
Active clinical trials for "Fibrosis"

Results 2831-2840 of 3184

Spectrum, Profile and Outcome of Infections in Patients With Cirrhosis and/ or Acute on Chronic...

CirrhosisAcute Liver Failure1 more

After successful screening diagnosis of cirrhosis and/or acute or chronic liver failure will be made. These patients will undergo detail clinical, biochemical and microbiological examination at baseline. Clinical examination and Biochemical evaluation will be done daily and signs of infection will be noted. Patients will undergo microbiological screening for infection every 48 hours. Patients suspected or diagnosed to be suffering from infections will be treated as per ILBS (Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences) antibiotic policy. Site and etiology (bacterial and/or fungal) of infections will be noted in all patients at admission in liver specialty ICU (Intensive Care Unit) and during the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) stay. All the patients will be followed until discharge or death in ICU (Intensive Care Unit).

Completed7 enrollment criteria

Impact of Chronic Air Pollution on Non-cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis


We aim at investigation the impact of chronic air pollution exposure on non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis outcome.

Completed8 enrollment criteria

The Association With Peptic Ulcer Disease and Hepatic Vein Pressure Gradient

CirrhosisChronic Liver Disease

The aim of this study is to assess the role of portal hypertension of peptic ulcer disease in liver cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis.

Completed4 enrollment criteria

Impact of Art Therapy on Anxiety Identified During Hospitalizations Among Children With Cystic Fibrosis...

Cystic Fibrosis

Currently the management of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients is mainly based on symptomatic treatments. The arrival of children in day hospital, every 2 to 3 months, is for many of them and those around them, stressful, rarely expressed, but noticeable by the care team. In line with the recommendations of the High Authority of Health, the multidisciplinary team of Resources and Skills Centre for Cystic Fibrosis (CRCM) Pediatric of Nantes University Hospital offers a therapeutic education program tailored to the needs of children with cystic fibrosis and their families . The aim is to support children and parents in the acquisition of self-care skills (knowledge and skills) and coping skills, such as managing stress and emotions . Our goal is to demonstrate that art therapy, mobilizing coping skills of the child, facilitates its expressive capabilities and reduces anxiety.

Completed5 enrollment criteria

Neurodevelopmental Assessment of Infants With Cystic Fibrosis

Neurodevelopmental DisordersCystic Fibrosis

Infants included in the study will be divided into two groups as healthy infants and cystic fibrosis infants . Demographic, natal and postnatal information of the infants will be available from patient files. 12 months infants with cystic fibrosis and healthy infants will be assessed by the Bayley-III Baby and Child Development Assessment Scale (Bayley III) and the Gross Motor Function Measure. The assessment outcomes of healthy and cystic fibrosis infants will be compared.

Completed6 enrollment criteria

Inflammatory Markers in Broncho-alveolar Lavage Fluid as Risk Factors for Lung Disease in Infants...

Cystic Fibrosis

Airway disease, featuring intense inflammation, is the main cause of morbidity and mortality in cystic fibrosis (CF). Mechanisms of CF airway inflammation remain unclear, hampering development of better treatments.This time-sensitive ancillary study leverages a unique longitudinal cohort of CF infants, assessing the early phase of airway disease. Through the use of innovative cell and fluid based tools for in vivo profiling and in vitro testing of BALF samples, this translational effort will yield unprecedented insights into mechanisms of PMN dysfunction in CF, and assess new paths for early intervention.

Completed4 enrollment criteria

Evaluation of Gastrointestinal Transit Pre and Pos Treatment With Non Selective Betablocker in a...

Liver Cirrhosis

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the influence of non betablockers in gastrointestinal motility (transit time) in patients with liver cirrhosis.

Unknown status9 enrollment criteria

Contraceptive Practices and Cervical Screening in Women With Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic Fibrosis

Little is known about gynaecological follow-up and cervical screening in Cystic Fibrosis (CF). Only few studies have described contraceptive practices in cohorts of CF women. The investigators did a cross-sectional study in a cohort of 155 CF women attending the Lyon adult centre. Women attending the CF adult centre in 2014 completed a written questionnaire about their contraceptive choices, frequency of gynaecological follow-up and cervical screening. Other clinical data were collected from the CF adult centre registry. One hundred and twenty women (100%) answered the questionnaire, among whom two were post-menopausal (46 and 59 years of age), and five were pregnant. Seventy-four per cent of the women declared they had undergone gynaecological followup (89% of the women with transplantation), and only 55% reported having at least one previous Pap smear test. Among the transplanted patients, only 58% had had a Papsmear test, despite immunosuppressive treatment. The overall rate of contraception was only 64% and in diabetic women, it was 61%. Among contraception users; 65% used oral contraception, predominantly combined estrogen-progestagen (47%); among diabetic patients, 26% used progestin-only contraception. Intrauterine device accounted for 10% of patients using contraception, and tubal ligation only 4%. This study is limited by its cross-sectional design. Despite an internal validation of the questionnaire showing an almost perfect agreement, the risk of recall bias has to be taken into account. This study of practices highlights the importance of improved information regarding sexuality, fertility and reproductive health in young women with CF. A regular gynaecological follow-up and cervical screening is mandatory in this population. Better gynaecological care and contraceptive advice would help to avoid unplanned pregnancies, and optimize contraceptive selection in relationship to specific clinical conditions.

Completed3 enrollment criteria

'Fibrosis in the Lost Hepatitis C Population - Track, Trace and Treat'

Chronic Hepatitis c

Objective: To coordinate active tracing of chronic hepatitis C patients lost to follow-up to inform them about there disease severity and treatment options. Study design: This is a prospective cohort study, which will start as a pilot study in the Radboudumc Population: lost to follow-up chronic hepatitis C patients in the region Nijmegen. This so-called lost population consists of all patients, that in the past have been identified at the Radboudumc but who are currently lost to or have been withdrawn from follow-up. The time-span of interest will be 2000-2015. We estimate that this project will retrace 100 lost patients through this search.

Completed2 enrollment criteria

Non-Invasive Assessment of Graft Fibrosis After Living Donor Liver Transplantation

Liver Transplantation

The aim of this study is to compare prospectively the ability of MRE and Transient Elastography in detection and staging of allograft fibrosis in comparison to Liver biopsy in patients who underwent Living Donor Liver Transplantation for complications related to HCV.

Completed2 enrollment criteria

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