Study of XGEVA® (Denosumab) in Chinese Adults and Skeletally Mature Adolescents With Giant Cell...
Giant Cell Tumor of BoneThe study aims to evaluate the efficacy of XGEVA® in Chinese participants with giant cell tumor of bone (GCTB).

A Study to Evaluate Safety and Efficacy of AMB-05X Injections in Subjects With TGCT
Pigmented Villonodular SynovitisTGCT1 moreAMB-051-07 is an Open-Label, Adaptive, Dose-Ranging Study with Long-Term Extension which will enroll approximately 48 adult subjects with TGCT for IA doses over a 24-week dosing period (Part 1) with a Part 2 OLE of 6 treatment and/or observational cycles of 12 weeks each followed by 12 weeks of follow-up.

Study of Pimicotinib (ABSK021) for Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor (MANEUVER)
Tenosynovial Giant Cell TumorPigmented Villonodular Synovitis1 moreThe goal of this clinical trial is to assess the efficacy and safety of Pimicotinib (ABSK021) in patients with Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor (TGCT). The main questions it aims to answer are: Whether the Pimicotinib(ABSK021) works well in patients with TGCT. Whether the Pimicotinib(ABSK021) is safe in patients with TGCT. Participants will be asked to complete the study procedures: Receive the administration of Pimicotinib(ABSK021) or placebo (a placebo is a look-alike substance that contains no active drug) about 24 weeks in study part 1. Receive the administration of Pimicotinib(ABSK021) about 24 weeks in study part 2. Complete the study procedures speficied in the protocol, which is guided by researchers.

A Study of Pexidartinib in Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor in Japan
Tenosynovial Giant Cell TumorThis phase 2, multicenter, two-part, open-label, single-arm study will be conducted in Japan and will evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics (PK), and efficacy of pexidartinib in adult participants with symptomatic tenosynovial giant cell tumor (TGCT) associated with severe morbidity or functional limitation and not amenable to improvement with surgery.

A Study to Assess the Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetics of ABSK-021 in Patients With Advanced...
NeoplasmsTenosynovial Giant Cell TumorThis is an open-label phase 1 study to determine the safety and tolebility of oral ABSK021 in patients with advanced solid tumor as well as the Recommended Phase 2 dose (RP2D) of oral ABSK021. Preliminary antitumor activity will also be assessed.

Zoledronic Acid-loaded Bone Cement as a Local Adjuvant Therapy for Giant Cell Bone Tumor After Intralesional...
Giant Cell Tumor of BoneThe purpose of this study is to investigate whether zoledronic acid-loaded bone cement (4mg ZOL+ gentamicin PMMA ) as adjuvant method can decrease local recurrence in patients with giant cell bone tumor following intralesional curettage surgery. The hypothesis is that patients with local administration of zoledronic acid to the bone cement has lower relapse rate compared those with traditional bone cement(gentamicin PMMA ).

Local Bisphosphonate Effect on Recurrence Rate in Extremity Giant Cell Tumor of Bone
Giant Cell Tumor of BoneThe purpose of the clinical study is to investigate whether the local delivery of bisphosphonate as a surgical adjuvant can decrease the chance of a giant cell tumor of bone coming back to the same location. The hypothesis is that the local administration of bisphosphonate will decrease the rate of the tumor returning compared to traditional aggressive surgical removal of the tumor.

A Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Pexidartinib in Adult Subjects With TGCT
Tenosynovial Giant Cell TumorThis study will assess pexidartinib in adult participants with symptomatic TGCT that is associated with severe morbidity or functional limitations and not amendable to improvement with surgery.

Study of DCC-3014 in Patients With Advanced Tumors and Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor
Advanced Malignant NeoplasmPigmented Villonodular Synovitis4 moreThis is a multicenter, open-label Phase 1/2 study of DCC-3014 in patients with malignant solid tumors and tenosynovial giant cell tumor (TGCT). There will be 2 distinct parts in this study: Dose Escalation (Phase 1) and Expansion (Phase 2). Phase 1 will enroll both malignant solid tumor and TGCT patients. Phase 2 will comprise two cohorts (Cohort A and Cohort B) and will only enroll TGCT patients.

Nilotinib in Patients With Relapsed or Metastatic Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis/Tenosynovial...
Pigmented Villonodular SynovitisDiffuse-type Giant Cell Tumor1 moreNilotinib is a drug that is used to treat a form of a blood cancer called leukemia. Nilotinib works by blocking the action of a protein that might be important for the growth of pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS). In this research study the investigators are testing whether nilotinib can stop the growth of PVNS or improve the symptoms experienced from PVNS.