DEPOSITION - Decreasing Postoperative Blood Loss by Topical vs. Intravenous Tranexamic Acid in Open...
BleedingSurgical Blood Loss1 moreThe aim is to conduct a double-dummy multi-centre randomized controlled clinical trial of application of topical dose of tranexamic acid (TxA) versus the usual intravenous TxA in patients undergoing on-pump cardiac surgery.

Evaluation Of A Mobile Messaging Service In Improving Adherence Of Anti-Seizure Medications
EpilepsyTreatment AdherenceThis will be a behavioural intervention with no investigational medicinal product. The intervention will be a mobile messaging service that sends short messaging service (SMS) as texts or graphics to people with epilepsy to remind them to take their medication and to refill their prescription and educational messages to share important messages tackling stigma and tips to improve quality of life. The investigators will also engage peripheral health facilities where people with epilepsy (PWE) participating in the study go for ASM refills, in collaboration with the respective county departments of health, to maintain adequate supply of anti-seizure medications through: i. ongoing capacity building studies in Kilifi such as the mental health Gap Action Programme-Intervention Guide (mhGAP-IG) training which is empowering primary healthcare providers at peripheral health facilities to identify and manage epilepsy and other mental health disorders. ii. supporting healthcare providers at peripheral facilities through in person visits, if the COVID-19 situation, permits or by telephone or standard message reminders to restock their ASM supply. The participants in the no-intervention group will receive "placebo" health messages not related to epilepsy such as use of bednets. The SMS reminders will be sent at a frequency that will be agreed upon during pre-study engagements with potential participants, whether daily, weekly, or monthly. The participants will be able to respond to these texts to report on their health status and any adverse events. To evaluate whether SMS reminders improve adherence, we will use: i. Self-reporting adherence scales- the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8) ii. Measurement of ASM plasma levels at 12 months from baseline.

An Open-label Study of XEN1101 in Epilepsy
Focal EpilepsyTonic-Clonic SeizuresThis study will evaluate the long term safety, tolerability, PK, and efficacy of XEN1101 25 mg QD taken orally in subjects with Focal Onset Seizures (FOS) or Primary Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures (PGTCS) for the treatment of seizures for up to 3 years.

A Study to Assess the Usability of the Embrace Seizure Detection Watch in Children and Young Adults...
Dravet SyndromeThis is a sub-study to ZX008-1503. Subjects will be fitted with an Embrace seizure detection watch and seizures detected by the watch will be compared to those entered into an electronic seizure diary.

Anesthesia Induction Schemes of Electroconvulsive Convulsions in Patients With Depression Based...
DepressionElectroconvulsive Therapy1 moreDepression is a common clinical mental disease with high incidence rate, high recurrence rate, high suicide rate and high disability rate. As a first-line treatment for depression with refractory, high suicide risk and obvious psychotic symptoms, electric shock has a definite effect on depression, but may lead to cognitive impairment. The induction of extensive epileptiform discharges in the cerebral cortex by electric shock therapy is the key to ensure the treatment effect. The level of epileptiform discharges in the brain is mainly reflected in the quality of convulsions. The quality of electroconvulsive convulsions is affected by factors such as age, stimulation power, anesthetic drugs and depth of anesthesia. Most anesthetics have anticonvulsive properties, such as barbiturate or propofol, which may have a negative impact on the quality of convulsions, thus affecting the therapeutic effect. If the parameters of electric shock, such as stimulation dose, are modified, although the quality and treatment effect of convulsions can be improved, it may also lead to higher cognitive side effects. The depth of anesthesia also affects the quality and efficacy of electric shock convulsions, and the quality of convulsions is higher when stimulated at a shallow level of anesthesia. However, if the use of narcotic drugs is reduced to improve the quality of convulsions, the risk of restlessness and delirium after electric shock may be higher and the comfort of patients may be lower. Therefore, this study compared the effects of different anesthesia induction schemes on the quality and clinical efficacy of electroconvulsive seizures in patients with depression based on EEG monitoring, and explored the optimal depth of anesthesia.

Modulating Movement Intention Via Cortical Stimulation
SeizuresSeizure Disorder1 moreThe purpose of this protocol is to learn about movement intention and volition. To improve such knowledge, investigators will conduct sub-studies using multiple non-invasive methodologies. These results could provide preliminary data for subsequent studies evaluating local and global efficacy of plasticity-inducing treatments for PMD symptoms.

Quantifying the Benefits and Cost-effectiveness of Real-Ear Measurements (REM) for Hearing Aid Fitting...
Sensorineural Hearing LossBilateralAdjusting hearing aid user's real ear performance by using probe-microphone technology (real ear measurement, REM) has been a well-known procedure that verifies whether the output of the hearing aid at the eardrum matches the desired prescribed target. Still less than half of audiologists verify hearing aid fitting to match the prescribed target amplification with this technology. Recent studies have demonstrated failures to match the prescribed amplification targets, using exclusively the predictions of the proprietary software. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and American Academy of Audiology (AAA) have created Best Practice Guidelines that recommend using real-ear measurement (REM) over initial fit approach and also the recent ISO 21388:2020 on hearing aid fitting management recommends the routine use of REM. Still audiologists prefer to rely on the manufacturer's default "first-fit" settings because of the lack of proof over cost-effectiveness and patient outcome in using REM. There are only few publications of varying levels of evidence indicating benefits of REM-fitted hearing aids with respect to patient outcomes that include self-reported listening ability, speech intelligibility in quiet and noise and patients' preference. Our main research question is whether REM-based fitting improves the patient reported outcome measures - PROMs (SSQ, HERE) and performance-based outcome measures (speech-reception threshold in noise) over initial fit approach. An additional research question is whether REM-based fitting improves hearing aid usage (self-reported & log-data report). Eventually, the investigators will calculate the cost-effectiveness of REM-based fitting.

Procedural Motor Memory in Long COVID-19
Infectious Metabolic EncephalopathyIschemic Stroke3 moreBackground: Most people who get COVID-19 seem to recover with no long-term effects. However, some people who recover from acute COVID-19 infections report lingering symptoms. This is called long COVID. Many people with long COVID report symptoms related to the nervous system; these can include problems with fatigue, speech, and memory. Objective: To test motor memory in people with long COVID, compared to healthy volunteers. Eligibility: People aged 18 to 90 years who are also enrolled in study protocol 000089. Healthy adults are also needed. Design: Participants will be screened by telephone. They will confirm they are able to type without discomfort using their nondominant hand. They will confirm they have access to a computer connected to the internet. All study tasks will be done online. Participants will complete 2 tasks in 2 days. Participants will be sent a link to a website. The website will give them instructions. They will place the fingers of their nondominant hand over 4 numbers on the keyboard and type a sequence (eg, 4-1-3-2-4). They will type this sequence as often as they can in 10 seconds. Then they will rest for 10 seconds before repeating the task. They will repeat this pattern for 15 minutes. After they finish the typing task, participants will take a 10-minute questionnaire. They will answer questions about their experiences with COVID-19 and memory issues; they will say which hand they use for tasks such as brushing their teeth or throwing a ball. Participants will get a notice to repeat the typing task 22 hours after they finish the first one. They should complete the second task within 28 hours....

Incorporating Multidimensional Psychosocial Interventions Improves the Well-being of Individuals...
EpilepsySeizure DisorderThe purpose of this study is to incorporate multidimensional self-management programs into the routine care of epilepsy patients. Consenting patients will enroll in one of four interventions that help improve medication adherence, increase seizure awareness and documentation, improve memory and deal with stress and depression.

Neurovegetative Decoupling in Somatoform Disorders : Biofeedback Interest
Somatoform DisordersIrritable Bowel Syndrome1 moreEvaluation of the physiological and clinical effects of the biofeedback training with patients suffering from somatoform disorders, depending on their neurovegetative profile related to a visceral-brain decoupling.