Prevalence and Prediction of ATTR in Ambulatory Patients With HFpEF
Transthyretin AmyloidosisHeart Failure3 moreRecent studies have shown that transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR) can sometimes cause a type of heart failure where the pumping function of the heart is normal, also known as Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction (HFpEF) or diastolic heart failure. In this single center diagnostic study, we will evaluate for ATTR in patients with HFpEF in order to to determine how frequently this occurs and how we can predict which heart failure patients may have TTR amyloidosis. Our goal is to identify amyloidosis in heart failure patients earlier so that they can start treatment.

Diagnosis and OutcoMes evaluAtIoN of Multicenter Patients With HFpEF Using Multimodality Imaging...
Heart FailureDiastolic1 moreThe incidence of Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) in Heart failure patients increases rapidly. However, the current clinical awareness is insufficient, and the cardiac structural and functional injury are not well understood. It is difficult to recognize the subclinical changes of the cardiac in the early stage with conventional imaging techniques, and it is common to ignore the existence of the clinical alterations. This study aimed to investigate the cardiac features, early diagnosis and risk factors of HFpEF patients, based on the multi-modality (Magnetic resonance imaging- nuclear medicine imaging- echocardiography) imaging and multicenter study, combined with large data and artificial intelligence. This study will provide deep insights into the HFpEF in multicenter population.

Multimodality Imaging in the Screening, Diagnosis and Risk StratifictiON of HFpEF
Heart FailureDiastolicThe incidence of Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) in Heart failure patients increases rapidly. However, the current clinical awareness is insufficient, and the cardiac structural and functional injury are not well understood. It is difficult to recognize the subclinical changes of the cardiac in the early stage with conventional imaging techniques, and it is common to ignore the existence of the clinical alterations. This study aimed to investigate the cardiac features, early diagnosis and risk factors of HFpEF patients, based on the multi-modal (Magnetic resonance imaging- nuclear medicine imaging- echocardiography) imaging, combined with large data and artificial intelligence. This study will provide deep insights into the HFpEF derived from different causes.

Exercise Training in Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction - a Long-term Follow-up
Heart FailureDiastolicExercise training is an effective therapy for patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. However, it is unclear, whether a one-year intervention has a sustainable effect beyond the active study phase. Hence, this study is a long-term follow-up of patients that were recruited for the OptimEx-Clin and Ex-DHF trials in Munich.

Purinergic Signaling and the Postmenopausal Heart
Diastolic Heart FailureHeart Failure With Preserved Ejection FractionThere is an increased risk of diastolic heart failure in post menopausal women. Estrogen plays a positive role in regulating molecular pathways in heart remodeling. Such pathways may work through purinergic signaling and its downstream effects on the heart's mitochondrial metabolism and angiogenic response to stress. Loss of estrogen functionality in post menopausal women may account for the increased risk of diastolic heart failure. The investigators will explore said pathways using cardiac tissue obtained from patients undergoing cardiac surgery.

The Psoriasis Echo Study
PsoriasisCardiovascular Diseases24 moreIn a prospective cohort study (n = 1.000), the investigators aim to investigate the correlation between cardiac biomarkers and advanced echocardiography and determine whether these are prognostic markers of heart disease in patients suffering from psoriasis.

Respiratory Muscle Function in Heart Failure
Heart FailureDiastolicThis study is being done because investigators are trying to determine how respiratory muscle and lung function influence the exercise responses in heart failure and healthy participants. Further, the heart failure patients will participate in an intervention to improve their respiratory muscle function to determine if this improves exercise capacity.

Essential Hypotension and Allostasis Registry
Blood PressureDepression17 moreThe essential arterial hypotension and allostasis registry is a prospective, observational research that has the purpose of demonstrating that essential blood pressure (BP) disorders and the associated comorbidities are a result of the inappropriate allostatic response to daily life stress. This required a functioning brain orchestrating the evaluation of the threat and choosing the response, this is a mind-mediated phenomenon. If the response is excessive it contributes to high BP, if deficient to low BP, and the BP itself will identify the allostatic pattern, which in turn will play an important role in the development of the comorbidities. To do so, consecutive patients of any age and gender that visit a cardiologist's office in Medellin, Colombia, are recruited. Individuals are classified according to their arterial BP and allostasis and follow them in time to see what kind of diseases develops the most (including BP) in the follow up according to the categorization of the characteristic chosen and after adjustment for confounder's variables. In addition, stress events with their date are registered. HYPOTHESIS The causes of the diseases are multifactorial. Physical, biochemical, psychological, social, and cultural dimensions of development dynamically interact to shape the health development process. A person´s health depends on their: Biological and physiologic systems External and internal environment (a) physical, b) internal behavioural and arousal state as registered by the brain. Their interaction. The allostatic mechanisms to the internal and external stressors (allostatic load) involves a network composed by: Functional systems; mediated by: The Autonomic Nervous System The endocrine system The immune system Structural changes: whenever the internal and/or external stressors are long lasting and/or strength enough, they may induce changes in: Epigenetic, endophenotypes, polyphenism. Plasticity The interaction between a) and b). The network response do not affect exclusively the BP, propitiating the development of comorbidities, which may prompt strategies for prevention, recognition and ultimately, treatment. The allostatic model defines health as a state of responsiveness. The concept of psycho-biotype: The allostasis is the result of both: biological (allostasis) and psychological (psychostasis) abilities. It is proposed that both components behave in similar direction and magnitude. Immune disorders may be associated with the development of cancer. High BP population has a higher sympathetic and lower vagal tone, this has been associated with a decrease in the immune´s system function. Resources and energy depletion: Terms like weathering have been used to describe how exposures to different allostatic loads gradually scrape away at the protective coating that keeps people healthy. It is postulated that High BP individuals have more resources and energy.

CCM in Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction
Heart FailureDiastolicThis pilot study will evaluate the efficacy and safety of CCM therapy in heart failure patients with baseline EF≥50% (HFpEF) who have New York Heart Association (NYHA) Class II or III symptoms despite appropriate medication. The terminology of the HF classification HFpEF is based on the 2016 European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Heart Failure Guidelines.

HIDRAdenitis Suppurativa and HEART Disease
HidradenitisHidradenitis Suppurativa12 moreIn a prospective observational cohort study (n = 250) the investigators aim to assess the correlation between cardiac biomarkers, advanced echocardiography and HS severity and determine whether these are prognostic markers of heart disease in patients suffering from hidradenitis suppurativa (HS).