Targeting the Gut Dysbiosis to Treat Inflammation-driven Synaptopathy in MS
Patient ParticipationInflammatory synaptopathy is a prominent pathogenic process in multiple sclerosis (MS) induced by imbalanced immune system homeostasis. Its persistence causes excitotoxic neuronal damage, leading to motor and cognitive deficits. Although many advances have been made in MS treatment, the development of effective strategies for managing disease progression driven by excitotoxic synaptic dysfunctions is of great significance. Gut dysbiosis is commonly associated with both MS and obesity and high-fat diet (HFD) can exacerbate disease by acting on gut microbiota. Since gut microbiota can shape the immune response and brain functions, we propose to target gut dysbiosis by dietary supplementation of prebiotics and probiotics (Pre-Pro) to treat synaptopathy in both human and experimental model of MS, even when exacerbated by HFD. Overall, this project aims at unveiling the anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective pathways activated by Pre-Pro supplementation to modulate the immune-synaptic axis.

Effect of Probiotic on Gut Microbiome and Bacterial Translocation in Healthy Asian Volunteers
DysbiosisDysbiosis of the gut microbiome has been recognized to underlie the pathogenesis of various gastrointestinal conditions. Probiotics are known to exert beneficial effects on gut health and have great potential for use as microbiome interventions for gastrointestinal and metabolic diseases. While it is widely known that probiotic bacteria favourably alter the intestinal microflora balance, their other mechanisms of action have not been systematically characterized. The ability of probiotics to modulate dysbiosis may lead to reduced levels of endotoxaemia and oxidative stress. In this study, the investigators propose to examine the effects of 4-week Vivomixx treatment on the gut microbiome and bacterial translocation in healthy Asian volunteers with and without colonic lavage or antibiotic treatment. The study will also examine the same outcome parameters 4 weeks upon cessation of the product. The findings derived from the study will provide valuable insights into the microbiota changes associated with colonic lavage or antibiotic treatment, and the use of probiotic (Vivomixx). This has important clinical implications in designing treatment strategies in clinical practice such as the use of Vivomixx as microbiome interventions with antibiotics which are known to induce Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea, as well as in the therapeutic management of various diseases associated with dysbiosis.

Periodontal Therapy on the Gut Microbiome of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Periodontal DiseasesIBD2 morePeriodontitis and inflammatory bowel disease have been associated by meta-epidemiologic evidence, although their mechanistic connection needs to be further explored. Oral-gut axis is implicated in the pathogenesis of several chronic inflammatory conditions, but to date no studies have evaluated the impact of periodontal treatment on gut ecology. Thus, the present randomised clinical trial is aimed at investigating the effect of intensive or conventional periodontal therapy on the gut microbiome and parameters of systemic inflammation of patients diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease.

Microbiome Metabolites and Alcohol in HIV to Reduce CVD RCT
MicrotiaDysbiosis3 moreAmong people living with HIV, heavy drinking increases the risk of heart disease and death. Studies suggest that alcohol changes the number and kind of bacteria in your gut and these changes increase the risk of heart disease and death. This randomized controlled trial will determine whether a pill containing healthy gut bacteria can increase the number good bacteria in the gut, lower levels of inflammation, and lower the risk of heart disease and death.

A Randomized Double Blinded Placebo Controlled Study on the Effects of Dietary Supplementation With...
StrokeIschemic1 moreThe aim of this study is to determine the effects of an intervention using a commercially available probiotic in a cohort of acute stroke patients. In order to determine this, a double blinded, randomised and placebo-controlled study design was chosen.

Optimizing Anti-IL17 Antibody Therapy by Associating Fiber Supplementation to Correct Treatment-aggravated...
Axial SpondyloarthritisFiber is the main source of energy for colonic bacteria and its consumption favorably modifies the composition of the microbiota in only a few days. Their fermentation in the colon releases short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). Clostridiales contain many strains producing SCFAs. These SCFAs can restore the intestinal barrier and promote certain anti-inflammatory cells, including regulatory T cells (Tregs), which are essential to the mechanisms in tolerance of the self. Fibers could therefore correct the intestinal abnormalities present in patients with axial spondyloarthritis (AxSpA) and aggravated by anti-IL-17 drugs and thus improve the therapeutic response to these treatments. The hypothesis is that dietary fiber will correct the dysbiosis in AxSpA patients and increase the release of SCFAs, which favorably modulate the immune response and improve AxSpA.

Evidence Based Probiotic Therapy of Proton Pump Inhibitor Induced Dysbiosis
DysbiosisIn this study the investigators aim to test whether an evidence based probiotic is able to revert proton pump inhibitor induced dysbiosis of the gut microbiome.

Use Babyguard® Breast Milk Probiotics to Verify the Authenticity of the Gut-Breast Axis Hypothesis...
Intestinal Bacteria Flora DisturbanceIn order to understand the life history of the breast milk flora, explore its composition, source of strains, and ability to colonize the baby's intestinal environment, to find out strains with the potential of probiotics in breast milk

Respiratory Dysbiosis in Preschool Children With Asthma: Predictive of a Severe Form
Asthma in ChildrenDysbiosisThe prevalence of asthma in preschool children is between 11 and12%. Inhaled corticosteroid therapy is the main therapy used, however this treatment seems insufficiently effective in some children. Recent research in cystic fibrosis has made it possible to highlight pulmotypes corresponding to the different stages of pulmonary dysbiosis, and a predictive microbiological signature of an increased risk of early primocolonization to P. aeruginosa. These pulmotypes are the result of the so-called "enterotyping" analysis, a biostatistical method that makes it possible to stratify individuals according to the analysis of the microbiota. In the light of these data, it seems interesting to transcribe the concept of using a biomarker of the microbiota in the monitoring of a chronic lung disease such as asthma. The hypothesis is that there is respiratory dysbiosis causing corticosteroid resistance to treatment in children under 3 years of age with severe asthma.

The Efficacy of 10-day and 14-day Bismuth-based Quadruple Therapy in First-line H. Pylori Eradication...
Helicobacter Pylori InfectionDysbiosis1 moreHelicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is the major cause of gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, and gastric cancer in adults. Bismuth-based quadruple therapy is recommended by a recent review to be the first-line treatment for H. pylori eradication, replacing clarithromycin-based triple therapy. It is because the eradication rates of triple therapy in adults have declined due to increasing clarithromycin resistance. The best regimen for H. pylori eradication should be the one which succeeds on the first attempt. However, the effectiveness and the optimal duration of bismuth-based quadruple therapy for first-line H. pylori eradication in adults are unknown. Moreover, the impacts on gut microbiota after H. pylori eradication should be concerned; for example, bismuth-based quadruple therapy decreases F. prausnitzii richness. The transient perturbation of the gut microbiota after H. pylori eradication were restored at 8 weeks and one year in subjects receiving clarithromycin-based triple therapy but not fully recovered in those receiving bismuth-based quadruple therapy. Therefore, the important issues are that the short-term and long-term gut dysbiosis and the recovery of gut F. prausnitzii depletion in H. pylori-infected adult patients after bismuth-based quadruple therapy. It is also uncertain the role of irreversible gut dysbiosis even though H. pylori is eradicated in gastric persist inflammation and progress to cancer, and whether probiotics could be helpful in recovering gut dysbiosis. The therapeutic strategy to eradicate H. pylori infection is based on antibiotics; however, this strategy not only increases drug resistant rates of the pathogen but also shapes the gut microbiota. The investigators hypothesize that bismuth-based quadruple therapy could be an optimal regimen for first-line H. pylori eradication in the era of increasing clarithromycin resistance; moreover, gut dysbiosis could be reversed after bismuth-based quadruple therapy. Furthermore, the efficacy of the10-day course is not inferior to that of the 14-day course in H. pylori eradication. The investigators also hypothesize that probiotics could restore gastric or gut dysbiosis, especially gut F. prausnitzii depletion.