A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Clinical Study of BET Combined With Tympanostomy Tube Insertion...
Otitis Media With Effusion After Nasopharyngeal CarcinomaThe primary purpose of this study is to compare balloon Eustachian tuboplasty (BET) combined with tympanostomy tube insertion and simply tympanostomy tube insertion in the treatment of otitis media with effusion (OME) in post-radiotherapy patients on the improvement of subjective symptoms (ear fullness, etc.) and the tympanogram. The secondary purpose is to clarify the effects of BET on the incidence of middle ear infection and slippage of ventilation tube during tube retention, as well as to determine the difference of hearing improvement between the two management methods.

Analgesic Ear Drops for Children With Acute Otitis Media
Acute Otitis MediaPainThis trial aims to investigate whether analgesic ear drops added to usual care provide superior ear pain relief over usual care alone in children presenting to primary care with AOM. Children will be randomly allocated (ratio 1:1) to either 1) lidocaine hydrochloride 5mg/g ear drops (Otalgan) 1-2 drops up to six times daily for a maximum of 7 days in addition to usual care (oral analgesics, with/without antibiotics) or 2) usual care. Parents will complete a symptom diary for 4 weeks as well as generic and disease-specific quality of life questionnaires at baseline and 4 weeks. The primary outcome is the parent-reported ear pain score (0-10) over the first 3 days. NOTE: At the time of publication of the study protocol paper, the investigators were unable to make any amendments to the trial registration record in the Netherlands Trial Register (NTR) (NL9500; date of registration: 28 May 2021). The addition of a data sharing plan was required to adhere to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines. The investigators therefore re-registered the trial in ClinicalTrials.gov. This second registration is for modification purposes only and the NTR record (NL9500) should be regarded as the primary trial registration.

Autoinflation: Alternative in the Treatment of Otitis Media With Effusion
Otitis Media With EffusionHearing LossOtitis media with effusion (OME) is a common finding affecting children and the main cause of acquired hearing loss in the pediatric age. OBJECTIVES The purpose of the clinical study is to determine whether self-inflation using a new device: It is an effective non-invasive treatment during the watchful waiting period, with the ability to improve hearing loss and prevent surgical treatment; Maintains long-term hearing improvement;

LiveSpo Navax® Supports the Treatment of Acute Rhinosinusitis and Otitis Media
Upper Respiratory Tract InfectionsAcute respiratory tract infections (ARTIs), such as acute rhinosinusitis (ARS) and acute otitis media (AOM), are common worldwide and caused by viruses or bacteria entering the body through the mouth and nose. AOM frequently occurs in young children and is caused by bacterial reflux into the middle ear. ARS is a relatively common ARTIs and can occur at many ages. To accurately diagnose disease, careful clinical examination and accurate clinical judgment are required, as making a reasonable treatment regimen with the decision to use antibiotics. Probiotics have long been known to have beneficial effects on the digestive system. Not only limited to the gastrointestinal tract but probiotics are also known for their role in reducing infections in the respiratory system. Recently, the investigators have successfully conducted a clinical trial of nasal-spray Bacillus spore probiotics in children infected with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and the data show that the probiotics can rapidly and effectively relieve symptoms of RSV-induced ARTIs while exhibiting strong impacts in reducing viral load and inflammation. Here, the investigators conducted a study that directly spraying probiotics into the nose can effectively support to treatment of both ARS and AOM. The aim of the study about to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of nasal-spraying probiotics containing spores of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus clausii in the supportive treatment of patients with ARS and AOM. Study Population: sample size is 120. Description of Sites: the study is carried out at Thai Binh Medical University Hospital and Thai Binh Children's Hospital. Description of Study Intervention: 120 eligible patients are divided into 2 groups (n=60/group) including the ARS group and the ARS accompanied by the AOM (ARS & AOM) group. 60 patients in each of the above groups were randomly assigned to two subgroups (n=30/subgroup): Patients in the Control-ARS and Control-ARS & AOM subgroups received the routine treatment and three times per day nasal-spraying 0.9% NaCl physiological saline. In contrast, the patients in the Navax-ARS and Navax-ARS & AOM subgroups received three times per day nasal-spraying LiveSpo Navax® in addition to the same standard of care treatment. The standard treatment regimen is 3-7 days, depending on the severity of the disease when the patient arrives for the exam and the progression of the disease during the treatment period. Study duration: 18 months

In-Office Clinical Study of the Solo+ TTD
Ear InfectionOtitis MediaThe objective of this study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the Solo+ Tympanostomy Tube Device (Solo+ TTD) for the placement of tympanostomy tubes in paediatric patients undergoing a tympanostomy procedure.

Performance and Safety of Otinova® Ear Spray
Otitis ExternaThe purpose of this study is to assess the performance and safety of Otinova® Ear Spray when used in the treatment of external otitis symptoms.

V114 and Acute Otitis Media (V114-032/PNEU-ERA)
Acute Otitis Media (AOM)The primary objective is to evaluate V114 in the prevention of vaccine-type acute otitis media (VT-AOM) and the safety of V114 with respect to the proportion of participants with serious adverse events (SAEs) through completion of the study. The primary hypothesis is that V114 is superior to no V114 in preventing VT-AOM as assessed by the incidence of VT-AOM.

Effect of Lactobacillus Johnsonii or White Pomegranate Extract on the Vaginal Health
Vaginitis BacterialInflammation1 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to explore the effect of Lactobacillus johnsonii and white pomegranate extract on female bacterial status, it aims to answer are: Evaluate Lactobacillus johnsonii TCI250 probiotics or white pomegranate extract in regulating female vaginal bacteria and improving vaginal health. Evaluate Lactobacillus johnsonii TCI250 probiotics or white pomegranate extract in regulating inflammation. Participants will be randomly assigned to placebo (n = 50), probiotic heat-killed Lactobacillus johnsonii TCI250 group (n = 50) and white pomegranate extract group (n = 50) for 8 weeks. Researchers will compare the vaginal flora and inflammation.

Effect of Ventilation Tubes in Otitis-prone Children
Recurrent Acute Otitis MediaThe purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of ventilation tubes in children with recurrent ear infections. By drawing lots, young children with recurrent ear infections will be assigned to one of two groups (ventilation tubes or close follow-up), and the number of ear infections and antibiotic prescriptions in each group will be monitored. The study participants will be followed until they are 7 years old.

Dynamic Change and Immune Response to Nasopharyngeal Carriage and Acute Otitis Media Pathogens
Acute Otitis MediaThe investigators seek to conduct a prospective, longitudinal study to identify the dynamic changes in nasopharyngeal (NP) colonization patterns and acute otitis media (AOM) etiology involving antibiotic-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae (Spn) and Haemophilus influenzae (Hflu).