Inactivated Bivalent Enterovirus Vaccine (Vero Cell) Phase I/II Clinical Trial
HandFoot and Mouth Disease1 moreThe Phase I clinical trial is divided into two parts. The first part uses an open-label design, while the second part uses a randomized, double-blind, and controlled design. The goal of this clinical trial is to evaluate the tolerability and safety of a bivalent (EV71/CA16, Enterovirus 71/Coxsackievirus A16) inactivated enterovirus vaccine (Vero cell) developed by Sinovac. The vaccine will be administered to healthy adults, children aged 6 to 12 years, and children aged 6 to 71 months. The Phase II clinical trial will also use a randomized, double-blind, and controlled design to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of the same bivalent inactivated enterovirus vaccine (Vero cell) developed by Sinovac. This trial will involve healthy children aged 6 to 71 months.

Safety Observation of Enterovirus 71 Inactivated Vaccine (Vero Cell) Combined Immunization in Shanghai...
HandFoot and Mouth DiseaseThis study is an open clinical trial of the EV71 vaccine (Vero cell), Inactivated manufactured by Sinovac Research & Development Co.,Ltd.The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety of EV71 vaccine (Vero cell), Inactivated co-administration with other vaccines

An Immunity Persistence Study of Enterovirus 71 Inactivated Vaccine (Vero Cell)
HandFoot and Mouth DiseaseThis is an open,observational and follow-up clinical trial based on the clinical trial of EV71 vaccine extended age group.The purpose of this study is to evaluate the immunity persistence of EV71 vaccine developed by Sinovac Biotech Co., Ltd in subjects aged 6 ~71 months after full immunization of two doses of vaccine.

Chinese Medicinal Treatment on Mild Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease: Multicenter, Prospective, Randomized...
HandFoot and Mouth DiseaseThe study is aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of Jinlianqingre Effervescent Tablets, a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), in the treatment of Uncomplicated hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD).

Effect of Xiaoer Jiebiao Oral Liquid on Hand-foot-mouth Disease
Handfoot-mouth DiseaseThis is a single-blinded randomized trial aiming to evaluate the effectiveness of Xiaoer Jiebiao Oral liquid in combination with Ribavirin treatment on patients with hand-foot-mouth disease compared with the controlgroup that recieve only libavirin treatment.

Magnesium Sulphate for Severe Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease in Vietnam
HandFoot and Mouth DiseaseHand foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a common infectious disease caused by a number of different viruses - a small proportion of children infected with a particular type of enterovirus (EV71) develop neurological and systemic complications that may prove fatal. Very large epidemics of EV71 related HFMD have occurred across Asia in recent years; in 2011, in excess of 100,000 Vietnamese children were diagnosed with HFMD and 164 died. In children with severe HFMD the particular part of the brain that regulates the heart, blood circulation, and breathing responses can be affected. Management of this complication is very difficult and we currently use an expensive drug (milrinone) that is hard to obtain and has significant side effects, without having good evidence that it is effective. Magnesium sulphate (Mg) is a cheap, readily available drug that has been used in other diseases with similar complications, and we have preliminary data from a small case series that suggests it might be a good treatment for HFMD patients with signs indicating this type of brain involvement. We think that early intervention with Mg, when signs of brain involvement are still relatively mild, will control this problem better than waiting until it is well established and giving milrinone as at present, and this in turn may prevent progression to severe disease. The aims of the project are to evaluate the effects of Mg on hypertension, signs of brain dysfunction, outcome (death or neurological sequelae), changes in a variety of blood and urine components, and measures of cardiovascular function, in severe HFMD. The study design is a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial. Children on the pediatric intensive care unit with a clinical diagnosis of hand, foot and mouth disease will be eligible for enrolment if the blood pressure exceeds the internationally recognized threshold for Stage 1 hypertension, they exhibit at least one other sign of brain stem dysfunction, and there is written informed consent by a parent or guardian. According to the randomization, patients will receive an initial loading dose followed by a maintenance infusion, of either Mg or identical placebo for 72 hours; all staff involved in patient care will remain unaware of the treatment allocation, but staff from another department will monitor Mg blood levels to ensure safety and adequate dosing. A total of 190 patients (95 in each arm) will be recruited.

A Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Effectiveness and Safety of Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of...
HandFoot and Mouth DiseaseThe study is aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for treatment of hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD).

Effectiveness and Safety of Chinese Medicine to Treat Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease
HandFoot1 moreThe study is aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of Xiyanping injection,a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), in the treatment of severe type of hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD).

A Serosurvey Study of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease in Indonesia
HandFoot and Mouth DiseaseThis study is a sero-survey study of infants aged 6 months to 71 months in Bandung City and West Bandung District. As initial data to find out how many children have been exposed to human enterovirus type 71 (HEV-71) which causes Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD).

Clinical Trial of Enterovirus 71(EV71) Inactivated Vaccine in Children Aged 36-71 Months
HandFoot and Mouth DiseaseThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the non-inferiority of experimental EV71 vaccine compared to the control EV71 vaccine in children aged 36-71 months, to evaluate the non-inferiority of EV71 vaccine used in children aged 36-71 months compared to 6-35 months. The experimental vaccine was manufactured by Sinovac Biotech Co., Ltd, and the control vaccine was manufactured by Institute of Medical Biology Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.