A Clinical Trial of Study Medicine (Marstacimab) in Pediatric Patients With Hemophilia A or Hemophilia...
Hemophilia AHemophilia BThe purpose of this clinical trial is to learn about the safety and effects of the study medicine (called marstacimab) for the potential treatment of hemophilia in pediatric patients. This study will enroll pediatric participants from ages 1 to 17 years in a sequential manner. The study will open enrollment to adolescent participants aged 12 to 17 years first. Then children aged 6 to 11 years will be permitted to enroll. Lastly, children aged 1 to 5 years will be permitted to enroll. This study will enroll participants who: have severe Hemophilia A or moderately severe to severe Hemophilia B (with or without inhibitors) have accurate historical records documenting all factor VIII, factor IX, or bypass agent infusions and hemophilia bleed events for at least 1 year prior to entering the study if a non-inhibitor patient, must be on a stable routine prophylaxis regimen with factor VIII or factor IX replacement products for at least 12 months prior to study entry if an inhibitor patient, must be on an on-demand bypass treatment regimen during the 12 months prior to study entry All participants in this study will receive marstacimab to use prophylactically. Marstacimab will be given once a week as a subcutaneous (under the skin) shot. The first dose of marstacimab will be given at the study site by the study site staff. During the 12-month treatment period, weekly doses of marstacimab can be given at home, or if preferred, the doses may be given by the study site staff. To help us determine if the study medicine is safe and effective, we will compare participant experiences when they are taking the study medicine to a historical period when they were not. Researchers want to see if the study medicine works to prevent the bleeding episodes commonly experienced by patients with Hemophilia. Participants will be in this study for about 14 months (approximately 1 month in a Screening period, 12 months receiving treatment, and 1 month in a follow-up period) during which they will visit the study site at least 10 times. If preferred, and if local regulations allow it, 2 of the study visits can be completed at the participant's home instead of at the study site. There will also be 6 scheduled telephone calls approximately every 2 months.

Combination Regimen With Sodium Valproate for Severe Hemophilia B: a Single-arm, Phase 1, Pilot...
Hemophilia BThe goal of this clinical trial is to determine the clinical efficacy and toxic effects of sodium valproate, sirolimus and calcitriol in the treatment of severe haemophilia B in participants with severe haemophilia B. The main questions it aims to answer are the possibility of adding a combination regimen to primary treatment for severe haemophilia B. Patients will receive oral sodium valproate extended-release tablets 0.5g/day, sirolimus tablets 1mg/day and osteopontin capsules 0.25μg/day.

SEVENFACT® for Bleeding Events in Hemophilia With Inhibitors
Hemophilia A With InhibitorHemophilia B With InhibitorPhase IV multi-center, US-centric, open-label, safety study enrolling participants with Hemophilia A or B with inhibitors12 years of age and older, who are either on long term prophylactic treatment (e.g., emicizumab) at risk of experiencing a breakthrough bleeding event (BE), or who are not on prophylactic treatment who may need to control a BE.

Open-Label Extension Study of Marstacimab in Hemophilia Participants With or Without Inhibitors...
Hemophilia AHemophilia BStudy B7841007 is an open-label extension study to assess the long-term safety, tolerability, and efficacy of prophylaxis treatment with marstacimab in participants who did not require "Early Termination" from the Phase 3 Study B7841005. Approximately 145 adolescent and adult participants 12 to <75 years of age with severe hemophilia A or moderately severe to severe hemophilia B (defined as FVIII activity <1% or FIX activity ≤2%, respectively) with or without inhibitors are expected to be enrolled in this study during which they will receive prophylaxis (defined as treatment by SC injection of marstacimab). The dosing regimen of marstacimab is 150 mg SC once weekly. All participants will be provided the PFP for administration of marstacimab in the study. Use of the PFS will be permitted at the investigator's discretion for those participants who have difficulty with administration of the PFP. Additionally, participants will be provided the PFS for use in this study in countries where the PFS is anticipated to be the only presentation available commercially. In addition, an optional, open-label, single arm, substudy using the PFP will be administered to the first approximately 20 participants rolling over from Study B7841005 who agree to participate in the substudy.

Study of TU7710 in Warfarin Anti-coagulated Healthy Male Subjects
Hemophilia AHemophilia B1 moreThis is a Phase 1a, double-blind, randomized, placebo- controlled, SAD study to assess safety, tolerability, PK, and PD of TU7710 in warfarin treated healthy male participants.

Study of the Efficacy and Safety PF-06741086 in Adult and Teenage Participants With Severe Hemophilia...
Hemophilia AHemophilia BTreatment with PF-06741086 is anticipated to demonstrate a clinically relevant advantage and/or a major contribution to patient care in comparison to current methods of treatment for hemophilia A or B because it works differently than factor replacement products and will work in the presence of inhibitors. The potential for once weekly (QW) subcutaneous (SC) administration provides for treatment options in the absence of reliable vascular access, increased convenience and may enable better compliance. Combined, these qualities should result in a reduction of bleeding episodes.

Clinical Study of Recombinant Human Activated Coagulation Factor VII for Injection in Patients With...
Hemophilia AHemophilia BHuman coagulation factor VII is a vitamin K-dependent serine endogenous protease, and its activated form plays an important role in the coagulation process. Recombinant human activated coagulation factor VII is an activated state coagulation factor VII obtained by recombinant means.

A Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Factor IX Gene Therapy With PF-06838435 in Adult...
Hemophilia BThis study will evaluate the efficacy and safety of PF-06838435 (a gene therapy drug) in adult male participants with moderately severe to severe hemophilia B (participants that have a Factor IX circulating activity of 2% or less). The gene therapy is designed to introduce genetic material into cells to compensate for missing or non-functioning Factor IX. Eligible study participants will have completed a minimum 6 months of routine Factor IX prophylaxis therapy during the lead in study (C0371004). Participants will be dosed once (intravenously) and will be evaluated over the course of 6 years. The main objective of the study will evaluate the annualized bleeding rate [ABR] for participants treated with gene therapy versus standard of care (SOC) therapy (FIX prophylaxis replacement regimen).

Safety and Tolerability of VGB-R04 in Patients With Haemophilia B
Hemophilia BAn Open-Label, Non-Randomized, uncontrolled, single-dose pilot study of VGB-R04 in subjects with Hemophilia B.

The Efficacy and Safety of SerpinPC in Participants With Severe Hemophilia A or Moderately Severe...
Hemophilia AHemophilia BThe purpose of the study is to evaluate the efficacy, safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of prophylactic SerpinPC administered subcutaneously (SC) to participants with severe hemophilia A (HemA) (with or without inhibitors) or moderately severe to severe hemophilia B (HemB) (without inhibitors) as part of the SerpinPC registrational program. This study consists of 3 parts: Part 1: dose-justification phase, Part 2: dose-confirmatory phase, Part 3: extension phase for participants who complete either Part 1 or Part 2. This adaptive design study has a randomized dose-justification component to investigate the efficacy and safety of SerpinPC as a therapeutic option, principally for participants with HemB without inhibitors. SerpinPC has a novel mechanism of action compared with marketed treatments and those that are in development.