Clinical Study to Assess Therapeutic Delay and Resolution of Induced Gingivitis
GingivitisEvaluate a stannous technology for its effect on the neutrophil phenotype during an induced gingivitis state.
A Proof-of-principle Clinical Study Investigating the Efficacy of an Experimental Dentifrice Containing...
GingivitisThe aim of this study is to develop a daily use toothpaste containing sodium bicarbonate, sodium hyaluronate and sodium fluoride with the intention of providing improved/ fast gum healing. This Proof-of-Principle study will investigate the efficacy of an experimental dentifrice compared to a regular fluoride dentifrice, and also whether this provides any additional benefit in reducing gingival inflammation/ bleeding compared with a 67% w/w sodium bicarbonate/ 0.221% w/w sodium fluoride containing toothpaste.
Measuring Efficacy of an Oral-Irrigator After Three Weeks of Use
GingivitisPlaqueThe primary objective of this exploratory study is to evaluate the efficacy of an Oral Irrigator in the reduction of gingivitis compared to a negative control over a 3 week period by using the Modified Gingival Index and the Gingival Bleeding Index. The secondary objective is to evaluate the efficacy of an Oral Irrigator in the reduction of plaque compared to a negative control using the extended Turesky Modified Quigley-Hein Index (TQHPI) after 3 weeks of use.
The Efficacy of OrasaltsTM in the Treatment of Gingivitis
GingivitisGingivitis is defined as inflammation of the gingiva. It is a common disease that is prevalent in both children and adults, and in both genders . The primary cause of gingivitis is plaque accumulation due to poor oral hygiene; however, gingivitis may result from many varied aetiological factors. Gingivitis is characterized by red, swollen, spongy gums that bleed easily . Current conventional treatment of gingivitis involves removal of plaque and the use of an antimicrobial mouthwash. Mouthwashes containing chlorhexidine gluconate are most commonly prescribed, however these have certain adverse effects. Ora-saltsTM is a commercially available mouthwash composed of natural sea salt, Arnica montana 30 centesimal (C), Echinacea angustifolia 30C, Staphisagria 30C, Phosphorus 30C, Hepar sulph 30C, cinnamon and liquorice. To date there is no research on the use of OrasaltsTM in the treatment of gingivitis. The aim of this study is to determine the efficacy of OrasaltsTM in the treatment of gingivitis using the Modified Gingival Index (MGI) and the Quantitative Gingival Bleeding Index (QGBI).
Treatment of Human Gingivitis With Amnion-derived Cellular Cytokine Solution (ACCS)
GingivitisThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety of oral topical application of Amnion-derived Cellular Cytokine Solution (ACCS) in subjects with gingivitis
Safety and Tolerability of Antiplaque Chewing Gum in a Gingivitis Population
PlaqueGingivitisThis study is to assess the safety and tolerability of single doses and multiple doses in reducing plaque and gingivitis when delivered in a chewing gum formulation.
Pilot Efficacy Study to Treat Gingivitis
Gingival DiseasesThe primary purpose is to demonstrate the efficacy of a prescription mouthrinse in human subjects for treatment of Gingivitis.
ToothWave Plaque and Gingivitis Study
GingivitisPlaque2 moreThe objective of the study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the home-use device Silk'n toothbrush (ToothWave) for the improvement in dental health through the reduction of plaque, gingivitis, and calculus.
The Effect of Mouthrinses Containing Bamboo Salt, Magnolia Bark and Centella Asiatica on Reducing...
GingivitisDental PlaqueThis study aims to evaluate the effect of novel mouthrinse formulations containing bamboo salt, magnolia bark and centella asiatica extracts on gingivitis and dental plaque. Participants uses mouthrinses which contain bamboo salt, magnolia bark and centella asiatica extracts and the same participants will also use placebo for tooth brushing by cross-over design.
Oral Hygiene and Systemic Inflammation (Perio-Hygiene 1.0)
GingivitisThe purpose of the study is to evaluate the impact of oral hygiene changes (drastic plaque and gingival inflammation reduction) on markers of systemic inflammation and indicators of oral health related quality of life and other aspects related to overall well-being. The primary objective is to assess a possible reduction of systemic inflammation as measured through blood bio-markers one month after drastic changes of plaque accumulation. As primary outcome measure, the level of high-sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) will be assessed.