Physiological Signals, Activity and Posture for Surface Mounted Insertable Cardiac Monitor in Heart...
Heart FailureSystolic2 moreTo characterize the physiological signals collected from a Wearable Cardiac Monitor (WCM) prototype device in subjects with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) and compare against signals from subjects with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). To evaluate the relationship of physiological signals measured from a wearable cardiac monitor (WCM) prototype device with ECHO measures of systolic and diastolic function

Left Ventricular Torsional Hysteresis: A Global Parameter for Diastolic Function
Heart FailureDiastolic Heart Failure1 moreDiastolic dysfunction refers to abnormal mechanical properties of the myocardium and includes abnormal LV diastolic distensibility, impaired filling and slow or delayed relaxation- regardless of whether the ejection fraction is normal or depressed and whether the patient is asymptomatic or symptomatic. Epidemiologic studies have demonstrated high prevalence of diastolic heart failure (DHF). The quality of life of these patients is impaired and the clinical outcomes are similar to those with heart failure with systolic dysfunction. Therefore diastolic dysfunction has significant adverse economic impact that is expected to grow further with time. Clinical characteristics alone may not be sufficient to diagnose diastolic dysfunction. A number of invasive and non-invasive parameters have been proposed to diagnose diastolic dysfunction. Most of the presently used non-invasive parameters have a number of limitations. High fidelity measurement of the left ventricular pressures is needed to accurately diagnose diastolic dysfunction. Obtaining it in routine clinical practice is impractical. In this protocol the investigators have proposed a novel non-invasive parameter called 'Torsional Hysteresis' as a measure of diastolic function. This will be measured using non-invasive cardiac MRI technique. During left ventricular contraction and relaxation, myocardium deforms. During cardiac cycle the myocardium goes back to baseline state prior to beginning of each contraction. However the rate with which it returns to the baseline state is variable. Torsion indicates relative wringing motion of the ventricle around a left ventricular axis and is a global parameter of left ventricular deformation. The parameters have defined a new parameter called torsional hysteresis based on non invasive cardiac MRI assessment. The parameters have hypothesized that for diastolic dysfunction, the torsional hysteresis area is increased as compared to no diastolic dysfunction group.

Prognostic Impact of Noncardiac Comorbidities in Heart Failure Patients
Heart FailureDiastolic2 moreTo better understand the public health prognostic impact of noncardiac chronic illnesses, we explored the attributable risk of noncardiac comorbidities on outcomes between heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction (HFREF) and heart failure patients with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) in a large contemporary heart failure (HF) population The adjusted hazard ratio (HR) and the population attributable risk were used to compare the contributions of 15 noncardiac comorbidities to adverse outcome. The comorbidities that contributed to high attributable risk were: anemia, chronic kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes mellitus, and peripheral artery disease. These findings were similar for HFrEF and HFpEF groups. Interaction analysis confirmed similar results.

Classification of Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction
Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection FractionDiastolic Heart FailureThe purpose of this study is to create a classification system for the heterogenous disorder of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF).

Pulsatile and Steady State Hemodynamics in Diastolic Heart Failure
Diastolic Heart FailureOver the past few years, there has been a growing appreciation that a large number of patients with heart failure have a relatively normal (or preserved) ejection fraction (NFNEF). Epidemiologically, HFNEF is most prevalent among elderly women, most of whom have hypertension, diabetes, or both and often coronary artery disease (CAD). Increased arterial stiffness and/or wave reflections have been described in the same patient groups. Therefore, the investigators speculate that pulsatile hemodynamics, representing arterial stiffness and/or arterial wave reflections, 1) may be altered in HFNEF patients, 2) this may contribute to pathophysiology of HFNEF, and 3) this may be used for the diagnosis of the syndrome.

Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Tomography for Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction
Heart FailureDiastolicThe diagnosis of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction has so far been made primarily according to criteria determined by echocardiography, or invasively by measuring the left ventricular filling pressures. Increasingly, CMR is also evaluated with regard to the diagnosis of cardiac insufficiency with preserved pump function.However, it is still unclear which parameters can be used meaningfully for diagnostics.To answer this question, the investigators want to retrospectively evaluate data collected from patients with a clinical indication for CMR and coronary angiography.

HbA1c as an Early Serologic Marker for the Hemodynamic Progression of Stage A Heart Failure
Heart FailureDiastolicIn a retrospective community based cohort study from Pueblo County Colorado which has a higher population proportion of metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus, we hope to clarify and quantify an association of the AGE HBa1c elevation with the early subclinical hemodynamic changes of diabetic cardiomyopathy as measured by LAV, LVM, E/A ratio, E/e' ratio and BNP in patients with stage A heart failure.

Markers of Oxidative Stress Diastolic Dysfunction
Diastolic Heart FailureDiastolic DysfunctionThis study is to look at the differences between people who have evidence of abnormal heart relaxation (diastolic dysfunction) on sound wave pictures of the heart (an echocardiogram) compared to those who do not. If you have abnormal relaxation, it can be a cause of shortness of breath or can be present without knowing about it. A condition known as oxidative stress mayb e associated with this abnormal relaxation. This condition occurs when abnormal oxygen injures heart cells. We would like to learn if patients with abnormal relaxation have increased oxidative stress.

Manipal Heart Failure Registry (MHFR)
Heart FailureSystolic Heart Failure3 moreBurden of HF in India is approximate 2-5 million patients with an estimated prevalence of 2-3/1000 population. HF is responsible for approx1.8 million admissions annually in India. Very few studies are there in India which shows the detailed documentation of HF. Manipal Heart failure Registry (MHFR) is an institutional level Heart Failure disease registry. In MHFR the investigator will document the detailed information about heart failure patients admitted or referred to Department of Cardiology, Kasturba Medical College, a constituent college and teaching hospital of Manipal University. MHFR will include cohorts of patients with acute heart failure (AHF), with the intention of implementing a long-term follow-up, the use of health economic assessment to evaluate the degree of resource utilization; and quantifying the burden on quality of life for patients. Utilization of drug in HF patients will be evaluated as a part of this study to prevent the use of inappropriate drug therapy and to improve overall drug effectiveness and outcomes. Hence the protocol sought to identify the characteristics and long-term outcomes of Indian patients with acute heart failure admitted in an Indian tertiary care center in South India. There are no risks to patients participating in the registry study, as standard of care quality will not be affected. It is unlikely that there will be any direct benefit as a result of participation in the HF-disease registry. However, the information contained within this non-interventional registry study will be used for research studies directed at improving the knowledge and treatment of acute heart failure as well as improving patients treatment in the future. The potential impact of proposed research (Manipal Heart Failure Registry) is envisioned to be four-fold: to enable a broad overview of the routine medical practices for HF treatment; to assess the healthcare resource utilization and drug utilization review for heart failure patients to assess the burden of disease (mortality, re-hospitalization) in the long term; and to provide a novel overview of the impact of HF syndrome on quality of life as well as health economics.

Assessment of Functional Capacity and Inflammatory Markers in Women With Heart Failure With Preserved...
Heart FailureDiastolic2 moreThis study assesses the impact of diastolic heart failure on exercise capacity in women who have a previous coronary condition. All the participants will go through the same evaluation.