The Use of High Concentration Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Transfer Medium in Repeated Implantation Failure...
IVFEmbryo Loss2 moreThis is a pilot study with the aim to investigate the beneficial effect of bicarbonate buffered medium containing hyaluronan and recombinant human albumin (EmbryoGlue®, Vitrolife) in patients with documented repeated implantation failure on live birth per randomized subject as primary endpoint.

Luteal Support in Artificial Vitrified/Warmed Cycles With Low Progesterone
IVFEmbryo Loss1 moreThe study aims to evaluate the effect of an increased dose of vaginal progesterone supplementation on the incidence of ongoing pregnancy for patients with a suboptimal serum progesterone level (defined as < 10 mcg/l) on the day of blastocyst transfer.

Truth or Dare; Artificial Blastocoel Collapse Using Laser Before Blastocyst's Vitrification Versus...
Blastocyst Disintegration: This prospective randomized observational study aimed to compare behavior of artificially collapsed blastocysts to blastocysts that were vitrified without artificial collapse.

Assessment of Implantation Potential of Embryos by Time-lapse Technology
Embryo/Fetus DeathBlastocyst Disintegration3 moreCulture conditions of developing embryos are highly controlled in the Embryoscope and are monitored by Time-lapse videography to produce 3D images at different stages.This cannot be done under conventional culture conditions. The 3D images thus produced,are analysed with the help of Embryoviewer, a part of the Embryoscope,through latest software. Embryoviewer also identifies embryos for transfer, freezing and to be discarded.

A Comparison Between Home-made Vitrification & Thawing Media and a Commercially Available Brand...
Blastocyst DisintegrationThis study was conducted to evaluate and compare cryo-survival, re-expansion, and implantation rates of Day 5/6 human blastocysts that were vitrified with home-made media (HM) according to (Shady grove protocol) and warmed with gradual Thawing HM according to (Kuwayama protocol)with Global Fast Freeze/Thaw Kits (LifeGlobal, Canada).