Intravenous Dexketoprofen and Paracetamol in the Treatment of Headache Caused by Acute Migraine...
Acute MigrainePatients with acute migraine attack make up the majority of patients consulting the emergency services due to headache. The aim of treatment in the emergency service is to achieve a minimum level of undesirable side effects and to quickly relieve the pain which will not repeat after discharge from the emergency service. Ideal drug treatment contraindication should be at a minimum level and not trigger migraine. Paracetamol and Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are often used in the treatment of migraine headache. Although narcotic analgesics provide effective and rapid analgesia, they have such side effects as hypotension, nausea and vomiting, drowsiness. In recent years, with the production of parenteral forms of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory painkillers, the analgesic efficacy of these drugs has been one of the topics of interest to researchers. Especially intravenous form of paracetamol is new yet compared to other Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and it is a drug with a wide safety margin and less incidence of side effects. The effectiveness of the Intravenous form of paracetamol and whether it can be an alternative to other analgesics is one of the major research topics today, and more study is needed on this subject. Both drugs are often used in emergency services to treat headache caused by acute migraine attack. Our aim is to compare the effectiveness of intravenous dexketoprofen with paracetamol in the treatment of the headache caused by acute migraine attack.

Exercise and Manipulative Therapy for Older Persons With Headache
HeadacheThe presence of cervical musculoskeletal impairment is not specific to cervicogenic headache but other various frequent intermittent headache types (i.e. migraine and tension-type headache) in the elderly population. There has been no trial to date which has investigated the effectiveness of physiotherapy treatment specifically for older persons with various types of headache with associated neck pain and cervical musculoskeletal impairment. Thus, the purpose of study investigate the efficacy of physiotherapy treatment for older persons who have headache concomitant with neck pain and musculoskeletal impairment

Placebo and Active Controlled, Double Dummy Study to Compare Efficacy of Aspirin and Ibuprofen in...
HeadacheTension-Type Headache1 moreThe purpose of this study is to determine the efficacy and tolerability of 500 mg and 1000 mg Aspirin® (study medication) by comparing it to placebo (the control group without active substance) or 200 mg or 400 mg Ibuprofen (study medication) in treating the symptoms of episodic tension-type headache. The study is designed to develop a treatment method against episodic tension-type headache which will have more advantages for patients than the methods that are currently available.

Problem Solving Skills Training For Parent Caregivers of Youth With Chronic Pain
Chronic PainAbdominal Pain1 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of problem-solving skills training (PSST) to reduce distress and increase coping abilities among parents of youth with chronic pain. We hypothesize that parents will complete the PSST intervention and will find it to be an acceptable and satisfactory treatment. We also hypothesize that parents who receive PSST will have less distress and better coping skills than parents who receive standard care, and that children of parents who receive PSST will have better physical and emotional functioning than children of parents who receive standard care.

Effects of Aerobic Exercise Within a Behavioral Treatment Program for Chronic Headaches
Chronic HeadachesThis proposed study seeks to examine whether adding an aerobic exercise prescription to a behavioral treatment program for chronic headaches will improve headache frequency and intensity, headache-related disability, and mood. It is hypothesized that participants who receive the exercise prescription at the start of treatment will show greater gains than those who receive the prescription halfway through treatment. It is also predicted that participants who begin the exercise component halfway through treatment will demonstrate greater improvement in the second half of treatment compared to the first half.

Yoga Intervention Study on Episodic Tension Type Headache
Episodic Tension Type HeadacheThe present study was designed to evaluate effect of yoga intervention on patients having frequent tension type headache.

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for the Treatment of Chronic Headache Pain
HeadachePainThe literature on the efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for the treatment of chronic pain is well established. Support for the efficacy of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and other mindfulness based treatments for chronic pain is building. Recently, research has demonstrated the efficacy of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) in simultaneously addressing the outcome variables targeted by both CBT and mindfulness based treatment modalities. Although the efficacy of MBCT depression and for other populations has been investigated, there is no extant literature reporting on MBCT for chronic pain. The current application proposes to investigate the feasibility and efficacy of an MBCT protocoll adapted for chronic pain in a series of pilot groups with headache pain patients. We selected headache pain patients for this trial because headache pain is a common complaint in the general population, is the most frequently reported cause of pain in medical practice, and is one of the most disabling conditions for both genders combined. To examine the feasibility of the adapted protocol, the investigators will investigate a number of treatment related outcomes such as recruitment, completion, and drop out rates. Both primary and secondary outcome variables will be investigated to determine treatment efficacy. This study will provide a research base examining the feasibility and efficacy of MBCT for pain. Results from this study will lay the foundation for future randomized controlled trials comparing MBCT to attention control, and future comparative effectiveness studies of MBCT and CBT.

The Effect of Specific Strength-Training on Tension-Type Headache in Children 9-17 Years
Tension-Type HeadacheThis study aims at examining muscle strength capacity in neck and shoulder muscles in children and adolescents with and without tension-type headache, and furthermore examining the effect of a 10 week specific strength training programme for neck and shoulder muscles compared to a multi-disciplinary approach in 10 weeks.

The Effect of Nasal Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in the Treatment of Mild Headache in People Who Experience...
MigraineThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and effect of nasal carbon dioxide in the treatment of mild headaches in people who have migraines.

Internet Intervention for Adolescents With Chronic Pain
Chronic PainAbdominal Pain1 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of a web-based (i.e., internet) behavioral program to reduce pain and improve functioning in children and adolescents with chronic pain. We hypothesize that children and adolescents in families that receive the web-based behavioral program will report reduced pain levels and improved daily functioning compared to children and their parents who receive online patient education.