Combined Vitrectomy and Femtosecond Laser-assisted Cataract Surgery
Macular DiseaseRhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment5 moreBased on the progress of cataract surgery, intraocular lens development, vitreoretinal surgery and anesthesia technology in recent years, the purpose of this study is to develop a new type of more accurate and minimally invasive combined surgery for cataract and fundus diseases, and to evaluate the advantages and value of the surgery as well as related complications, so as to minimize the surgical trauma and obtain faster visual function recovery and better patient comfort. To provide new solutions for the growing demand of eye health care.

Assessing the Efficacy and Safety fo DEXTENZA, Sustained Release Dexamethasone 0.4 mg Insert(s)...
VitrectomyMacular Pucker1 moreAssessing the efficacy and safety of DEXTENZA, sustained release dexamethasone 0.4 mg inserts following 27 gauge vitrectomy with internal limiting membrane peel

Phase I Study of Episcleral Celecoxib for Treatment of Macular Edema and Inflammatory Disorders...
Macula EdemaRadiation Retinopathy5 moreThis phase I trial will assess primarily the safety and secondarily the anti-inflammatory and anti-neovascular effect of Episcleral Celecoxib in patients suffering from macular edema and other inflammatory disorders of the retina, choroid and vitreous.

Randomized Trial Comparing Immediate vs. Deferred Surgery for Symptomatic ERM
Epiretinal MembraneVitrectomy to remove an epiretinal membrane (ERM) is one of the most common procedures performed by retinal surgeons. Patients who present with significant macular changes on optical coherence tomography (OCT) but relatively good vision are often advised to defer surgery until vision declines to 20/40 or worse. However, it is unknown if delaying surgery, which allows the foveal architecture to remain compromised and potentially to deteriorate, results in worse visual acuity outcomes than if surgery is performed earlier. In addition, there is a need to better understand predictors of outcomes when surgery is performed and predictors of progression when surgery is deferred. Finally, one of the most common presenting symptoms from an ERM is distortion or metamorphopsia. There are several objective measures of metamorphopsia but none have ever been employed to evaluate ERMs in a randomized clinical trial (RCT) and their usefulness is unknown. The purposes of this study are to better understand the optimal timing of surgery to produce the best visual result, to better understand predictors of outcomes in those who undergo surgery and predictors of progression in those whose are observed, and to better characterize and evaluate the usefulness of metamorphopsia and reading speed measures.

Efficiency of Intraoperative Optical Coherence Tomography (iOCT)
Epiretinal MembraneGlaucoma1 moreEfficiency of Intraoperative Optical Coherence Tomography (iOCT) Hypothesis: The use of iOCT during surgery offers the advantage of a new view of the operating field, theoretically allows more precise performance and can also change decision-making mechanisms during surgery with more precise visual control of some surgical steps (incision adaptation, differentiation of healthy and pathological tissue, placement of the implant, graft, etc.) The disadvantage is the prolongation of the operation and thus the theoretical increase in possible complications related to the operation (bleeding, infection, patient subjective problems - pain, restlessness, poorer cooperation and the resulting other possible risks, such as unexpected patient movement). Aim: Determining the effectiveness of iOCT use in different types of eye surgery. Evaluation of advantages and disadvantages of using iOCT.

Zeiss RESIGHT Disposable Lenses Evaluation Study
Retinal DetachmentMacular Pucker2 moreTo evaluate the intra-operative efficacy of a new intra-operative viewing device.

Quantification of Metamorphopsia in Patients With Epiretinal Membranes
Epiretinal MembraneAim of this study is to examine metamorphopsia before and 3 months after vitrectomy with membrane peeling among patients with idiopathic epiretinal membranes. Therefore, the correlation between the Alleye App and the M-chart test before and after ERM surgery and the associations of OCT biomarkers to postsurgical changes in metamorphopsia scores will be examined.

DISCOVER Study: Microscope-integrated Intraoperative OCT Study
Retinal DiseasesFuchs Endothelial Dystrophy3 moreOptical coherence tomography (OCT )provides high resolution information regarding the anatomic structure of the tissues of the eye in a cross-sectional and 3 dimensional view. Much of this information is not able to be visualized by a clinician. Utilizing this information during surgery will allow for the ophthalmic surgeons to better understand how surgical procedures impact the anatomic structure of the eye. In this study an OCT device that has been built into the microscope (rather than mounted on the side or held in the surgeon's hand) and will be utilized to take images at various milestones during surgery to assess feasibility and potential utility of this technology. Since it is built into the microscope, there are potential significant advantages over a separate system including increased efficiency, improved working distance, and the ability to visualize tissue-instrument interactions.

Evaluation of Intraoperative Slow-release Dexamethasone Implant for Epiretinal Membrane
Epiretinal MembraneEpiretinal membrane (ERM) is a commonly encountered vitreoretinal interface anomaly with a prevalence of approximately 10% in the adult population. It is often treated with pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) and membrane peeling when symptomatic. PPV is generally successful at improving visual acuity (VA) and/or metamorphopsia. At times, however, visual recovery can be hindered by macular edema in the post-vitrectomy period. Ozurdex can accelerate the resorption of intraretinal edema and hasten the improvement in the visual acuity. It has been shown to facilitate fluid absorption by both stimulating endogenous adenosine signaling in Muller cells and by down regulating vascular endothelial growth factor production. So, this study aim to investigate the efficacy of Ozurdex implant after PPV in epiretinal membrane eyes.

" Sweeper " and Epiretinal Membrane Surgery
Epiretinal MembraneEpiretinal membrane (ERM) is a pathological phenomenon requiring surgery when vision is altered. ERM surgery requires ERM peeling, then active internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling if it is not spontaneously peeled with ERM. Initiation of peeling is very delicate and can lead to micro scotoma when realized with microscopic forceps. The Sweeper is a microscopic tool with a soft silicon tip covered with diamond dust which allows peeling initiation without retina prehension. It may reduce retinal trauma and visual sequelae. Purpose of our study is to evaluate use of sweeper during 20 ERM surgeries. The investigator will compare microperimetry before surgery versus those after 1 month (M1) and 3 months (M3), and measure difference of number and depths of micro scotoma. The investigator will note: number of forceps uses if sweeper is inefficient and all areas of sweeper use to correlate them with micro scotoma. The investigator will evaluate visual and optical coherence tomography improvement after surgery.