Bilateral Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block With or Without Bilateral Greater Occipital Nerve Block...
Post-Dural Puncture HeadachePost-dural puncture headache is a common complication, following neuraxial techniques. The obstetric population is particularly prone to PDPH. Therefore, treatment of PDPH is a key issue in obstetric anesthesia. Conservative treatment for PDPH includes adequate hydration, systemic analgesia with paracetamol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and increased caffeine intake, as well as bed rest. If these measures are unsuccessful, the gold standard for the treatment of PDPH is the epidural blood patch which is an invasive technique. The use of nerve blocks for treating headache symptoms are well known techniques that have been previously used for managing some specific types of chronic headache such as cervicogenic headache, cluster headache, migraine, and occipital neuralgia and there are some recently published studies reporting that these blocks may be beneficial in treating PDPH and the available evidence although showing improvements in the visual analogue (VAS) scores and a reduced number of patients requiring an epidural blood patch, but it is still poor. Less invasive techniques such as SPG block and GONB are attractive therapeutic options which may eliminate the need for EBP in obstetric patients suffering from PDPH. Up to the best of our knowledge this is the first randomized trial to investigate the analgesic efficacy of adding SPG block either alone or in combination with GONB to PDPH treatment.
Validity of Headache Disability Index
Neck PainHeadache1 moreThe aim of our study is to investigate the Turkish validity and reliability of The Henry Ford Hospital Headache Disability Questionnaire (HDI), which has not been previously studied in a Turkish version for any headache type in patients with cervicogenic headache.
Effectiveness of Soft Tissue Mobilization
Tension-Type HeadacheThe aim of this study was to determine the effects of soft tissue mobilization and trigger point release verses stretching in tension-type headache among university students. Two randomized groups of participants with tension type headache will be treated with combination therapy of soft tissue mobilization and trigger point release therapy after the application of hot-pack in experimental group while control group received stretching of cervical muscles after hot-pack application .Both, male and female patients meeting the inclusion criteria will be included. Patients having malignancy and cervical tumor will be excluded.
Efficacy, Tolerability, and Safety Study of DFN-15
Migraine HeadacheEfficacy, Tolerability, and Safety of DFN-15 in episodic migraine with or without aura, being conducted at multiple centers in the United States.
Psilocybin for the Treatment of Migraine Headache
Migraine HeadacheThe purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of oral psilocybin in migraine headache. Subjects will each receive a dose of placebo and a dose of psilocybin approximately 14 days apart. Subjects will be randomized to the order of treatment and they will be randomized to receive either low or high dose psilocybin. Subjects will maintain a headache diary prior to, during, and after the treatments in order to document headache frequency and intensity, as well as associated symptoms. This preliminary study will inform on the basic effects of psilocybin in migraine headache and inform on the design of larger, more definitive studies.
An Efficacy and Safety Study of DFN-02 (Sumatriptan Nasal Spray 10 mg)
Migraine HeadachesA safety and efficacy study of DFN-02 (Sumatriptan Nasal Spray 10 mg), being conducted at multiple centers in the United States.
The Effect of Sumatriptan and Placebo on Cilostazol Induced Headache
MigraineTo develop a pragmatic migraine model the investigators will induce headache in healthy volunteers and in patients with migraine without aura with a phosphodiesterase inhibitor (cilostazol). If the headache responds to sumatriptan, the model can be used to test new drug candidates.
The Effect of Sumatriptan and Placebo on Isosorbide-5-mononitrate Induced Headache
MigraineTo develop a pragmatic migraine model the investigators will induce headache in healthy volunteers and in patients with migraine without aura with a long lasting Nitrogen Oxide (NO) donor. If the headache responds to sumatriptan, the model can be used to test new drug candidates.
Ticagrelor Therapy for RefrACTORy Migraine Study
MigraineHeadache1 moreThis is a prospective, open-label, single-arm pilot study treating 40 subjects to assess the hypothesis that P2Y, G protein-coupled 12 (P2Y12) inhibition with Brilinta/ticagrelor (90 mg by mouth (PO) twice a day) reduces episodic and/or chronic migraine headache symptoms in patients with right to left shunt. Headache frequency while on Brilinta/ticagrelor will be compared with the documented baseline for each subject. If the Brilinta/ticagrelor therapy was effective (> 50% reduction in monthly headache days), the subject could elect to continue therapy for an additional two months (56 days), while continuing to complete daily headache logs.
The CHECK Trial: A Comparison of Headache Treatment in the ED: Compazine Versus Ketamine
HeadacheThis study compares the efficacy of low dose Ketamine versus Compazine for the control of headache in patients presenting to the Emergency Department.