Minimally Invasive Treatment of Hypertensive Basal Ganglia Hemorrhage by Transfrontal Keyhole Neuroendoscopy...
Basal Ganglia HemorrhageTo compare the prognosis of patients with hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage treated by two different surgical methods, and to clarify the therapeutic effect of minimally invasive surgery, so as to find a better surgical method that can reduce surgical trauma and mortality and improve the prognosis of patients

Alternatives to Hand Therapy for Hand Surgery Patients
Carpal Tunnel SyndromeTrigger Finger4 morePatients will be asked to use a mobile phone app to conduct their hand therapy after having hand surgery.

The Association Between Calretinin and the Function of Ganglion Cells in Hirschsprung Disease
Hirschsprung DiseaseGanglion3 moreThis study aims to compare the outcomes of patients with long segment Hirschsprung disease or total colonic aganglionosis who had negative calretinin staining and positive ganglion cells on the proximal resection margins to those who had both positive findings.

A New Surgical Treatment Technique "Aspiration and Percutaneous Capsulotomy" for Digital Mucous...
Digital Mucous CystDigital mucous cysts (DMCs) are a benign rubbery cystic lesion which usually involve the dorsal or lateral side of DIP joint (digital interphalangeal joint) or proximal nail fold. The most successful treatment way is surgical management. However, which may cost time, require expertise, may cause infection, prolong wound healing and sometimes may lead to the joint movement limitation. The investigator bring this new technique: percutaneous capsulotomy for digital mucous cysts, which is easy and quick, last but not least, low recurrence rate.

Basal Ganglia Local Field Potentials in Gait and Speech
Basal Ganglia DiseasesElectrid activity of the basal ganglia will be recorded with an implantable deep brain stimulation device (supplied by Medtronic Inc). Study hypothesis is that these activities differ according to what the patient does, i.e. are different during gait and speech.