CSP vs EMR for >6mm Superficial Non-ampullary Duodenal Tumors
Duodenal TumorThere is currently no reliable evidence on the safety of CSP (cold snare polypectomy) / p-CSP (piecemeal CSP) for SNADT greater than 6mm.In this prospective historical controlled study, we intend to test the role of CSP / p-CSP in the treatment of pedicle less snadt greater than 6mm compared with EMR (endoscopic mucosal resection) / EPMR (endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection).

Tranexamic Acid During Upper GI Endoscopic Resection Procedures
Gastric PolypGastric Neoplasm2 moreEndoscopic resection of gastrointestinal lesions may prevent cancer. However, resection is associated with adverse events such as bleeding. Tranexamic acid (TXA) is a synthetic derivative of lysine that exerts antifibrinolytic effects and may prevent bleeding. The investigators aim to evaluate the effect of local TXA on preventing intraprocedural and postprocedural bleeding in patients undergoing endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) of upper gastrointestinal lesions.

Modified vs Conventional Blumgart Anastomosis of LPD for the Effects of Pancreatic Fistula of Periampullary...
Ampullary CancerBile Duct Cancer2 moreThe incidence rate and mortality rate of periampullary cancer at home and abroad both show an increasing trend, seriously affecting the health level of the people. Pancrecoduodenectomy (PD) is the only effective treatment for periampullary cancer. However, due to the complex technology and difficulty of PD surgery, laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy (LPD) is more difficult, and the postoperative mortality can reach 5%. The important reason is the most serious complication- -pancreatic fistula. The occurrence of pancreatic fistula is related to many factors, and the most critical factor is the method and technology of pancreatico-intestinal anastomosis, so the improvement and innovation of pancreaticoco-intestinal anastomosis technology has always been a hot topic in surgical clinical research. Blumgart Pancreatic anastomosis was originally created by Professor L.H.Blumgart in the United States, and was widely used in OPD due to its low incidence of pancreatic fistula. However, the traditional Blumgart anastomosis is complicated and is not suitable for application in LPD. According to our own experience, our team simplified and improved the traditional Blumgart anastomosis to OPD, and through retrospective study, it has the advantages of reducing the incidence of pancreatic fistula. However, the application value in LPD still needs to be further discussed. Therefore, this study intends to use a prospective randomized controlled trial, using the LPD patients with traditional Blumgart pancreatecointestinal anastomosis as the control group, and the LPD patients with modified Blumgart pancreatecointestinal anastomosis as the test group, compare the clinical relevant indicators and the incidence of postoperative complications, and explore whether the application value in LPD can truly simplify the surgical procedure and ensure the lower incidence of pancreatic leakage.

Role of Proton Pump Inhibitors on the Postoperative Course Following Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Pancreatic CancerPancreas Cancer5 moreThe purpose of this study is to prospectively determine the effects of administering proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) following pancreaticoduodenectomy on postoperative outcomes. The findings of this study will help in avoiding the widespread use of PPIs during the immediate postoperative period following pancreatic surgery.

Integrated Cancer Repository for Cancer Research
Pancreatic CancerThyroid Cancer48 moreThe iCaRe2 is a multi-institutional resource created and maintained by the Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center to collect and manage standardized, multi-dimensional, longitudinal data and biospecimens on consented adult cancer patients, high-risk individuals, and normal controls. The distinct characteristic of the iCaRe2 is its geographical coverage, with a significant percentage of small and rural hospitals and cancer centers. The iCaRe2 advances comprehensive studies of risk factors of cancer development and progression and enables the design of novel strategies for prevention, screening, early detection and personalized treatment of cancer. Centers with expertise in cancer epidemiology, genetics, biology, early detection, and patient care can collaborate by using the iCaRe2 as a platform for cohort and population studies.

Monitoring of patIents With Microdialysis Following Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Pancreatic CancerPancreatic Neoplasms3 moreA pancreaticoduodenectomy is performed in patient with pancreatic cancer. The most common and serious complication is leakage between the intestine and the remnant pancreas after this procedure. It occurs in 20-30%. The result is often prolonged hospital and ICU stay, reoperations and deaths (3-5%). To detect a leakage early before the patient becomes seriously ill, thereby initiating treatment is therefore very important. By inserting a thin microdialysis catheter near the anastomosis between pancreas and intestine before closure of the abdominal wall, the investigators will analyze substances such as lactic acid, pyruvate, glycerol, etc. and if these substances may reveal anastomosis leakage at an early stage. Observational studies have shown that if a leakage occurs, glycerol concentration in the microdialysate will rise significant after few hours, and changes in lactic acid and pyruvate values will change as a sign of inflammation. The investigators want to conduct a randomized study comparing patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy and using microdialysis in half of the included population.

Quebec Pancreas Cancer Study
Pancreas CancerPancreatic Cancer9 moreThe Quebec Pancreas Cancer Study is a prospective clinic-based study consisting of clinical, family history and epidemiologic data, with accompanying biospecimens, from patients diagnosed with either pancreas cancer, a related cancer or a related pre-cancerous condition, and their families.

Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection Registry
NeoplasmStomach6 moreThis is a patient registry for all cases of pre-neoplastic or early neoplastic digestive tract lesions treated with curative intention by endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) technique.

A Randomized Trial of Two Surgical Techniques for Pancreaticojejunostomy in Patients Undergoing...
Pancreatic NeoplasmsBiliary Tract Neoplasms3 moreThe purpose of this trial is to determine whether a mucosa-to-mucosa technique of pancreaticojejunostomy will improve the pancreatic fistula rate.

Postoperative Oral Nutritional Supplementation After Major Gastrointestinal Surgery
Gastric CancerColon Cancer5 morePatients who underwent major gastrointestinal surgery is potentially at risk of malnutrition due to reduced oral intake, increased nutritional need, reduced gastrointestinal absorption function, and/or metabolic changes after surgery. The postoperative malnutrition is associated with low quality of life and seems to be related long-term nutritional status. This study is a multicenter, open-labeled prospective randomized clinical trial to examine the effect of postoperative oral nutritional supplements (ONS) after major gastrointestinal surgery by comparing the change of body weight and other nutritional parameters between the experiment group that is supplied with ONS and the control group without ONS.