Seizure Detection and Warning System for Epilepsy Patients
EpilepsyThe seizure detection and warning system is an ambulatory system designed to monitor and analyze EMG data to detect the onset of GTC seizures and to provide a warning signal to alert caregivers that a seizure is occurring.

Viral Respiratory and Gastrointestinal Infections in Children Under 6 Years of Age
BronchiolitisGastroenteritis2 moreWith the use of molecular methods new viruses have been detected in respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts of both patients and asymptomatic subjects in recent years. The clinical importance of these viruses has not been adequately studied. The aim of this study is to use molecular methods to detect viruses in upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract of children with acute bronchiolitis, acute gastroenteritis and febrile convulsions and to try to correlate the severity of clinical picture with the amount of viruses present in clinical samples. The investigators will also try to detect the increase in specific antibodies in paired sera.

Value of Von Willebrand Factor and Copeptin Assay in Children With Febrile Seizures at Sohag University...
Febrile SeizureFebrile seizures are one of the most common clinical diseases in pediatric neurology. It occurs between 6 months and 6 years of age and occurs in ~2-5% of children. According to the age, frequency, duration, and type of seizures FS is divided into simple febrile seizures and complex febrile seizures Differentiation between febrile seizures and non-ictal events associated with fever such as shivering or dizziness is challenging. Therefore, precise diagnosis of FS after paroxysmal episodes associated with fever is often hindered by the lack of an objective biomarker With the widespread application of technologies, such as molecular biology, in medicine, some biomarkers for predicting or diagnosing FS have attracted attention. Imuekemhe et al in 1989 and 1996 found that lactic acid in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid of children with FS was significantly increased . Arginin-vasopressin hormone AVP released by the pituitary gland, has been shown to be involved in the thermoregulatory response to fever and convulsions Although AVP is unstable in the peripheral blood and, therefore, unsuited for diagnostic use the C-terminal portion of the AVP precursor copeptin has been recognized as a robust marker of AVP secretion . Wellman et al. found that the serum copeptin and Von Willebrand factor of children with FS were significantly higher than those of the control group .

An Exploratory Trial Using sEMG to Differentiate PNES From Epileptic Seizures
Non-Epileptic SeizureMotor Seizure1 moreThis is an observational study of subjects receiving standard of care therapy, while admitted to Epilepsy Monitoring Unit, Department of Neurology, General Hospital Hietzing with Neurological Center Rosenhügel. Additional monitoring provided by the SPEAC System will be compared to the gold standard, vEEG. The SPEAC System is being evaluated while being used in adjunct to standard of care.

Development of an Epileptic Seizure Detection Algorithm by Continuous Analysis of the Electrocardiogram...
SeizuresEpilepsy1 moreThe aim of our project is to develop an epileptic seizure detection algorithm based on the the continuous analysis of the Electrocardiogram

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Analysis in Patients With Nocturnal Epileptic Seizures
Heart RateNocturnal Seizures2 moreEpilepsy is disabling and costly to patients and the health service. Nearly 400,000 people in England suffer from epilepsy. About 40% of these patients are known to have seizures predominantly in sleep. All seizures pose risk to the individual both physical and psychological. Nocturnal seizures pose extra risk as the diagnosis may be missed or delayed. Patients with nocturnal seizures are also thought to be at particular risk of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP), especially if their seizures are unobserved. In patients with poor seizure control, the risk of SUDEP has been found to be as high as 9 per 1,000 patient years. Previous studies show that many seizures are associated with changes in the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) tone. The ANS tone can be assessed using heart rate variability parameters (HRV). A few studies suggest that ANS tone changes tend to precede the onset of epileptic seizure related surface electroencephalographic (EEG) changes, suggesting that ANS tone changes could be used in seizure alarm or intervention systems. This prospective study intends to focus on seizures from sleep and study HRV parameters in the immediate preictal state of the seizure and compare these with resting HRV parameters in the same patient with the aim of finding HRV metrics which could help to identify the presence of seizures in longterm electrocardiographic (ECG) recordings, or help predict seizure occurrence, or provide information about the current risk of seizures. This study will also investigate whether there are differences in the alterations of HRV parameters between different forms of epilepsy and whether seizure lateralisation has an impact on HRV parameters.

The Pattern of Pediatric Seizures at Al-Arish Central Hospital - North Sinai
Convulsive SeizuresThis study will be carried to: Describe the pattern of seizures among cases admitted to Pediatric department at Al-Arish central hospital in North Sinai and compare results with national and international similar studies . Provide the basic descriptive information that is necessary for planning future studies.

Concomitant High-resolution Recording of Haemodynamic and Electrical Activities of Children With...
EpilepsyThis study, conducted in children with typical or atypical "absence" epilepsy, will consist of noninvasive recording of the metabolic activity of the brain concomitantly with electroencephalographic recording during seizures without the need for any additional examination. This examination will be performed by combining near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) optical imaging and Electroencephalography (EEG) in a simultaneous High-Resolution (HR) recording. Surface electroencephalography (EEG) is a valuable tool to assess neuronal dysfunction from a functional point of view and is used in the routine follow-up of epileptic children. Optical imaging is a recent and promising medical imaging technique, which uses near-infrared light. This rapid, noninvasive and harmless quantitative technique can be easily used at the child's bedside or in the ward and provides metabolic information on brain functioning.

Evaluating the NeoTree in Malawi and Zimbabwe
PrematurityNeonatal Encephalopathy8 moreNeonatal mortality remains unacceptably high. Globally, the majority of mothers now deliver in health facilities in low resource settings where quality of newborn care is poor. Health systems strengthening through digitial quality improvement systems, such as the Neotree, are a potential solution. The overarching aim of this study is to complete the co-development of NeoTree-gamma with key functionalities configured, operationalised, tested and ready for large scale roll out across low resource settings. Specific study objectives are as follows: To further develop and test the NeoTree at tertiary facilities in Malawi and Zimbabwe To investigate HCPs and parent/carer view of the NeoTree, including how acceptable and usable HCWs find the app, and potential barriers and enablers to implementing/using it in practice. To collect outcome data for newborns from representative sites where NeoTree is not implemented. To test the clinical validity of key NeoTree diagnostic algorithms, e.g. neonatal sepsis and hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) against gold standard or best available standard diagnoses. To add dashboards and data linkage to the functionality of the NeoTree To develop and test proof of concept for communicating daily electronic medical records (EMR) using NeoTree To initiate a multi-country network of newborn health care workers, policy makers and academics. To estimate cost of implementing NeoTree at all sites and potential costs at scale

Monitoring Key Activity and Physiology of Neonates in Intensive Care
Neonatal SeizureTo optimise and evaluate a novel non-contact physiological monitoring system in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)