Simultaneous Mifepristone and Misoprostol Versus Misoprostol Alone for Induction of Labor of Nonviable...
AbortionSecond Trimester9 moreWhen time allows, administration of mifepristone prior to second trimester induction of labor decreases total labor time. However, in the setting of many pregnancy complications, decreasing time from diagnosis of nonviable pregnancy to delivery is of utmost importance to decrease risk of maternal complications. Previous data has shown that total abortion time is longer in the group receiving mifepristone owing to the delay between mifepristone administration and initiation of misoprostol induction of labor. Thus, the investigators aim to investigate whether simultaneous mifepristone and misoprostol has benefits over misoprostol alone when labor induction of a nonviable second trimester cannot be delayed.

Intravenous Immunoglobulin and Prednisolone for RPL After ART.
Habitual AbortionRecurrent Pregnancy Loss2 moreRecurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) affects around 5 % of women in reproductive age. The underlying cause of RPL is most often unknown, probably multifactorial, and no treatment with documented effect on chance of live birth exists. In unexplained cases of RPL, primarily the immune system is hypothesized to play a pivotal, causative role, since autoantibodies and specific human leukocyte antigen (HLA) alleles as well as unbalanced distribution of leucocyte subsets, especially natural killer (NK) cells and T-helper (Th) cells, occurs more frequently in patients with unexplained RPL. For that reason, many treatment regimens used in autoimmune diseases have been tested on RPL patients, as for example prednisolone and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg). IVIg (Privigen) consist of a broad spectrum of structurally and functionally intact IgG antibodies. The mechanism of action is not fully elucidated, but certainly IVIg do help opsonise and neutralize foreign cells and pathogens. Prednisolone support this anti-inflammatory action by suppressing migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes, and reducing the volume and activity of the immune system and the capillary permeability. A retrospective, observational pilot study suggested that a combination of prednisone and IVIg in first trimester improves the chance of a live birth in women with RPL after assisted reproductive technologies (ART) (Nyborg et al., 2014). A randomized controlled study is necessary for determining if this immunomodulatory treatment definitely is effective in patients with unexplained RPL after ART (defined as IVF or ICSI ad FER). Potentially, this study will be able to establish evidence for an effective treatment to women with unexplained RPL after ART, who otherwise have a poor prognosis.

Antenatal Melatonin Supplementation for Neuroprotection in Fetal Growth Restriction
Fetal Growth RetardationStillbirth and Fetal Death1 moreFetal growth restriction (FGR) is a significant health care issue, affecting 20,000 Australian pregnancies every year. Undetected FGR is one of the key risk factors for stillbirth, but FGR can also cause significant impairments in short and long-term health outcomes for the child. It is a major risk factor for preterm birth and is a recognised causal pathway to the neurodevelopmental injury underlying cognitive and behavioural impairment and cerebral palsy. Current obstetric care is focused on the detection of the growth restricted fetus and then ultrasound assessment of fetal wellbeing to guide timing of delivery. This approach seeks to maximize the gestational age of the fetus at delivery to minimise the risks of prematurity, while delivering the fetus in time to reduce the likelihood of stillbirth. Currently, no therapies exist that can maximize fetal wellbeing in the setting of growth restriction and minimise the frequency of antenatally acquired brain injury due to in-utero hypoxia. This triple-blind, randomized, parallel group, placebo-controlled trial will administer maternal melatonin or placebo supplementation antenatally in the setting of early-onset severe FGR to determine whether melatonin can PROTECT the fetal brain and lead to improved neurodevelopmental outcomes.

Aerobe Cycling Training in Women With Unexplained Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Recurrent Pregnancy LossIn 50% of women with recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) miscarriages are unexplained, therefore no therapeutic intervention is possible. In a pilot study, women with unexplained RPL showed less endometrial NK cells (eNK) compared to women with a previously uncomplicated pregnancy. It is known that eNK cells are important for embryo implantation during early pregnancy. Investigators presume that high sympathetic activity in these women is related to eNK cell number, function and phenotype and that exercise is an effective intervention to lower sympathetic activity and to influence the immune system, as especially peripheral NK cells have been assumed to be responsive to physical training. The investigators hypothesize that moderate exercise can lower the adrenergic tone of the sympathetic nervous system hereby influencing endometrial NK cells in women with RPL and eventually pregnancy outcome.

Biweekly Follow-Up and At-Home Ultrasound Reduce Anxiety in Women With Recurrent Pregnancy Loss...
Recurrent Pregnancy LossSpontaneous pregnancy loss is a relatively common phenomenon, with 10-15% of clinically recognized pregnancies ending in miscarriage.1 Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) is a disorder defined by two or more failed pregnancies2. According to various studies, pregnancy loss has been described as a traumatic event for couples even if the loss occurs at a very early stage of pregnancy. Few controlled studies dealt with the effects of the miscarriage on the psychological condition of women during a subsequent pregnancy, 4,6-8. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of "at home ultrasound" in addition to routine prenatal care in reducing maternal anxiety during pregnancy for patients with history of recurrent pregnancy loss. i. Inclusion criteria: Patients with recurrent pregnancy losses in first trimester Current pregnancy gestational age 12-14 week of gestation Singleton pregnancy ii. Exclusion criteria: 1. Female subjects who refuse to participate 2. Female subjects who don't speak Hebrew Device details: Pulsenmore Specifications: Compatible with: Android mobile phones with USB type C connector (Samsung S8+, Nokia 8, Nokia 7.1) ApplicatThe aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of "at home ultrasound" in addition to routine prenatal care in reducing maternal anxiety during pregnancy for patients with history of recurrent pregnancy loss.ion: PulseNmore ES™, downloadable from Google Play™ Store.

Virtual Reality for Coping With Involuntary Early Pregnancy Loss
Early Pregnancy LossThis study aims to provide psychological support to women that experienced an Early Pregnancy Loss (when the loss occurs until the 20 weeks of gestation) using an innovative Virtual Reality prototype and compare the presence and evolution of psychological distress symptoms pre and post-intervention. The main goals of this study are: Evaluate the impact of the proposed VR paradigm in women who suffered a gestational loss in the first 20 weeks of gestation, compared to a control group that follows the usual standard care; Evaluate the usability, user experience, and acceptance of the proposed approach. Participants in the VR group will have an intervention program lasting four weeks, with 3 weekly sessions of 45-60 minutes, using the developed prototype.

Pregnancy Outcomes in Women With Unexplained Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Treated With Low Dose Aspirin...
Recurrent Pregnancy LossObjective To determine maternal and fetal outcomes in women with Unexplained RPL managed with aspirin or unfractionated heparin (UFH) plus aspirin during pregnancy. Design: prospective clinical controlled study. Setting: high-risk pregnancy unit- Benha university hospital. Methods: Pregnant women with unexplained recurrent miscarriage attending high-risk pregnancy unit. 200 selected patients with previous unexplained recurrent miscarriage are divided into 2 groups: group A (n = 100) receive low-dose aspirin (81 mg once daily orally) plus heparin (5000 IU) every 12 h with the first positive pregnancy test while group B (n = 100) receive no thing . Main outcome measures: Maternal outcomes included thromboembolic and haemorrhagic complications and pregnancy-induced hypertension .Prematurity, intrauterine growth restriction and neonatal death were considered as maternal and fetal complications

Treatment of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Using Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Recurrent Pregnancy LossTreatment of Recurrent pregnancy loss using mesenchymal stem cells capable of differentiation in the endometrial-decidual direction.

Investigating the Structured Use of Ultrasound Scanning for Fetal Growth
StillbirthFetal Death5 moreFetal growth restriction during pregnancy represents one of the biggest risk factors for stillbirth (Gardosi et al, 2013), with 'about one in three term, normally formed antepartum stillbirths are related to abnormalities of fetal growth' (MBRRACE, 2015). Therefore, antenatal detection of growth restricted babies is vital in order to be able to monitor and decide the appropriate delivery timing. However, antenatal detection of SGA babies has been poor, varying greatly across trusts in England in those that calculate their rates (NHS England, 2016). Most trusts do not calculate their detection rates and rates are therefore unknown. It is estimated that routine NHS care detects only 1 in 4 growth restricted babies (Smith, 2015). Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, in partnership with the Oxford Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) has introduced a clinical care pathway (the Oxford Growth Restriction Pathway (OxGRIP)) designed to increase the rates of detection of these at risk babies. The pathway is intended to increase the identification of babies who are at risk of stillbirth, in order to try to prevent this outcome, whilst making best usage of resources, and restricting inequitable practice and unnecessary obstetric intervention. It has been developed with reference to a body of research, however, the individual parts of care provided have not been put together in a pathway in this manner before. Therefore it is important to examine whether the pathway meets its goals of improving outcomes for babies in a 'real world' setting. The principles of the pathway are A universal routine scan at 36 weeks gestation. Additional growth scans at 28 and 32 weeks gestation based on a simplified assessment of risk factors and universal uterine artery Doppler at 20 weeks gestation. Assessment of further parameters other than estimated fetal weight associated with adverse perinatal outcome (eg growth velocity, umbilical artery Doppler and CPR). The clinical data routinely collected as a result of the introduction of the pathway offers a valuable and unique resource in identifying and analysing in the effects of the pathway on its intended outcomes and also in investigating and analysing other maternal, fetal and neonatal complications and outcomes, establishing normal / reference ranges for ultrasound values.

Microchimerism in Patients With Recurrent Pregnancy Losses
Recurrent Pregnancy LossNot PregnantThis pilot study aims to evaluate if microchimeric cells in a patient with recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) can be detected by the blood analysis for the presence of the DYS14 gene and the use of indel-panel methods and also, to examine if this method can distinguish the cell's origin; comparing gene sequence from the patient's firstborn son or her older brother. In addition, the pilot study will provide the investigators with information and experience necessary for a subsequent main study to be conducted.