Bupropion for ADHD in Adolescents With Substance Use Disorder
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderNicotine Dependence1 moreAttention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common co-occurring psychiatric disorders (30-50%) in adolescents with substance use disorders (SUD). Yet, little is known about the safety and efficacy of medications for ADHD in adolescents with SUD, since such youths have been excluded from most medication trials. Clinicians are therefore understandably reluctant to treat ADHD in substance abusing adolescents, often first referring such youths to substance treatment. Untreated ADHD is associated with poorer substance treatment outcomes. We address this research gap by proposing a randomized controlled trial of bupropion vs placebo in 130 adolescents (13-19 years) with Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM IV) ADHD, nicotine dependence and cannabis use disorder (not excluding other SUD). Participants in both bupropion and placebo treatment groups will receive weekly individual manualized-standardized cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) targeting SUD (at no cost to them) throughout the 16 weeks of the medication trial. Bupropion also is effective in treating nicotine dependence in adults; the majority of adolescents with marijuana and other drug abuse also smoke tobacco. More recent research in adults indicates that bupropion may reduce craving and use of other substances of abuse (e.g. methamphetamine, cocaine). It's possible impact on cannabis use disorder (the addiction for which most teens are referred to treatment) has not yet been evaluated. However since all drugs of abuse have a final common pathway leading to addiction via action in the so called brain reward system (ventral tegmental area (VTA), accumbens) -an important secondary aim is to evaluate bupropion's potential impact on craving and use of marijuana (MJ) in addition to its known similar action on nicotine.
Relational Parenting Group for Opioid-addicted Mothers
Substance AbuseChild AbuseThis study is a randomized trial of interventions to improve parent-child relationships of drug-dependent mothers.
Buprenorphine and Integrated HIV Care
Substance-related DisordersDrug Addiction3 moreThe purpose of this study is to examine the efficacy of providing two levels of psychosocial support along with buprenorphine/naloxone (BUP) maintenance to opioid dependent patients receiving their care in an HIV clinical care setting.
HIV Risk Reduction and Drug Abuse Treatment in Malaysia
Opiate DependenceA randomized clinical trial comparing drug abuse and HIV risk reduction counseling (DC-HIV) alone, DC-HIV combined with naltrexone maintenance, and DC-HIV combined with buprenorphine maintenance for the treatment of heroin addicts in Malaysia.
Women's Treatment for Trauma and Substance Use Disorders - 1
Substance-Related DisordersThe purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness of adding Seeking Safety to standard substance abuse treatment to adding a control condition: Women's Health Education to standard substance abuse treatment.
Substance Abuse Self-Help Group Referral: Outcomes and Services Use
Substance Use DisordersSelf-help groups (SHGs) have become an important component of the system of care for patients with substance use disorders (SUDs). SUD patients' participation in SHGs has been linked to lower relapse rates and less use of additional treatment services.
Effectiveness of Advisor-Teller Money Manager
Substance AbuseDual DiagnosisVA investigators have described greater substance use at the beginning of the month when disability and other monthly checks are received. The proposed research addresses an important VA priority�seeing that veterans� funds are spent to improve veterans� quality of life and are not misspent on substances of abuse.
Risperidone Long-acting Versus Oral Risperidone in Patients With Schizophrenia and Alcohol Use Disorder...
SchizophreniaPsychotic Disorders2 moreThe purpose of this study is to compare the efficacy of oral risperidone (Risperdal) to risperidone long-acting (Consta) in reducing alcohol use in persons diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder.
Treatment of Acute Hepatitis C Virus Infection With Pegylated Interferon in Injection Drug Users...
Substance-Related DisordersHepatitisInjection drug use accounts for transmission of a high proportion of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infections. The purpose of this trial is to investigate the effectiveness of pegylated interferon in treating injection drug users (IDUs) with acute HCV.
The Women's Recovery Group Study: Stage I Trial
Alcohol-Related DisordersSubstance-Related DisordersThe purpose of this study was to develop a gender-specific 12-session, manual-based relapse prevention group for women with substance use disorders (SUDs).