First Trimester Prediction of Preeclampsia and Fetal Growth Restriction
PreeclampsiaFetal Growth RestrictionTo evaluate the feasibility of screening for preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction between 11-13+6 weeks' gestation utilizing the combination of uterine artery doppler, maternal blood pressure, maternal characteristics, placental volume, and maternal serum factors, including PAPPA-A, PLGF, AFP and free Beta HCG. This is a non interventional study.

A Randomized Trial of Docosahexaenoic Acid Supplementation During Pregnancy to Prevent Deep Placentation...
Premature BirthPreeclampsia2 moreThis study evaluates the effectiveness of maternal supplementation with Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) early in pregnancy to reduce the incidence of deep placentation disorders: preterm birth, preterm labor, preterm premature rupture of membranes, preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction. Half of the participants in early pregnancy will receive DHA 600 mg per day, while the other half will receive placebo. Investigators will study also the ability of DHA supplementation, early in pregnancy, to enhance invasion and transformation of spiral arteries by trophoblast, as deep placentation indicators.

KBTH-GIRHL Healthy Birth Weight Study: A Cross-Section
InfantSmall for Gestational Age7 moreThis study was designed and conducted in an effort to establish a comparison group for the Ghana PrenaBelt Trial (NTC02379728). The Ghana PrenaBelt Trial examined the effect, on birth weight, of a belt-like device to help pregnant women to avoid sleeping on their back during sleep in the third trimester. This study will seek to establish the typical birth weight of babies born to a cohort of healthy pregnant Ghanian women who are similar in characteristics to the women in the Ghana PrenaBelt Trial but who have not been educated to avoid back sleep during pregnancy nor have received a device to prevent back sleep.

Progesterone for First Trimester Vaginal Bleeding
Threatened AbortionPre-Eclampsia3 moreThe purpose of this study is to investigate whether treatment with progesterone for patients with first trimester vaginal bleeding will alter the rates of obstetrical complications and adverse pregnancy outcomes.

Amniotic Fluid Tandem Mass Spectrometry for Pregnancies Complicated by NIH and Severe Symmetrical...
Hydrops FetalisFetal Growth RetardationThe objective of this pilot study is to prospectively evaluate amniotic fluid of pregnancies complicated by non-immune hydrops and severe symmetrical intrauterine growth restriction by tandem mass spectrometry for inborn errors of metabolism.

Correlation Between Placental Thickness in the Second and Third Trimester and Fetal Weight
PregnancyFetal Macrosomia1 moreThe aim of this prospective longitudinal study was to investigate the relationship between placental thickness during the second and third trimesters and placental and birth weights.

Evaluation of Fetal Cardiac Function and Vascular Hemodynamics in Intrauterine Growth Restriction...
Fetal HypoxiaIntrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is one of the major contributors to perinatal mortality and morbidity and is characterized by complex hemodynamic changes involving placental and fetal arterial, cardiac and venous circulations .However, the temporal sequence of these modifications in relation to other hemodynamic changes of the fetal arterial and venous circulations is unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate cardiac function and other hemodynamic changes in a group of fetuses with IUGR and clinical impact on perinatal outcome .

Indicators of Growth, Nutritional Status and Comorbide Disorders of Newborns With Down Syndrome...
Down Syndrome,Auxological IndexesAuxological Parametars1 moreObjective To access predictive values of the auxological parameters and indexes for risk of comorbid malformations in newborns with Down syndrome (DS) Study design In this cohort retrospective study, 141 newborns with proven trisomy 21 born at the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics of the University of Split Hospital (1990 to 2015) were included. The data were obtained from the medical histories of mothers, infants and the delivery protocol. The objective was to access predictive values of the auxological parameters and indexes for risk of comorbid malformations in newborns with Down syndrome (DS) Conclusion Higher CI were found in hyportrophic (SGA) newborns with DS and indicated their intrauterine growth restriction with brain sparing and increased further risk of severe psychomotor retardation. The SGA newborns have lower parameters and indexes of nutritive status and significantly differed from eutrophic and hypertrophic newborns. These SGA newborns with DS have increased developmental risks and that requires further diagnostic attention.

Reproducibility of the Measurement of the Right Portal Vein Diameter
Intrauterine Growth Retardation (IUGR)Although routine ultrasound is offered during the third trimester of pregnancy, less than a quarter of newborns with intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) are suspected antenatally. The measurement of the right portal vein (RPV) diameter on the transverse abdominal view at the 32 weeks' scan may be a new a tool for detecting small-for-gestational-age (SGA) at birth. The irregular and collapsed aspect of the right portal vein (RPV) on the third trimester ultrasound could be used for identifying hypoxemic and growth-restricted fetuses. However, to our knowledge, the only interoperator reproducibility study of this measurement was performed using the same stored images or datasets without performing a new examination. The main objective of this study is to assess the intra and interoperator reproducibility of the measurement of the right portal vein diameter at the routine third trimester ultrasound. The secondary objective is to quantify the interoperator reproducibility of the assessment of the aspect, normal or collapsed, of the right portal vein, using an evaluation grid. Two referees will perform four successive measurements of the diameter of the right portal vein (RPV) during the same ultrasound examination at the third trimester. Each operator will qualify the appearance of the right portal vein as normal or collapsed using an evaluation grid, and will independently performe a series of two measurements using the same method.

Correlation of Uterine and Umbilical Arteries Doppler With Placental Pathology in IUGR
Intrauterine Growth RestrictionWhen indicated, a conservative management plan of IUGR was undertaken. Doppler studies were performed within the last week before delivery The results of Umbilical artery (UA) Doppler velocimetry were categorized as normal , increased , absent, and reversed . Patients were admitted for close surveillance in the case of worsening of maternal or fetal conditions (e.g. absent or reversed UA blood flow, and severe preeclampsia). Tissue samples The general shapes of placentas were assessed. The collected placentas were weighed by trimming the membranes and umbilical cord. Then the diameters and thickness of placentas were noted. The position of insertion of umbilical cord on the fetal surface of placenta was observed. Transverse cuts were made through the maternal surface at a distance of 1-2 cm in bread loaf manner and examined for the pale areas. All placentas were immersed in 10% formalin overnight and examined on the next day. For each placenta, blocks containing cord, membrane and full thickness of villous tissue were prepared. Whole thickness villous tissue blocks were obtained from three zones, i)central zone ii) peripheral zone and iii) intermediate zone between the first two zones, so as to include all areas of placenta. Placental bed biopsies were obtained at Caesarean sections with direct visualization of the placental site. Biopsies of at least 1cm were taken. The specimens were fixed in buffered formalin. The tissues were processed and stained with Haematoxlyin and Eosin. Microscopic study of placenta was carried out utilizing a set of standard criteria for villous and intervillous lesions Immunohistochemistry Expression of VEGF and CD34 was analyzed in 75 (50 placenta of IUGR and 25 of control) placental villous tissues. Immunostaining was performed by the streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase method. Evaluation of immunohistochemical staining To determine the MVD, the stained placental vasculature. Tissue sections were initially screened microscopically at low power (100×) to identify the areas of highest vascularization ("hot spots"). Evaluation of immunohistochemical staining of VEGF: