Comparing Clinical Outcomes Using Two Insole Manufacture Techniques
Foot InjuryFoot Deformity4 moreThe main purpose of this study is to find out if scanning the foot using a 3D scanner influences the effectiveness of custom made insoles, compared to the more traditional approach of taking a foam-box impression cast of the foot. Both of these methods are currently used as standard care in the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (GGC) Orthotic Department. In this study, insoles will be manufactured either from a direct 3D scan of the foot, or from a foam-box impression cast, and a series of questionnaires will be used to measure any changes in foot pain and foot function. The results from this study will be used to develop an information resource for both patients and Orthotists which will fill gaps in our current knowledge and hopefully guide us further in providing the best possible care for future patients who require insoles.

Pediatric Pes Planus: Effect of Insoles With and Without SFE
Flexible FlatfootThe goal of this randomised control trial is to determine the effects of insoles with and without short foot exercises on pain, disability and foot posture in children with pes planus. The main question[s] it aims to answer are: What are the effects of insoles on pain, disability, and foot posture in children with pes planus? What are the effects of short foot exercises on pain, disability, and foot posture in children with pes planus? What are the combined effects of insoles and short foot exercises on pain, disability, and foot posture in children with pes planus? Is there a significant difference between the effects of insoles alone versus insoles with short foot exercises on pain, disability, and foot posture in children with pes planus? Participants will be asked to signed consent form and divided into two groups. Experimental group will be asked to performed short foot exercises with internal shoe modification (a medial longitudinal arch support) daily for six weeks and Control Group will be asked to perform only internal shoe modification by placing a medial longitudinal arch support insoles inside the shoe. Researchers will compare: 1) Insoles only vs insoles + short foot exercises: This comparison would involve evaluating the effects of wearing insoles alone compared to wearing insoles and performing short foot exercises together to see effect on pain, disability, and foot posture among pes planus children between age group of 08 to 16 years.

The Effect of Orthosis and Exercise in Pes Planus
Pes PlanusThere is no definite evidence for the conservative treatment of pes planus. We want to verify the combination efficacy of orthosis and toe walking exercise for the treatment of pes planus.

The Effect of Kinesio Taping on q Angle and Pes Planus in Children With Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral PalsyPes PlanusThe aim of our study is to examine the effect of using kinesiology tape and using it for 8 weeks on Q angle and pes planus on children with cerebral palsy.

Video-Based Gaming Therapy in Pes Planus Rehabilitation
Serious GameVideogames3 morePurpose: It is aimed to evaluate the effect of structured exercise, wii-based exergame and wii-based serious game exercise protocols on functional parameters in individuals with pes planus. Method: 69 individuals with Pes Planus between the ages of 18-25 who met the inclusion criteria will be included in the study. Pedobarographic analysis, navicular drop test, flexibility, balance, femoral anteversion and lower extremity muscle strength measurements will be performed on the participants before and after the treatment. In addition, demographic information of individuals will be recorded through a survey. After the initial evaluation, participants will be randomly assigned to one of three groups. All subjects participating in the study will be treated under the supervision of a specialist physiotherapist for a total of 18 sessions, 3 days a week for 6 weeks, 40 minutes each session. Structured exercise group; short foot exercise, towel curl exercise, toe walking, heel walking, tandem walking, eccentric gastrosoleus stretching at the edge of the stairs, collecting objects from the ground with the toes, balance exercises on one foot will be performed. Penguin Slide, Tightrople Tension, Tilt Table, Soccer Heading and Balance Bubble games, which are balance games of the Nintendo wii game console, will be played for the Wii-based exergame group for 8 minutes each and a total of 40 minutes per session. For Wii-based serious game group, 3 games, Balance Surf, Balance Adventure and Balance Maze, which are among the balance games included in the Becure Balance System that works integrated with the Wii Balance Board, will be played for 40 minutes each session under the supervision of an expert physiotherapist. After the treatment, all measurements will be repeated, the difference between before and after treatment and the superiority of different treatment protocols will be tried to be determined.

Bio-Integrative Versus Metallic Screws for Calcaneus Osteotomies
FlatfootBone Resorption3 moreThe use of bio-integrative implants in orthopedic surgery is growing exponentially. As many biomechanical and histological studies were able to sustain its structural and biological properties, few clinical studies are available to support its advantages, such as good osteosynthesis, lower rates of removal, and diminished implant-related artifact in imaging studies. This information is vital to providers when choosing the proper material and planning postoperative treatment. This trial intends to test the capacity of the bioabsorbable screws in reaching the same clinical and radiographical outcomes of the current metallic screws.

Evaluation of the Role of Local Steroid Injection in Treatment of Idiopathic Spasmodic Flat Foot...
FlatfootPopulation: adolescent patients aged from 10 to 16 years Interventions: Examination under general anaesthesia if the deformity corrected spontaneously local injection of steroid in sinus tarsi cast in varus for 6 weeks Outcomes: primary outcome : Evaluate the clinical and functional outcomes according AOFAS. Time: follow up within one and half month, 3 months, 6 months, one year.

Physiotherapy Program Effect on Musculoskeletal Dysfunctions in Young Football Players
FlatfootFlexible5 moreThe goal of this clinical study is to test the proposed physiotherapy exercise program in young football players. The main question it aims to answer is: - Does the proposed physiotherapy program work well in improving young football players movement apparatus functions? Participants will be asked to fill out questionaires about their musculoskeletal health, physical activity and foot wear and follow the 8 weeks of the group exercise program of 16 sessions in total (2 sessions per week, 30 minutes each session). Researcher will compare exercising participants with no exercising participants of the same age and football category to see if the exercise program works well in young football players.

The Influence of Rehabilitation Program on Postural Control, Balance and Gait in Children With Flatfoot...
Flatfoot"Idiopathic flat foot is a common condition in children and adolescents. After loading, the heel is adjusted in valgus, the medial longitudinal arch of the foot flattens, and the forefoot is positioned at abducted. Such deformation can be classified as flexible or rigid. A lowered flat foot arch is an undesirable feature. Additional factors such as e.g. abnormal body weight, may have impact on the shape of medial longitudinal arch. Increasing evidence suggests that excess weight is inextricably linked to flatfoot and postural stability. In connection with consequences, disorders of the muscles responsible for stabilizing the arches of the foot are noticed. The mobility and stability of the foot arches is controlled by the internal and external muscles of the foot, but the former are often overlooked in therapy. Short foot exercises are recommended as an improvement in foot arch parameters. The participants will take part in the research with the written consent of their parents or legal guardians. The results will be used anonymously for scientific publications."

The Efficacy and Safety of Chloroprocaine 1% and 2% in Pediatric Population
HerniaInguinal1 moreRandomized, multi-center, double-blind, two-armed, parallel active groups, prospective trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of local anesthetic Chloroprocaine at two different concentrations ( at 1% and 2%) in a pediatric population subjected to peripheral nerve block due to Inguinal hernia repair or Flat foot surgery. The present Protocol is part of an extensive Pediatric Investigational Plan (PIP) in the contest of the marketing authorization application of chloroprocaine use for perineural block. The PDCO has adopted a positive opinion.