Impact of Oral Health Education on Oral Hygiene Status of Deaf Children
Hearing LossObjective: To compare the impact of pictorial and video demonstration oral health educational interventions on oral hygiene status of children aged 12-16 years with hearing impairment. Methods: This randomized controlled trial spanned over the period of three months was conducted in purposively selected three schools of deaf children of Karachi. Baseline dental examination was performed to assess the dental plaque and gingival status of study participants. Dental plaque and gingival status of the participants was assessed by employing the World Health Organization recommended Plaque Index and Gingival Index. The 60 children were than randomly allocated into three interventional groups, pictorial, video and control, 20 in each group. The children were examined again after one month of oral health education provision by single examiner. Tooth brushes were provided to students at the time of baseline examination to use for one month. Collected data was subjected to statistical analysis and described in terms of Mean and Standard Deviation, mixed model ANNOVA was applied to see the difference between the mean plaque and gingival scores of three groups after one month. The p-value of <0.05 was considered as statistically significant at the 95% confidence interval.

Bilateral Cochlear Implant Benefit in Young Children
Hearing LossThe primary purpose of this study is to track patient outcomes for bilateral cochlear implant recipients in a cohort of 60 children, ages 12 to 36 months at time of surgery, who receive two implants in the same operation or in two different surgeries with the initial fitting of the devices separated by no more than six months.

Performances of a Brief Assessment Tool for the Early Diagnosis of Geriatric Syndromes by Primary...
Cognitive ImpairmentMood Disorders5 moreThe AGE (Active Geriatric Evaluation) aims to develop a brief assessment tool adapted to the primary care setting.

Rilonacept for Treatment of Autoimmune Neurosensory Hearing Loss
Autoimmune Neurosensory Hearing Loss (ANSHL)This study is an open label proof of concept study of rilonacept for patients with ANSHL

Mindfulness Intervention and Symptom Variability in Hearing
Hearing LossThe purpose of this study is to investigate the efficacy of mindfulness and placebo treatments on hearing improvement. More specifically, the researchers will be investigating whether the following variables impact the effectiveness of placebo treatment such as: mindfulness, and attention to variability. Extant research has found the effectiveness of psychological treatment in multiple domains, and the researchers look to further investigate this success in the domain of hearing symptom sensations.

Study of Auditory Performance on Prosodic Tests in Cochlear Implanted Subjects Using a Fine Structure...
Sensorineural Hearing LossBilateralMain objective: Investigate how the FineHearing strategy of the MED-EL cochlear implant can extract prosody based solely on the frequency of the voice fundamental (F0) in speech Secondary objectives: Evaluate the time evolution of the results of prosodic tests Evaluate the time evolution of the results of differential frequency threshold test Evaluate the time evolution of vocal audiometric tests in silence and noise Evaluate the correlation between prosodic test results and frequency differential threshold results

Determine the Effect on Cognitive Impairment Measures by Providing Hearing-Assistance to Skilled...
Hearing ImpairmentThe purpose of the study is to see if a commercially available hearing assistance device called the PockeTalker has an effect on performance on cognitive (memory and thinking) tests among skilled nursing facility residents. Investigators are asking residents to perform cognitive tests with and without hearing assistance equipment known as PockeTalkers. This study will be conducted at one urban Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) with the goal of understanding the extent to which hearing impairment impacts commonly used cognitive impairment measures for clinical assessment. Cognitive performance will be measured, cerumen occlusion, and perceived hearing.

Do Bluetooth Noise Cancelling Headphones Improve the Quality of Care in Hearing Impaired Patients?...
Hearing ImpairmentParticipants will be recruited by performing chart reviews of patients to be seen at University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston Ophthalmology and Optometry Clinic. A sample size of at least 30 patients is needed (60 eyes). Patients aged 55 and higher will be further evaluated to meet the inclusion criteria. Patients meeting inclusion criteria will be provided with informed consent to participate in the study before their office visit. Patients will receive a consent briefing then asked to sign and date the informed consent form. Participants will then be randomized to undergo an eye exam and refractive exam with noise cancelling Bluetooth headphones for one eye and without for the other eye. Participants will fill out a written survey asking them to rate the quality of the eye exam with and without headphones. Primary aim: Assess the quality improvement of Ophthalmic exam in geriatric patients with hearing loss with use of noise cancelling headphones with Bluetooth feature. Secondary aims: 1)Compare the response to the standardized questions with and without Bluetooth noise cancelling headphones to determine their effectiveness in conducting Ophthalmic refractive exam. 2) Explore the ease of conducting refractive exam as reported by provider.

Long Term Results With the Vibrant Soundbridge in Patients With Mixed Hearing Loss: a 60-month Longitudinal...
Mixed Hearing LossVibrant Soundbridge (VSB, MED-EL, Innsbruck) Active middle ear implants (AMEI) can benefit patients who are unable to use conventional hearing aids (HA) due to medical reasons, discomfort or unsuccessful rehabilitation. Long-term prospective longitudinal studies are lacking on the VSB notably for conductive and mixed hearing loss. The main aim of the present study was to prospectively assess aided hearing benefits in a 60-month, long-term study including conductive and mixed hearing loss adults implanted with the VSB. The secondary objective was to compare the hearing results according to the Floating Mass Transducer (FMT) site (Round/oval window (RW/OW) vs incus/stapes) and the type of pathology responsible for the hearing loss (Inflammatory vs non-inflammatory disease, ID vs NID).

Auditive and Renal Long Term Outcomes - Risk After Aminoglycoside Therapy in Neonates (AURORA)
Hearing LossGentamicin Adverse Reaction1 moreGentamicin, in combination with a beta-lactam antibiotic, is commonly used for treatment of neonatal sepsis. Neonates have a high volume of distribution. It is a paradox that most neonatal dosing schedules still recommend lower gentamicin doses (4-5 mg/kg) than in older children (≥ 7 mg/kg). In the neonatal unit in Tromsø a simplified gentamicin high-dose (6 mg/kg) regimen has been in use since 2004. The investigators have previously shown that this regimen was associated with low number of elevated trough levels, low numbers of prescription errors and no evidence for ototoxicity in the immediate neonatal period. However, the long-term safety of gentamicin therapy in neonates is not well studied when it comes to ototoxicity and possible nephrotoxicity. The objective of the current study is therefore to perform a detailed hearing evaluation, including an extended high-frequency (EHF; 9-16 kHz) audiometry, in a follow-up study of children (participants) aged 6-15 years who were exposed to a high-dose gentamicin regimen in the neonatal period. Moreover, we will investigate blood pressure and urine biomarkers to assess renal tubular function. The aim is to include 250 children exposed to gentamicin in the neonatal period and a control group of 25 healthy children. EHF audiometry is a more sensitive method for detecting ototoxic damage and provides evidence of ototoxicity before any hearing loss is detected by conventional systems. This is the background for choice of method. The primary outcome is the difference in average hearing threshold in the EHF range between the control group and the exposed group. Secondary outcomes are i) difference in average hearing threshold in the EHF range between the children with gentamicin trough levels > 1.0 mg/L versus those who had lower trough levels, ii) markers of renal tubular function (kidney injury molecule 1) and iii) blood pressure.