Energy Metabolism in Thyroidectomized Patients
Thyroid GoiterHypothyroidism1 moreThe purpose of this research study is to measure the changes in energy metabolism (how the body burns energy), cardiovascular function (heart function), and lipid metabolism (cholesterol break down and building) before and after thyroidectomy (surgical removal of thyroid gland) in response to two approved therapies for hypothyroidism: levothyroxine (LT4) or Liothyronine/levothyroxine (LT3/LT4) combination therapy.

Three-dimensional Ultrasonography Thyroid Volume Measurement.
ThyroidThyroid Cancer4 moreThe purpose of this clinical trial is to investigate the accuracy of applying three-dimensional ultrasound on thyroid gland patients when determining a gland volume. The method will be compared to conventional b-mode ultrasound where three axis measurements (length, width, and depth) are evaluated in the ellipsoid model. The three dimensional (3D) method is utilizing optical tracking connected to the ultrasound image to form cross-sectional imaging. Patients enrolled in the study are set for complete thyroidectomies enabling a true volume of the gland by water displacement after excision. The aim is to find if this 3D method is more accurate in volume estimation than the ellipsoid model.

Effects of Thyroidectomy on Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Patients Suffering From Goiters
GoiterLiterature regarding effects of goiter on the occurrence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) remains scarce. Reports have described cases of OSA in patients suffering from goiters, resolved after thyroidectomy. It has been recently shown that goiters of a total volume exceeding 25 mL leads to >30% tracheal compression. The aims of the present study is to assess 1) the prevalence of OSA in patients suffering from goiters and planned for thyroidectomy 2) the role of thyroidectomy in OSA resolution in patients suffering from pre-operative OSA 3) the identification of predictors for persisting OSA.

Prospective, Observational Study on the Carotid Intima-media Thickness in Patients Undergoing Thyroid...
Plummer DiseaseMultinodular Goiter5 moreThe evaluation of carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) has become a possible predictor of the future risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Evidence to date shows that cIMT augmentation is correlated with the extent of atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries and with other risk factors for CVD. More recently, several studies have evaluated the association of cIMT with stroke, to determine whether this measure can also predict future cardiovascular events. Although the published evidence is scarce and fragmentary, the cIMT retains an increasingly interesting role as a marker of atherosclerotic pathology. The purpose of the study is to analyze cIMT in patients undergoing thyroidectomy to evaluate a possible correlation between the cIMT variation after the procedure and the cause of the thyroid disease, the levels of thyroid hormones, and the lipid or other markers of atherosclerosis levels. The primary endpoint will be the variation of the measure of the cIMT before and after surgery. Secondary endpoints will be: major cardiovascular adverse events (death, major stroke, minor stroke, transient ischemic attack) in the short-term period (≤30 days after the procedure); major cardiovascular adverse events (death, major stroke, minor stroke, transient ischemic attack) in the long-term period (>30 days after the procedure); the technical success of the procedure; the rate of postoperative complications. To date, there are no data that differentiate patients based on the causes of thyroid disease. The results of the present study will allow for correlating the variation of the cIMT to the causes of thyroid disease, the levels of thyroid hormones, and the levels of lipid and other markers of atherosclerosis. Results from the present study may provide insights into possible areas of quality improvement. It may also influence the economic impact associated with carotid revascularization techniques, in terms of hospital charges and discharges to skilled nursing and rehabilitation facilities.

Pilot Study on Laser Ablation of Symptomatic Benign Thyroid Masses
Thyroid NoduleThyroid Cancer2 moreThis proposal is designed as a pilot study for the use of laser ablation for local control of symptomatic (e.g compressive) benign thyroid masses in 20 patients.

Immediate Postoperative Course of Patients With Mini Video Assisted Total Thyroidectomy (miVAT)...
GoiterProtocol Synopsis Protocol title: Immediate postoperative course of patients with mini Video Assisted Thyroidectomy (miVAT) versus classic Thyroidectomy (cTT) Purpose: Comparison of the immediate postoperative course and complications of the patients using the two techniques Design: Prospective, single-center randomized study Patient Population: Male or female subjects 18 years of age or older with nodular goiter who are scheduled for total thyroidectomy (miVAT or T) No. of Subjects: 100 patients divided into two groups, estimated up to 1 year to enroll Duration of Treatment: During the operation Duration of Follow-up: Follow-up will be performed daily while hospitalized, and by phone till the 7th postoperative day Endpoints: To evaluate the safety and cost-effectiveness of each technique

Study to Determine the Dose, the Safety and Effectiveness of a New Drug, Modified Release rhTSH,...
Multinodular GoiterThe purpose of this study is to determine the safety and effectiveness of 2 different doses of modified-release recombinant human thyroid stimulating hormone (MRrhTSH) when administered with radioiodine in patients with multinodular goiter, a condition that involves the enlargement of the thyroid gland. We will also evaluate the safety and effectiveness of radioiodine therapy alone in these patients. The goal of the treatment is to determine if there was a reduction in the size of the goiter and to study if goiter symptoms have improved after 6 months and after 36 months.

Community Salt Testing and Relation of Iodine Intake to Visual Information Processing of Ethiopian...
Iodine Deficiency GoiterInfant DevelopmentThis study evaluated efficacy of iodized salt for mothers and their six-month-old infants' thyroid hormones and visual information processing. Half of the participants received 450 g iodized salt for the household each week, while the other half received 225 ug iodine daily as a potassium iodide capsule.

rhTSH, Thyroid Size, and Radioiodine Therapy in Benign Goiter
Benign Nontoxic and Toxic GoiterGraves' DiseaseThe trials in this protocol deals with the effect of pretreatment with rhTSH on radioiodine treatment of thyroid size and function, in patients with nontoxic and toxic nodular goiter. It is an introduction of a novel principle, based on prospective, randomized double blind investigations. Attached to this, we investigate the acute effects of rhTSH on thyroid size (measured by ultrasonography), both in healthy individuals and in patients with nontoxic nodular goiter. Thus, the investigations are divided into 4 categories listed below: Prospective randomized double blind study of pretreatment with 0.3 mg recombinant human TSH for the effect of radioiodine in nontoxic multinodular goiter. Prospective randomized double blind study of the pretreatment with 0.3 mg recombinant human TSH for the effect of radioiodine on thyroid size and function in patients with a very large (>100 ml) nontoxic or toxic goiter. Does administration of 0.9 mg recombinant human TSH affect thyroid function and volume in healthy individuals? A randomized double-blind cross-over trial. Does administration of 0.3 mg recombinant human TSH affect thyroid function and volume in healthy individuals and in patients with multinodular non-toxic goiter? A randomized double-blind cross-over trial. As a final note we investigate, in a pilot-study; The influence of rhTSH on thyroid radioiodine uptake in patients with hyperthyroidism treated with continuous block-replacement therapy.

Late Postoperative Course of Patients With Mini Video Assisted Thyroidectomy (miVAT) Versus Classic...
GoiterProtocol Synopsis Protocol title: Late postoperative course of patients with mini Video Assisted Thyroidectomy (miVAT) versus classic Thyroidectomy (T) Purpose: Comparison of the late postoperative course and complications of the patients using the two techniques Design: Prospective, single-center randomized study Patient Population: Male or female subjects 18 years of age or older with nodular goiter who are scheduled for total thyroidectomy (miVAT or T) No. of Subjects: 100 patients divided into two groups, estimated up to 1 year to enroll Duration of Treatment: During the operation Duration of Follow-up: Follow-up will be performed by evaluation at the 3rd and 6th postoperative month ±5 days Endpoints: To evaluate the long term safety of each technique