Comparing Clinical Outcomes Using Two Insole Manufacture Techniques
Foot InjuryFoot Deformity4 moreThe main purpose of this study is to find out if scanning the foot using a 3D scanner influences the effectiveness of custom made insoles, compared to the more traditional approach of taking a foam-box impression cast of the foot. Both of these methods are currently used as standard care in the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (GGC) Orthotic Department. In this study, insoles will be manufactured either from a direct 3D scan of the foot, or from a foam-box impression cast, and a series of questionnaires will be used to measure any changes in foot pain and foot function. The results from this study will be used to develop an information resource for both patients and Orthotists which will fill gaps in our current knowledge and hopefully guide us further in providing the best possible care for future patients who require insoles.

Performance and Safety Evaluation of Inion CompressOn Screw in Foot and Ankle Surgeries. PMCF Investigation...
Medial Malleolus FractureLisfranc Injury19 moreThe study in question is a post market clinical follow up (PMCF) study to evaluate the safety and performance of bioabsorbable headless compression screw Inion CompressOn in selected fracture, osteotomy and arthrodeses operations of the foot and ankle. The study recruits 125 adult patients who meet the acceptance criteria. The follow-up time for each study patient is 4 years. The study is a single center single group study which is conducted in Tampere University Hospital (TAYS) in Finland. The main focus of the study in terms of performance is to evaluate the bone healing/ossification of operated areas. The main focus of the study in terms of safety is to evaluate the occurrence of adverse events and required revision surgeries that are or might be related to the study device.

Study of Treatment of Lisfranc Injuries
Foot InjuryThis trial is designed to compare different treatments on Lisfranc fractures. The trial consist of 2 different strata. Stratum 1: In mild injuries the comparison is between conservative treatment and operative treatment with open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF). Stratum 2: In severe injuries the comparison is between operative treatment with open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) and primary arthrodesis. The primary outcome measure will be AOFAS Midfoot Score, and secondary outcome measure will be VAS Foot and Ankle.

Ankle Foot Orthosis Comparative Effect
Foot Injuries and DisordersThe proposed effort is designed to support evidence-based practice and optimal care by evaluating how the form, fit and function of two commercially available carbon fiber custom fit braces (Orthoses) influences outcomes following extremity injury. Early data suggests that custom fit carbon fiber braces can significantly improve function following severe lower leg injuries. The proposed study will provide evidence that can be used by clinicians to guide their practice, including care for service members, veterans and civilians who have experienced a high-energy traumatic injury to their lower leg.

Use of Sterile HemaClear Tourniquet Below Calf Versus Pneumatic Tourniquet at the Thigh for Ankle...
Foot FractureAnkle Fractures2 moreThis is a Randomized controlled trial evaluating the effects of the use of Sterile HemaClear Tourniquet Below Calf Versus Pneumatic Tourniquet at the Thigh for Ankle and Foot Surgery The trial will randomize 60 patients into an experimental group with HemaClear or Active comparator group with Pneumatic Tourniquet. The outcomes are: effectiveness of the tourniquet, bleeding escapes, infection, deep vein thrombosis, pain at the tourniquet site, neurologic problems related to the tourniquet

Ankle Trauma: an Emergency Nurse Assessment Study
Ankle InjuriesFoot Injuries2 moreThe ankle and/or foot injuries incidence is high. Lateral ankle sprains are most common diagnosis, while fractures represent less than 15% of final diagnosis. Ankle and/or foot injuries are associated with significant morbidity in terms of pain and chronic instability. The societal cost of these injuries is significant mainly related to hospital care and sick-leave. In summary ankle and/or foot injuries are very frequent reason for emergency admission. The study hypothesis is that an accelerated nursing care system for traumatized ankle and/or foot patients is feasible and allows patients to be cared for in accordance to current medical recommendations. Such a branch should be followed by a return to work and sports within a time frame consistent with the literature. The duration of patient management in emergency department should be short, less than that observed in a historical cohort. Finally patient satisfaction should be high. In the medium term, the implementation of an accelerated nursing branch for the diagnosis and treatment of ankle and/or foot injuries should contribute to effective care and reduction of over activity in emergency departments.

Weight Change With Controlled Ankle Movement (CAM) Boot Use
Ankle InjuriesFoot Injuries and Disorders1 moreThe purpose of the study is to determine if patients wearing a CAM boot have a change in weight compared to patients who wear a CAM boot and are provided nutritional guidelines and perform upper body exercises.

Perineural Dexamethasone on the Duration of Popliteal Nerve Block for Anesthesia After Pediatric...
Ankle DiseaseAnkle Injuries2 moreEffect of Perineural Dexamethasone on the duration of popliteal nerve block for Anesthesia After Pediatric ankle/foot surgery.

Investigating Auto Adjusting Dynamic AFO
Lower Limb; FusionCongenital2 moreOffloading Ankle Foot Orthoses (AFOs) are devices designed for people following lower-limb reconstruction to restore mobility by reducing mechanical loading through the injury site and redistributing it proximally. While they perform well for some users, their current form limits full functional potential and may put joints proximal to the injury at risk of long-term damage. This study is directed toward designing and testing a lightweight, variable stiffness, dynamic brace that can adjust in response to user activity.

Avazzia-University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center-Tennant Biomodulator® PRO Perfusion Study...
Perfusion; ComplicationsWound; FootThis study is an open label trial designed to test the effectiveness of the Tennant Biomodulator® PRO electrical stimulation device (Avazzia), which uses BEST™ (Bio-Electric Stimulation Technology), on hospital in-patients to improve perfusion in the treated and contralateral limb.