Encore PFO Closure Device - The PerFOrm Trial
Patent Foramen OvaleCryptogenic StrokeThe objective of this study is to establish reasonable assurance of safety, effectiveness, and noninferiority of the Encore PFO closure device when compared to any investigator chosen FDA-approved PFO closure device.

Comparison of the Effect of Medication Therapy in Alleviating Migraine With Patent Foramen Ovale...
Patent Foramen OvaleMigraineMigraine attack is an episodic disorder that affects approximately 12% of the population. Previous studies have shown that 41-48% of migraineur have a combination of patent foramen ovale (PFO). Clinical observational studies have been linking medication therapies which include anticoagulation and anti-platelet therapy with the effectiveness in improving migraine symptoms and reducing the frequency of attacks in patients combined with a PFO. However, it has been unclear whether the effectiveness of anticoagulation or anti-platelet therapy outweigh the conventional migraine medication therapy, as a result, we designed a multi-center randomized clinical trial aiming to examine the effectiveness of anticoagulation versus anti-platelet versus migraine medication therapy in migraine patients with PFO and provide a clinical guidance for migraineur.

Comparing PFO Outcomes of the Occlutech Flex II PFO Occluder to Standard of Care PFO Occlusion
StrokePatent Foramen OvaleThe objective of this study is to investigate whether percutaneous PFO closure with the Occlutech Flex II PFO Occluder is non-inferior to the AMPLATZER™ PFO Occluder and Gore® Cardioform Septal Occluder in closure of the PFO, prevention of recurrent embolic stroke, and device/procedure related Serious Adverse Events (SAE).

Assessment of Flecainide to Lower the Patent Foramen Ovale Closure Risk of Atrial Arrhythmia or...
Patent Foramen OvaleAtrial Arrhythmia1 moreAbout 30% of ischemic strokes are cryptogenic. Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) is present in about 25% of the general population. In cryptogenic strokes, PFO has been shown to be overrepresented and recent intervention studies have confirmed that PFO has a causal link with stroke. In patients with recent cryptogenic stroke, these randomized studies have shown at least 50%-reduction of recurrent neurological events after PFO percutaneous closure compared with medical therapy alone. At the The risk of AF reported in these studies in certainly largely underestimated as only symptomatic and recorded episodes of AF have been declared. Patients often report palpitations without a dia gnosis of AF made on the ECG or a Holter. Long term ECG monitoring provides more accurate data on AF incidence. Administration of flecainide has been shown to be effective in preventing Atrial arrhythmia and may be useful in preventing these Atrial arrhythmia(AA) episodes after PFO closure. To the knowledge of the investigators, there is no study assessing the efficacy of any antiarrhythmic drug in the prevention of AFafter PFO closure. AFLOAT will be the first randomized study to possibly validate flecainide to prevent Atrial arrhythmia in these patients.

Safety and Efficacy of Cera™ Patent Foramen Ovale Occluders.
Patent Foramen OvaleCryptogenic StrokeTo evaluate the performance of Cera™ patent foramen ovale occluders developed by Lifetech Scientific (Shenzhen) Co., LTD;

NobleStitch EL STITCH Trial is a PFO Comparative Trial
Foramen OvalePatent2 moreSTITCH - Prospective Multi-Center Comparative Parallel Concurrent Study of the NobleStitch™ EL versus FDA-approved Amplatzer Occluder device for closure of Patent Foramen Ovale to prevent recurrent Ischemic stroke.

COMParison of the EffecT of dEvice Closure in Alleviating Migraine With PFO (COMPETE-2)
MigrainePatent Foramen OvaleMigraine attacks are episodic disorder that affects approximately 12% of the population, and studies have shown that 41-48% of migraineurs have a combination of patent foramen ovale (PFO). Clinical Observational studies have been linking PFO occlusion with the effectiveness in improving migraine symptoms and reducing the frequency of attacks. However, several RCTs have shown negative primary results, making it unclear whether PFO occlusion is effective in treating migraine. Our study is a prospective, double-blind, multi-center, and randomized study designed to test the effectiveness of migraine alleviation by performing percutaneous closure of patent foramen ovale in patients who are also diagnosed with PFO and migraine.

GORE® CARDIOFORM Septal Occluder Migraine Clinical Study
MigrainePatent Foramen Ovale1 moreMulti-center, prospective, randomized, placebo- and sham-controlled study to evaluate the GORE® CARDIOFORM Septal Occluder for migraine headache relief

Does Patent Foramen Ovale Closure Improve Exercise Capacity & Prevent Blood Flow Through Intrapulmonary...
Patent Foramen OvaleThe overarching goal of this study is to examine cardiopulmonary and respiratory physiology pre and post PFO/ASD closure in patients who are undergoing surgical closure of their PFO/ASD.

Investigation of Nickel Sensitization After Percutaneous Implantation of Patent Foramen Ovale Occluder...
Foramen OvalePatent3 morePercutaneous PFO closure has been established as a first-line therapy for preventing recurrent strokes in selected patients. The devices used for the specific purpose contain and release nickel, which is considered as the most allergen metal in nature. Skin patch tests are considered as gold-standard for documenting nickel allergy. While the allergic contact dermatitis induced by nickel is well described, literature is inadequate on explaining the effect of nickel release on the clinical manifestations of patients implanted with such devices. Our prospective, randomized, blinded trial will try to investigate the above by performing nickel skin patch tests to all patients, 14 days before and 90 days after the implantation. During follow-up, clinical manifestations and transthoracic echocardiographic findings will be evaluated and associated with patch skin tests.