Pallidal Stimulation in Patients With Idiopathic Generalised Dystonia
DystoniaPallidal stimulation is effective in patients with generalised idiopathic dystonia. The aim of this study is to: evaluate the efficacy and safety of this treatment in patients with idiopathic generalised dystonia, 3 years after surgery and assess the recurrence of the motor symptoms after the switch off.

Abnormal Movements, Cerebellum and Sensorimotor : Oculomotor Study
HealthyDystonia1 moreDystonia is a movement disorder characterized by involuntary, sustained, often repetitive muscle contractions of opposite muscles that lead to abnormal twisting movements or odd postures. Essential tremor is a slowly progressive neurologic disorder characterized by the appearance of a tremor during the voluntary movement. The pathophysiology of dystonia or essential tremor is not fully elucidated. Dystonia and essential tremor are associated with dysfunction of the sensorimotor basal ganglia-cortical network and involvement of the cerebellum and cerebellar pathways has also been recently suggested. The investigators propose to study 30 patients having a primary dystonia (15 DYT11 genetically documented), 15 patients having an essential tremor without deep brain stimulation and 15 patients having an essential tremor with deep brain stimulation.A group of 30 healthy volunteers will be recruited and tested according to the same modalities. They will be paired in sex and age. 30 patients having a Parkinson disease will be also tested. Eye position will be sampled with a video-based monocular eye tracker (SMI, Germany) before and immediately after an adaptation task. Saccade adaptation is evaluated as the percentage change in the mean saccade amplitude between pre-test and post-test. Expected results: no or fewer alteration of the performance to the adaptation task in the Parkinson group than in the Essential Tremor group/ dystonia group. abnormal reactive saccade backward adaptation in the Dystonia group and Essential Tremor group, providing further neurophysiological evidence of cerebellar dysfunction.

Clinical Trial of STN-DBS for Primary Cranial-Cervical Dystonia
DystoniaPrimary cranial-cervical dystonia is managed mainly by repeated botulinum toxin injections.This study is to establish whether subthalamic nucleus neurostimulation could improve symptoms in patients not adequately responding to chemodenervation or oral drug treatment. Investigators compared this surgical treatment with sham stimulation in a randomized, controlled clinical trial.

The Impact of Botulinum Toxin Treatment in Quality of Life of Cervical Dystonia Patients
Botulinum ToxinQuality of Life1 moreThe purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of botulinum toxin treatment in quality of life(QoL) in cervical dystonia patients

Precision-targeted Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in the Treatment of Primary Dystonia
Primary DystoniaTranscranial Magnetic StimulationIn this scheme, TMS treatment of Primary dystonia is planned by precise magnetic resonance positioning.

Transcranial Direct-Current Stimulation in Childhood Dystonia
Childhood Onset DystoniasThe investigators hypothesize that transcranial direct current stimulation over the motor cortex will reduce muscle overflow and improve hand function in children with primary or secondary dystonia.

Role of the Striatal Cholinergic System in the Pathophysiology of Dystonia
DystoniaDystonia is defined as a syndrome of sustained muscle contractions resulting in repetitive movements and abnormal postures. DYT1 is the most common form of genetic dystonia, but the link between genomic mutations and phenotypic expression remains largely unknown. Furthermore, secondary forms of dystonia have highlighted the role of the basal ganglia, particularly the putamen in the pathophysiology of the disease. Experimental results in a genetic model of dystonia in rodents suggest that cholinergic inter-neurons (ACh-I) of the putamen play a critical role in the pathological process of plasticity in the cortico-striatal synapse. However, these results have not been demonstrated in humans.

Integration of the Cervical Proprioceptive Signals in Patients With Cervical Dystonia
Cervical DystoniaThe purpose of this study is to compare the cervical muscular force control , taking into account the proprioceptive signals, in patients with and without cervical dystonia.

A Retrospective Chart Review of BOTOX® and Xeomin® for the Management of Cervical Dystonia and Blepharospasm...
Cervical DystoniaBlepharospasmThis study is a retrospective chart review to evaluate the doses of botulinum Type A toxins BOTOX® (onabotulinumtoxinA) and Xeomin® (incobotulinumtoxinA) used for the treatment of Cervical Dystonia and Blepharospasm in clinical practice.

Outcome of Botulinum Toxin Treatment for Oromandibular Dystonia
Dystonia; OrofacialSymptoms of oromandibular dystonia can be alleviated by injections of botulinum toxin. The scope of this study is to describe the efficacy of this procedure, by a retrospective systematic review of patients medical charts