Compassionate Use of Metreleptin in Previously Treated People With Generalized Lipodystrophy
LipodystrophyDiabetes1 moreBackground: - Generalized lipodystrophy can cause high blood fat levels and resistance to insulin. This can lead to health problems including diabetes. Researchers have found that the drug metreleptin improves health in people with this disease. Objective: - To test the safety and effectiveness of metreleptin. Eligibility: People ages 6 months and older with generalized lipodystrophy who: have received metreleptin through NIH studies AND cannot get it through approved or compassionate use mechanisms in their home country. Design: Participants will come to NIH approximately every 6 months during year one, then every 1 2 years. Financial assistance may be available for travel within the U.S. At visits, participants will get a supply of metreleptin to take home for daily injections. They will have: plastic catheter placed in an arm vein. blood tests, urine collection, and physical exam. oral glucose tolerance test, drinking a sweet liquid. ultrasound of the heart, liver, uterus, and ovaries. A gel and a probe are placed on the skin and pictures are taken of the organs. echocardiogram, which takes pictures of the heart with sound waves. Resting Metabolic Rate taken. A plastic hood is worn over the head while the oxygen they breathe is measured. Participants will have up to 3 DEXA scan x-rays per year. Participants may have: annual bone x-rays. liver biopsies every few years. A needle will be inserted into the liver to obtain a small piece. Participants will sign a separate consent for this. Participants must be seen regularly by their local doctors and have blood tests at least every 3 6 months at home.

Immunogenicity of Metreleptin in Patients With Generalized Lipodystrophy
Generalized LipodystrophyMYALEPT™ (metreleptin) has been approved as an adjunct to diet as replacement therapy to treat the complications of leptin deficiency in patients with congenital or acquired generalized lipodystrophy (MYALEPT Prescribing Information). This study is a multicenter, open-label, Phase 4 trial to provide an assessment of the immunogenicity associated with metreleptin and of any major potential risks due to development of antibodies to metreleptin. The study is being conducted to comply with a postmarketing requirement.

Study of REGN4461, a Leptin Receptor Agonist Antibody, in Patients With Generalized Lipodystrophy...
Generalized LipodystrophyThe primary objectives of the study are to estimate the effects of REGN4461 on glycemic parameters in the subset of patients with elevated baseline hemoglobin A1c levels (HbA1c ≥7%) and to estimate the effects of REGN4461 on fasting triglyceride levels in the subset of patients with elevated baseline fasting triglycerides (TG ≥250 mg/dL). The secondary objectives are to estimate the effects of REGN4461 on a composite endpoint of changes in either HbA1c or fasting TG for all patients, estimate the effects of 3 dose levels of REGN4461 on glycemic parameters and fasting TG, to estimate the effects of REGN4461 on insulin sensitivity, to evaluate the safety and tolerability of REGN4461 and to evaluate the pharmacokinetics (PK) and immunogenicity of REGN4461.

Registry for Patients With Lipodystrophy
Lipodystrophy AcquiredLipodystrophy CongenitalGiven the lack of knowledge on lipodystrophies, the medical and social responsibility for the persons affected by it calls for the monitoring of the progression over long periods of time. Sensible clinical and basic research into rare diseases such as lipodystrophy is only possible in multi-location networks with sufficient case numbers. Also, reliable information on the incidence of certain manifestation patterns, health status, etc. is of utmost importance for health care and health policy in this rare disease. Therefore, the European Consortium of Lipodystrophies (ECLip), an association of European experts on lipodystrophy, has launched a registry (OSSE) for lipodystrophies which is committed to help to improve the research conditions by consolidating this kind of information in a registry.

Trial of Leptin Replacement Therapy in Patients With Lipodystrophy
HypoleptinemiaGeneralized Lipodystrophy2 moreLipodystrophies represent a therapeutic challenge with regards to insulin resistance, hypertriglyceridemia and fatty liver which often is coupled with significant adipose tissue loss. The purpose of the study is to examine the safety and efficacy of Leptin on subjects with lipodystrophy.

A Extension Study of Empagliflozin in Patients With Refractory Diabetes Mellitus With Insulin Resistance...
Insulin Resistance - Type AInsulin Resistance - Type B2 moreA multicenter, open-label, single-arm, extension study with regard to the safety and efficacy of empagliflozin in patients with refractory diabetes mellitus with insulin resistance.

A Study of Empagliflozin in Patients With Refractory Diabetes Mellitus With Insulin Resistance
Insulin Resistance - Type AInsulin Resistance - Type B2 moreA multicenter, open-label, single-arm study with regard to the efficacy and safety of empagliflozin in patients with refractory diabetes mellitus with insulin resistance