patients Suffered Substance Abuse...

Voiding DysfunctionSubstance Abuse

With the increase of substance abuse over the world, substance abuse e.g. ketamine and methamphetamine related voiding dysfunction is becoming an important medical problem. However, while the clinical manifestation of the condition is becoming better defined, the underlying pathophysiology is still poorly understood. Moreover, majority of the current treatment is just based on the experience on some small case series and there is no treatment data for larger patient sample or standard recommended treatment in the literature. In order to improve the management of this condition, investigators have formulated a treatment protocol based on the current literatures on the management of voiding dysfunction and also a similar condition, interstitial cystitis / painful-bladder syndrome (IC/PBS). The protocol basically consists of the following modalities: Basic information and education on the condition, principle of treatment and psychosocial support. First line treatment will include a course of oral anti-inflammatory drugs (for the control of the inflammation process and pain) and anticholinergic agents (for the irritative urinary symptoms). If these simple oral medication are found to be not effective, then further treatment will include other oral medications, such as amitriptyline and gabapentin, and some drugs that directly applied into the bladder cavity (hyaluronate) or bladder muscle (botulinum toxin). For those patients with intractable symptoms and failed all the above treatments, surgical treatment (hydrodistension, augmentation cystoplasty) will be discussed. The purpose of this research is to assess the effectiveness of the above treatment protocol in the management of substance induced voiding dysfunction and also assess any possible adverse events related to the usage of the drugs.

Recruiting3 enrollment criteria

Quantitative Sensory Testing in Chronic Pain Patients Undergoing Opioid Treatment and Opioid Tapering...

Analgesic Drug DependenceSensory Deficit

Few studies have used quantitative sensory tests to study the effect of chronic opioid treatment on sensation. The investigators will test chronic pain patients who are on different MEDDs, normal volunteers, and patients undergoing an opioid taper. This will be the first study to perform sensory testing on patients while undergoing an opioid taper on an outpatient basis.

Active13 enrollment criteria

Brain Dopaminergic Signaling in Opioid Use Disorders

Normal PhysiologyOpioid Use Disorders

Background: The chemical messenger dopamine carries signals between brain cells. It may affect addiction. Heavy use of pain medicines called opioids may decrease the amount of dopamine available to the brain. Researchers want to study if decreased dopamine decreases self-control and increases impulsiveness. Objective: To learn more about how opiate use disorder affects dopamine in the brain. Eligibility: Adults 18-80 years old who are moderate or severe opiate users Healthy volunteers the same age Design: Participants will first be screened under another protocol. They will: Have a physical exam Answer questions about their medical, psychiatric, and alcohol and drug use history Take an MRI screening questionnaire Give blood and urine samples Have their breath tested for alcohol Participants will have up to 3 study visits. They will have 2-3 positron emission tomography (PET) scans. A radioactive chemical will be injected for the scans. Participants will lie on a bed that slides in and out of the donut-shaped scanner. A cap or plastic mask may be placed on the head. Vital signs will be taken before and after the PET scans. Participants will get capsules of placebo or the study drug. They will rate how they feel before, during and after. Participants will have their breath and urine tested each day. Participants will have magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. They will lie on a table that slides into a cylinder in a strong magnetic field. They may do tasks on a computer screen while inside the scanner. Participants will have tests of memory, attention, and thinking. Participants will wear an activity monitor for one week....

Recruiting69 enrollment criteria

Maternal Brain Imaging in Opioid Use Disorder

Opioid Use DisorderSubstance-Related Disorders4 more

This research study aims to learn more about opioid use disorder (OUD) during pregnancy and how outcomes for pregnant women and their newborns can be improved. During pregnancy, people with OUD are prescribed medication-assisted therapy (MAT). The investigators are interested to know how the medication is broken down by the body during pregnancy and how effective it is. The investigators also want to learn if this medication and OUD have any effect on the different parts of the brain when compared to mothers without OUD.

Recruiting23 enrollment criteria

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