CBT for Spanish Speakers
Substance UseThe investigators are conducting a randomized clinical trial of our new web-based version of the CBT4CBT (Computer Based Training for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) in Spanish. This program specifically designed for Spanish-speaking substance users to evaluate its effectiveness relative to standard outpatient counseling at the Hispanic Clinic. The computer-based training program (CBT4CBT) focuses on teaching basic coping skills, presenting examples of effective use of coping skills in a number of realistic situations in video form, and providing opportunities for patients to practice and review new skills while receiving substance use treatment.
Sober Network IPT for Perinatal Women With Comorbid Substance Use and Depression
Perinatal DepressionSubstance UseThis study will evaluate the effectiveness of Sober Network Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) in treating women with depression and comorbid substance abuse.
Family-Based Protocol for Medication Integration in Treatment of Comorbid ASU/ADHD in Routine Care...
Adolescent Substance AbuseAttention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderThe goal of this proposal is to develop and pilot a brief protocol designed to systematically integrate pharmacological interventions for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) into behavioral treatment services for adolescent substance users with comorbid ADHD in everyday care. ADHD is a prevalent co-occurring condition for adolescent substance use (ASU) that can significantly impede successful ASU treatment but is vastly under-diagnosed and undertreated among ASU clients in agency settings. Moreover, ADHD medication acceptance and compliance is particularly difficult to achieve in high-risk adolescent populations.
Reducing Drug Use and HIV Risk in Drug-dependent Adults Arrested for Prostitution
Substance-related DisordersHIV Risk BehaviorThe combination of using injection drugs, smoking crack cocaine, having multiple sex partners, and inconsistent condom use results in substantial risk for acquiring and transmitting HIV, and many drug dependent adults who have been arrested on charges of prostitution fit this profile. Existing interventions for reducing HIV risk have had limited efficacy in drug-dependent sex workers, and criminal justice approaches have been ineffective despite their high cost. A potentially ideal alternative is to divert drug-dependent arrestees from prosecution to a treatment that reduces drug use and HIV sex risk behaviors, while providing job skills training and promoting community employment to alleviate the financial need to continue sex work. In order to provide an effective therapeutic alternative to criminal prosecution, the investigators propose to develop a multifaceted intervention that includes opiate agonist treatment (i.e., methadone OR buprenorphine) and the Therapeutic Workplace. The Therapeutic Workplace is a supported environment in which participants are required to provide drug-free urine samples to access paid job skills training or employment and to maintain the maximum rate of pay. The overall intervention is designed to reduce drug use and HIV risk behaviors, and simultaneously promote employment. The proposed project is a 2-year Stage I behavior therapy development effort that will include the development, manualization and pilot testing of a Therapeutic Workplace intervention tailored to drug-dependent adults arrested for prostitution. In the pilot study, the investigators will recruit opiate- and cocaine-dependent adults arrested for prostitution from the Eastside District Court in Baltimore. Eligible individuals will be offered methadone treatment in lieu of prosecution and will be required to remain in methadone treatment for 90 days to have the charges against them dropped. After enrolling in opiate agonist treatment, the diverted individuals will be invited to participate in the pilot study. Interested individuals will be randomly assigned to receive the standard opiate agonist treatment services or these services plus the Therapeutic Workplace. The Therapeutic Workplace has two phases. In Phase 1, participants will be offered four months of stipend-supported job training in the Therapeutic Workplace. In Phase 2, participants will be encouraged to seek employment in a community job and will receive wage subsidies for four months for maintaining community employment or engaging in supervised job seeking. Throughout both phases, participants will be required to provide drug-free urine samples to receive Therapeutic Workplace wages (training stipends in Phase 1 and wage subsidies in Phase 2). The wage subsidy program will include drug testing managed by a national supplier of drug-free workplace services. Overall, this treatment could serve as a novel and ideal intervention for drug-dependent adults arrested for prostitution while reducing criminal justice costs.
Creatine as a Treatment Option for Depression in Methamphetamine Using Females
DepressionSubstance Abuse3 moreMethamphetamine (MA) is a psychostimulant drug with high abuse potential. MA can be smoked, snorted, injected or ingested orally to produce a release of high levels of dopamine into the brain and reduction of dopamine uptake. Its use results in feelings of pleasure, increased energy, and greater alertness lasting up to 12 hours. In 2010, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health reported that 353,000 Americans aged 12 or older reported being current MA users. Over the past decade MA use rates have fluctuated with current use rates on the decline; however, importantly, even though overall use rates are declining, use rates among males and females are approaching equal proportions. This use rate pattern is unlike other drugs of abuse, which typically demonstrate males using more than females. In some states, more females than males consider MA as their drug of choice. Namely, in a 2010 report in the state of Utah, more females were diagnosed with MA as a primary substance of abuse than males upon admission to treatment. Depression and MA use are highly comorbid. The relationship between MA use and depression is likely bidirectional, with MA use causing changes in mood and being used as a self-medicating behavior to reduce symptoms of depression. Several studies have shown that depression rates are higher in MA-using females compared to their male counterparts. It is likely that neurobiological and psychosocial mechanisms contribute to increased incidence of depressive symptoms in females. No clear treatment model exists to suggest how the comorbidity of depression and MA use is best managed. In studies of antidepressants for treatment of MA withdrawal and dependence, findings have suggested that antidepressants are ineffective for treating depressive symptoms. Creatine is an organic acid occurring naturally in vertebrates, where it takes part in energy homeostasis in tissues with fluctuating energy demands. Exogenous creatine has been shown to increase brain concentrations of PCr. Neuroimaging studies of creatine have shown increased brain phosphocreatine (PCr) content with creatine administration. Therefore, we hypothesize that oral creatine administration will increase PCr levels and reduce depressive symptoms in a sample of depressed female MA users. This hypothesis will be tested by a within subjects design by giving depressed MA using females oral creatine for eight weeks and measuring PCr pre- and post-treatment with magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Moreover, depressive symptoms will be measured by administration of the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale twice weekly during the course of creatine treatment.
Bilateral Prefrontal Modulation in Alcoholism
Drug AddictionExecutive DysfunctionIn this study, eligible alcoholic inpatients recruited from a specialized clinic for addiction treatment, filling inclusion criteria and not showing any exclusion criteria, were randomized to receive the repetitive (10 sessions, every other day) bilateral dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (dlPFC: cathodal left / anodal right) tDCS (2 milliamperes, 5 x 7 cm2, for 20 min) or placebo (sham-tDCS). Craving to the use of alcohol was examined before (baseline), during and after the end of the tDCS treatment. Based in our previous data, our hypothesis was that repetitive bilateral tDCS over dlPFC would favorably change craving in alcoholism and this would be a long-lasting effect.
The Effect of Muscular Strength Training in Patients With Drug Addiction
Substance-related DisordersPhysical health does not have a high priority in today's treatment of patients with substance use disorder (SUD). SUD patients have a poor physical health not only due to injuries related to the substance abuse, but also because of the addiction-related lifestyle. There are few studies today that provide information about SUD patient's physical health, and especially there is little information about their muscular strength. One of the project's aims is to measure muscular strength in SUD patients who are being treated for their addiction, and see if they have decreased neuromuscular function. If so, we will investigate the effect of maximal strength training on neuromuscular function in these patients.
Enhancing Juvenile Drug Court Outcomes With Evidence-Based Practices
Adolescent Substance UseJuvenile drug courts were developed in response to a perceived need to intervene more effectively with youth with substance abuse problems. Close collaboration between the court and substance abuse treatment provider is a defining component of the drug court model and is critical to helping youth achieve positive outcomes. Despite the proliferation of juvenile drug courts in recent years, however, evaluation of their capacity to reduce offender substance use and criminal activity has lagged. Moreover, the Institute of Medicine (IOM, 1998) and leading experts (McLellan, Carise, & Kleber, 2003) have presented a bleak picture of the nation's capacity to meet the treatment needs of substance abusing individuals. Although community-based programs provide the backbone of substance abuse treatment in the nation, their capabilities have not kept up with major scientific advances in the development and validation of evidence-based substance abuse interventions. Building on our research findings and experience regarding juvenile drug court outcomes as well as the transport of evidence-based practices to community treatment settings, the purpose of this study is to develop and test a relatively flexible and low cost strategy for enhancing the outcomes of juvenile drug courts by integrating components of evidence-based treatments into existing substance abuse services. Specifically, this project aims to: Aim 1: Adapt existing intervention and training protocols from evidence-based practices (i.e., Contingency Management for adolescent substance abuse; family engagement strategies from evidence-based treatments of juvenile offenders) for integration into juvenile drug court sites. Aim 2: Conduct a study to examine youth (e.g., substance use and criminal behavior) and system level (e.g., intervention adherence, feasibility, retention and completion rates, consumer satisfaction, cost estimates) effects of implementing the intervention protocols in juvenile drug courts. Aim 3: Revise the intervention and training protocols in preparation for a Stage II study if findings are supportive.
Screening, Motivational Assessment, Referral, and Treatment in Emergency Departments
Drug AbuseMisuse of drugs and alcohol has a tremendous impact on individual health and on society, in terms of both human suffering and economic cost. Most substance abusers never seek specialty addiction treatment, but a large percentage of them receives some form of medical care, frequently in emergency room settings. There is considerable evidence showing that Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral, and Treatment (SBIRT) interventions in medical settings result in decreased drinking and alcohol-related problems among those with alcohol abuse or dependence. However, there are few studies using these models focusing on drug users. Although drug users are seen in large numbers in emergency departments, there have been no randomized controlled trials of SBIRT models for drug users presenting in Emergency Departments (EDs). This study is designed to assess the effects of Assessment, Referral, and a Brief Intervention on substance use of individuals screening positive for drug use during a medical ED visit. The Southwest Node of the NIDA Clinical Trials Network, located at UNM CASAA, is taking the lead on this study. Six sites across the country will participate in this study, including the ED of UNM Hospital. A total of 1285 ED patients who screen positive for current drug use problems will be randomly assigned to receive 1) minimal screening only, 2) assessment of substance use and referral to treatment, or 3) assessment and referral combined with a 30-minute counseling session (Brief Intervention) and two follow-up telephone counseling sessions. Outcomes will be assessed at 3, 6, and 12 months after the ED visit. We hypothesize that those who receive the Brief Intervention will have the least drug use at follow-up, that those who receive minimal screening only (the usual current practice) will have the most drug use, and that those receiving assessment and referral without the Brief intervention will have intermediate outcomes.
Translating Habituation Research to Interventions for Pediatric Obesity
Pediatric ObesityHabituationThe purpose of this center grant is to translate basic behavioral science on habituation theory into clinical intervention using a vertical hierarchical approach from laboratory studies to field studies to the clinical intervention to improve weight loss outcomes in pediatric obesity treatment.