Influence of Central Versus Peripheral Vestibular Stimulation in Patients With Peripheral Vestibular...
Peripheral Vestibular DisordersVestibular disorders are disabling conditions that can have a major effect on functioning especially on daily activities and social participation. Latest epidemiological studies estimate that as many as 35% of adults aged 40 years or older had experienced some form of vestibular dysfunction. Non invasive brain stimulation techniques such as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) have been investigated as therapeutic interventions for various neurological disorders like motor deficits and balance disorders after various neurological deficits. The purpose of this study is to compare between rTMs stimulation and galvanic vestibular stimulation in patients with unilateral peripheral vestibular disorders.

Ph.D.-Project: Eustachian Tube Dysfunction: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognosis
Eustachian Tube DysfunctionMiddle Ear Disease3 moreBackground: The Eustachian Tube (ET) is a mucosa-lined connection between the nasopharynx and the middle ear cavity. It is believed to have three functions: 1) ventilation of and pressure equalization in the middle ear cavity, 2) mucus drainage from the middle ear, and 3) protection against sound and infection from the nasopharynx1. In adults, Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (ETD) can cause complaints from one or both ears. For many years, various definitions of ETD have been used, impairing the opportunity to compare studies. However, in 2015, an international consensus on definition, types, clinical presentation, and diagnosis of ETD was published by Schilder et al2, which has been adopted by all the Scandinavian countries. The symptoms include pressure (fullness), and/or pain in the ear, muffled hearing, and overall discomfort. Furthermore, chronic ETD can result in tympanic membrane retraction, atelectasis of the middle ear cavity, and ultimately formation of cholesteatoma3. Unfortunately, the symptoms of ETD are multiple and inaccurate giving rise to varying estimates of the prevalence. As an example, a study in UK found a 0.9 % prevalence of ETD4. In addition, clear guidelines on diagnostics and treatment are not currently available due to the fact, that no objective test for detection of ETD exists. In the need of a symptom scoring system, the patient reported Eustachian Tube Dysfunction Questionnaire (ETDQ-7) has been developed and validated in English5. Yet, translation into other languages as well as validation in other settings are necessary in order to substantiate the applicability of ETDQ-7. ETD is associated with a lack of opening of ET. It is believed that the length, diameter and angle of ET influences its ability to open regularly, thus affecting its function. A short, narrow and angled ET may predispose to ETD. However, the imaging available to visualize ET are not accurate enough to diagnose ETD. A direct test of the function of ET is not available. Tubomanometry is a relatively new method developed to directly test the opening of ET, but is yet to be validated6. Both non-surgical and surgical treatment options to improve the function of the Eustachian Tube are available. Non-surgical management includes pressure equalization methods (e.g. the Valsalva maneuver), antihistamines, treatment with decongestants, and nasal douching with a saline solution. Surgically, ventilation tubes are often used to treat ETD. In case of adenoid hypertrophy obstructing the pharyngeal opening of ET, adenoidectomy is recommended. Balloon Eustachian Tuboplasty (BET) was introduced in 2010 by Ockermann et al7. BET is a non-invasive procedure performed under general anesthesia. During the procedure, a catheter is inserted either endonasally or transtympanic into ET, and a balloon is inflated with water for approximately two minutes. Various heterogeneous studies have shown a short-term effect of BET, but long-term effects are unclear8. In summary, despite the assumption of being a common condition, the field of ETD suffers from lack of precise definition, diagnostic criteria, identification of underlying causes as well as purposeful treatment, and prognostic factors. Especially, long-term effects of BET need further investigation. Therefore, in an effort to fill out the gap of knowledge about ETD, the following specific aims are proposed:

Effects of Anakinra in Subjects With Corticosteroid-resistant/Intolerant Meniere's Disease and Autoimmune...
Autoimmune Inner Ear DiseaseMeniere's DiseaseA Phase II randomized, placebo controlled study design of anakinra (Kineret) in corticosteroid-resistant or intolerant Meniere's disease (CR-MD)and corticosteroid-resistant or intolerant autoimmune inner ear disease (CR-AIED) patients. Patients will be randomized by a 2:1 allocation to anakinra or placebo for 42 continuous days. After day 42, a second placebo-controlled period will begin for an additional 42 days. This will be followed by a 264 day observation period, during which, hearing declines may be re-treated with anakinra after 30 days following the initial drug.

Baseline Performance and Fitting Parameters for Sonova Products
Hearing LossEar Diseases2 moreThe purpose of this study is to assess the effectiveness and optimization of various FDA approved products.

Effects of an Online Hearing Support for First-time Hearing Aid Users
Hearing LossHearing Impairment5 moreThe goal of this randomised controlled trial is to test a online hearing support for first-time hearing aid users. The main questions it aims to answer are short- and long-term effects on the emotional and social consequences of hearing loss that the participants experience, use of communications strategies, experienced listening in complex sound environments and perceived effectiveness and satisfaction with hearing aids.

Effect of Rate (Slope) of Compression on the Incidence of Symptomatic ETD and MEB: a Phase III Prospective...
Ear BarotraumaMiddle Ear Disease5 moreEustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) and middle ear barotrauma (MEB) are common reported complications during hyperbaric oxygen treatment. The Phase I study data was the first to demonstrate a statistically significant decrease in the occurrence of symptomatic ETD and middle ear barotrauma (MEB). The Phase I Trial suggested the total time interval and rate (slope) of compression (ROC) may be a determining factor in ETD and MEB. This Phase II study investigates an optimal total time interval and rate of compression to reduce ETD and MEB when considering each multiplace treatment (with multiple patients) as the unit of observation collectively as a group, rather than for each individual patient. Data will be collected prospectively on group patient-treatment exposures. Our investigators randomly assign patient-treatment group exposures to two different rates (slopes) of compression. These are limited to the linear versus the non-linear rates (slopes) of compression identical to two of four compression profiles used in the Phase I and Phase II trials. All patients experiencing symptoms of ETD and MEB requiring compression stops will be evaluated post treatment to confirm the presence of ETD and MEB using the O'Neill Grading System (OGS). Data will be analyzed using the IBM-SPSS statistical software program. The number of compression holds observed in each of the compression schedules/compression profiles using an identical 15-minute total time interval of compression but varying in the rate (slope) of compression will be recorded as in the Phase I and II studies. Symptomatic patients who required compression stops (as in the Phase I trial) using a USN TT 9 during elective hyperbaric oxygen treatments in a Class A multiplace hyperbaric chamber will be compared. Statistical analysis using descriptive and Inferential statistics will be applied to the patients requiring first stops in the compression profiles. This will be used to further evaluate the data restricted to the rate of compression (linear vs. non-linear) and whether this is associated with the number of compression holds. The 15-minute total time interval of compression will be identical in both compression profiles studied since this was found to be the total time interval of compression with the least number of treatment stops/holds in the phase I and phase II studies.

Posturography-assisted Vestibular Retraining for Stable Unilateral Vestibular Deficit
DizzinessEquilibrium; Disorder3 morePeople that have difficulty with balance have a higher risk of falling and reduced quality of life. Some individuals can learn to compensate using their vision, their sense of where their limbs are in space, and balance organs that are still intact. Rehabilitation exercises, which typically involve shaking and nodding of the head, are often prescribed for dizzy patients but are not effective for everyone. Our study aims to determine if specific exercises performed on footplate sensors with visual feedback is superior to traditional rehabilitation exercises done at home for improving balance and quality of life.

The Accuracy of Manual BPPV Diagnostics When Using VNG Goggles.
Benign Paroxysmal Positional VertigoBPPV5 moreThe aim is to investigate the accuracy of manual diagnostics of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) by comparing it to BPPV diagnostics in mechanical rotational chair (TRV chair). VNG (videonystagmography) goggles will be used in both scenarios. Furthermore, the investigators will examine the importance of angulation and velocity in relation to the diagnostic outcome.

Comparison of Imaging Quality Between Spectral Photon Counting Computed Tomography (SPCCT) and Dual...
Diabetic Foot UlcerCoronary Artery Disease11 moreThis pilot study wants to determine to which extent SPCCT allows obtaining images with improved quality and diagnostic confidence when compared to standard Dual Energy CT (DECT), both with and without contrast agent injection. Depending on the anatomical structures/organs to be visualized during CT examinations, different scanning protocols are performed with quite variable ionizing radiation doses. Therefore, in order to obtain the most extensive and representative results of the improvement in image quality between SPCCT and DECT that will be performed CT imaging on several body regions and structures, including diabetic foot, diabetic calcium coronary scoring, adrenal glands, coronary arteries, lung parenchyma, kidney stones, inner ear, brain and joints, earl/temporal bone, colorectal carcinosis.

Coherent Optical Detection of Middle Ear Disease
Otitis MediaOtitis Media With Effusion1 moreThe purpose of this project is to see if optical coherence tomography (OCT), a new technology acting as an ultrasound for the ear, facilitates accurately diagnosing acute otitis media (AOM) and otitis media with effusion (OME) in children. Clinical diagnoses made using solely pneumatic otoscopy (PO) will be compared to those made with the addition of OCT.